Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Split House Twist Groups

Split House twist festivals on Big Brother 24

The new Big Brother 24 twist, Split House, has landed in the house and it’s definitely sure to shake things up. Read on for the spoilers on who is in each group of the split house.

You’ll remember Julie explained on Thursday night there would be two Heads of Household with those roles set in the latest HOH competition. Those HOHs would lead two groups of five with half the house living inside for the week and the other side being stuck in the muck for the same duration.

At the end of the knock-out HOH competition, we saw Michael as the HOH for Big BroChella (indoor crew) and Terrance the runner up and HOH of Dyre Fest (outdoor crew). Julie then revealed the two groups would be decided by schoolyard pick style and of course that was cut off in the episode.

We’ll see how it played out during Sunday’s episode, but no need to wait that long. Here are your spoilers for which Houseguests are in the indoor and outdoor groups:

Big BroChella – indoor group

  1. Michael – HOH
  2. Brittany
  3. Jasmine
  4. Monte
  5. Taylor

Dyre Fest – outdoor group

  1. Terrance – HOH
  2. Alyssa
  3. Joseph
  4. Kyle
  5. Turner

So Michael kept together with Brittany and Kyle & Alyssa got to stay together too. I’d wager Michael is going for Jasmine with Monte as his backup while Terrance is going for… I dunno. Turner? The showmance? We need to keep watching and see what he says. It’ll be tougher for Dyre to get private conversations with the open backyard, but I’m sure they’ll work it out.

Who do you want to see targeted and evicted from each of the two groups? We’ll learn more about who be in the spotlight as the groups settle in and start their talks. Nominations will be coming up on Friday and Veto on Saturday so stick close. This whole experience will be new for us too so let’s try and figure it out and see what happens next.

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