Celebrity Big Brother Finale:
HoH: Marissa
Evicted: Ari & Mark
Final 2: Marissa & Ross
Winner: Marissa
Runner-up: Ross
AFP: Ross
Celebrity Big Brother Round 6:
HoH: Ross
Nominated: Ari & Omarosa
Power of Veto: Ross
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Omarosa
Celebrity Big Brother Round 5.5:
HoH: Omarosa
Nominated: Ross & Marissa
Power of Veto: Ross
Veto Ceremony: James renom’d
Evicted: James
Celebrity Big Brother Round 5:
HoH: Mark
Nominated: Ari & Brandi
Power of Veto: Ari
Veto Ceremony: Ari saved herself, Marissa renom’d
Evicted: Brandi
Celebrity Big Brother Round 4:
HoH: Omarosa
Nominated: Brandi & Ross
Veto twist: VIP Veto
Power of Veto: Ross
Veto Ceremony: Ross saved, Metta renom’d
Evicted: Metta
Celebrity Big Brother Round 3:
HoH: Ari
Nominated: James & Shannon
Power of Veto: James
Veto Ceremony: James saved himself, Mark renom’d
Evicted: Shannon
Celebrity Big Brother Round 2:
HoH: Ross
Nominated: Keshia & Omarosa
Power of Veto: Marissa
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Keshia
Celebrity Big Brother Round 1:
Week of Safety: Omarosa
Original HoH: Shannon
“Recast” HoH: Keshia
Nominated: Chuck & James
Power of Veto: Shannon
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Chuck