Will this be the week that ends the Big Brother showmance that almost was but maybe never really was anyway? Tucker and Rubina have been having a bit of a flirtmance that hasn’t really taken off, but HGs know of the possible connection between them and are trying to use it to their advantage this week. Tucker isn’t having it.
A few nights ago after a few beers things got close and handsy between Rubina and Tucker, but that was about the extent of anything shown on the Live Feeds. We’ve heard plenty from Rubina though as even last night she shared with Angela that HGs were painting her and Tucker as a showmance. Angela hadn’t a clue, but others did.
We also heard Brooklyn, Chelsie, Quinn, and others discussing since the Veto competition spoilers revealed Tucker’s win that they were hoping to pull on his heartstrings to stop him from using the PoV. Their strategy was to warn Tucker that Rubina would be the renom and likely out the door. Go right ahead, says Tucker.
Talking overnight with Cam, Tucker revealed that he knows HGs think he’s close to Rubina but that he’s been keeping her close to have an eye on Brooklyn by connection. Tucker says he doesn’t give a care if Quinn does renom her. Of course Tucker isn’t much of a Cam fan, so could this all be smoke and mirrors?
Okay, so Tucker talks a lot of it’s possible both situations are true. Maybe he’d rather not see a close ally like Rubina go up, but he seems to have gotten smart to the idea that he can’t pull another moment like saving Angela last week at his own risk. Instead that should make it obvious for us that Tucker will use the Veto on himself and then work on rallying the votes to get out either Makensy or Cedric over Rubina.
What do you think of Tucker’s motives and plans right now? Will he be indifferent if Rubina goes or is he just trying to distract his opponents from going after his quasi showmance?