Big Brother 22 Week 9 Survey: How Are The Players Doing?

It’s time once again for a Big Brother 22 survey. There are now a lot fewer choices for who is playing the best game thanks to that triple eviction. But we still want to know what you think!

We also want to know who your favorite player of the season is and who you’re voting for America’s Favorite Houseguest. We know those sound similar, but the outcome last week was surprisingly different.

And as always, we want to know who you think is playing the best game in Week 8, and what you think of the season as a whole on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being awful, 5 being great).

Be sure to check back here later Monday to find out the Week 9 results. But first, check out the survey below and please help us out by answering. It’s a really fast survey.



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