Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 3: Tuesday Night Highlights

The Leftovers alliance continued to lay low as a group, but their plan to blindside Ameerah this week seems so solid, they’re already talking about their target next week. Meanwhile, Ameerah has started to get a little more paranoid, but counted the votes several times Tuesday, and thinks the math is still in her favor.

Read on to find out who could be in danger next week if someone from The Leftovers alliance becomes the next HOH.

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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, July 26, 2022:

3:30 PM BBT – Monte, Kyle and Tuner discuss their moves after this week. Kyle says he hates to say it, but he would be down to go up next to Daniel. Monte says he thinks Daniel or Nicole should be the next target.

3:31 PM BBT –  Turner says maybe they should wait another week for Taylor to go on the block again (meaning don’t target Nicole next to give Taylor another week off of being a pawn or nominee). Turner says maybe he’s being oversensitive to it but he doesn’t want her to be like “I’m already a pawn again?” Monte says that is fine and it is completely reasonable. Monte says the only thing is if he wins HOH and he were to put up Taylor, it keeps the narrative going.

3:33 PM BBT – Monte says if he wins and puts up Nicole and Taylor and they win veto, then they can backdoor anyone. Kyle says Alyssa or Daniel. Turner likes the sound of that. Kyle says they don’t need to worry about Indy or Terrance, and they can stick around. But they need to figure out which of Alyssa, Daniel, Jasmine or Nicole is the biggest threat and should be the next target.

3:36 PM BBT – Monte and Kyle praise Taylor for how well she’s playing this all up and not making it look like she’s working with them. Kyle hopes she isn’t actually playing them, but doesn’t think she is.

4:25 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Indy that Kyle told her he doesn’t want a showmance, but they can see if they’re compatible outside of the house.

4:30 PM BBT – Ameerah says Joseph isn’t voting her out. She says he promised her and said he needs her in the game. Alyssa says that Joseph might be crushing on Ameerah.

4:38 PM BBT – Ameerah is starting to worry the guys really are trying to get a strong girl out, but she thinks she does have the votes. She says she has the girls (Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy and Brittany), Michael, Joseph and Kyle. Ameerah says they just have to be really careful and not risk anything this week to lose any of those votes. She says they also have to be careful around Nicole and Daniel because they don’t know there’s a girls alliance.

4:44 PM BBT – Michael and Kyle strategize how to keep it looking like The Leftovers alliance isn’t a thing. Then Kyle asks Michael who should the next target be. Michael says not Jasmine based on competitions. Kyle says true since she can’t even play in half the competitions.

4:45 PM BBT – The Girls Girls group all agree they trust Michael.

4:46 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Ameerah she thinks the vote will be unanimous for her to stay. She says people aren’t going to want to be on the wrong side of this vote.

4:49 PM BBT – Kyle tells Michael that he thinks Daniel, Nicole and Ameerah are close, but for his game Alyssa might need to go. He says putting up Alyssa and Indy might be the easiest option to avoid any of The Leftovers going on the block. And he says Indy and Alyssa likely won’t win the veto.

4:50 PM BBT – Kyle then says if they want to hide their alliance who ever is HOH could put up himself and Daniel. Michael says he knows that Taylor wants Daniel out ASAP. Michael says that would do a lot to build trust with Taylor.

5:37 PM BBT – Brittany tells Michael that Ameerah thinks she has the votes to stay. Brittany points out that neither Ameerah nor Terrance are counting Nicole and Daniel as their votes to stay. Michael says if Daniel and Nicole vote Ameerah out he wonders if Jasmine would too and then Alyssa. Michael says a unanimous vote might be best for them so their alliance isn’t exposed.

5:50 PM BBT – Brittany says she hates not being able to make the girls alliance work and says she’s going to get blasted on social media for being an awful woman. Michael says the girls didn’t include her. Brittany says yeah, and hopes that the internet sees how it went down.

6:02 PM BBT – Daniel goes to have a talk with Taylor. He tells her he wants to clear some things up. He tells her that emotions got the best of him and he stood up for Nicole because he’s loyal person. He says he could have gone about it differently, but he doesn’t want there to be any animosity.

6:10 PM BBT – After more talking by Daniel, Taylor thanks him for even having a conversation with her. She says she’s liked him as a person since Day 1. Taylor tells him that she’s nervous America isn’t going to be kind to him because of that moment. She says if they see a white man yelling at a black woman, she doesn’t think that’s going to go over very well. Daniel says he has obviously thought of that and wants her to know he didn’t mean anything like that. He says he knows the dynamic looks bad even if he was just standing up for those he cares about. He says he doesn’t look at male or female or race when it comes to defending his friends. Taylor sas she knows he doesn’t and he has her support.

6:18 PM BBT – After Daniel leaves Taylor talks to the cameras, asking us to go easy on Daniel. She says he is a thoughtful and sweet guy and even though she disagrees with how he spoke to her, she doesn’t think everyone should be defined by their worst moments. She says she doesn’t want us to hate him or him to lose out on opportunities because of that moment. She says it will be better off as a teachable moment for him.

6:30 PM BBT – Turner and Jasmine discuss what’s been going on. Jasmine doesn’t tell Turner any truths during their talk. She still acts like she doesn’t know who flipped the vote on Pooch last week.

7:08 PM BBT – Brittany tells Michael and Kyle that the girls alliance was called the Girls Girls.

7:45 PM BBT – It’s dinner time for the houseguests. They’re having spaghetti and lasagne.

8:28 PM BBT – Nicole and Ameerah are wondering about votes. Ameerah is a bit paranoid because Brittany told her Terrance was counting his votes. Ameerah doesn’t understand why he would be counting his votes to Brittany.

8:30 PM BBT – Nicole tells Ameerah that if she goes home this week she can’t trust Monte at all.

8:40 PM BBT – Nicole asks Ameerah if she talks to Taylor. Ameerah says she talks to her regularly. Nicole says because she is not a bully. Ameerah says “do you hear that, America?”

8:45 PM BBT – Nicole comments on how much clearer Turner’s HOH bathroom is than Jasmine’s. Ameerah asks Nicole if Daniel is into her (A) and says he’s cute.

9:30 PM BBT – Taylor goes to talk with Nicole. Taylor says she understands Turner’s nominations as a revenge for Pooch. Nicole asks how Taylor is voting and Taylor says she’s with the girls.

10:25 PM BBT – Monte and Taylor meet up. She lets him know about her talk with Nicole and that she said Monte was her target. He says that’s good to keep HGs thinking they’re not working together. Monte wants Daniel and Kyle (pair) on the Block together then it could be her and Nicole up as renoms.

11:30 PM BBT – Jasmine updates Ameerah on what she’s heard today. Turner had told her that he also told Nicole (after Daniel) that Taylor wouldn’t be going on the Block.

11:35 PM BBT – Ameerah tells Jasmine she won’t rely on Daniel’s vote but that she is confident she has the votes to stay.

11:50 PM BBT – Nicole explains to Monte and Alyssa that she doesn’t have a problem with Taylor and hasn’t acted poorly to her. She doesn’t want to have anything more than a working relationship with Taylor.

12:05 AM BBT – Nicole is feeling down and talking with Daniel. Nicole is sad and confused about who to trust as she feels everyone is lying to her. Nicole doesn’t know how to vote becasue what she hears Ameerah is saying to others. Nicole tells Daniel that Taylor’s target is Monte.

12:35 AM BBT – Ameerah meets with Kyle in the Storage room to go over votes. She feels she has Brittany’s vote over Terrance. They agree that Terrance leaving doesn’t really affect them.

12:45 AM BBT – Joseph joins Nicole and Daniel. D&N are confused why Turner didn’t target bullies with his renom. Joseph plays along and says he doesn’t want to see Turner as HOH again. Daniel says Turner kept changing his story on when he decided not to renom Taylor.

1:10 AM BBT – Jasmine tells Ameerah, Monte, and Kyle that Turner shared he had told just three people before the ceremony that Taylor wasn’t going on. Ameerah guesses Nicole and Daniel and maybe Taylor.

1:25 AM BBT – Ameerah talks with Nicole and Daniel. She’s confident she has the votes to stay. Daniel says Turner will be screwed. Ameerah says the whole house still wants Taylor out.

1:55 AM BBT – Daniel tells Nicole he thinks Ameerah is hot. Nicole mentions Ameerah had asked about Daniel. Daniel wants to hookup with Ameerah so he’ll vote to keep her. Nicole says if she can’t make out with Daniel then she wants Ameerah to do it.

2:15 AM BBT – Nicole counts votes with Daniel for a possible nomination pair of Turner and Jasmine.

Tuesday didn’t go much smoother for the outside group as they continue to be confused over what’s going on with the renom and this week’s target. Ameerah thinks she’s safe but she’s definitely not and still the prime target for eviction on Thursday. Another day to go before that though.

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