Big Brother 22 Week 8 Survey Results: How Are The Players Doing?

We have the results for the latest Big Brother 22 survey. Not a whole lot changed this week, but we did add a new poll to the survey. We now have our first look at what people are thinking about doing with the America’s Favorite Player vote.

But first let’s start with the regular favorite houseguest poll. I thought this one would overlap with the AFP poll, but it was surprisingly different. So I’m happy, confused and intrigued about that. This week Janelle held onto her No. 1 spot, but Tyler jumped back up to No. 2, knocking Kaysar down to No. 4 because Da’Vonne leapt all the way to No. 3 this week. Da’Vonne was averaging around 6th place most of the season, but after her past couple of speeches, and the predictability of the season, she makes a jump.

Memphis is back at the very bottom, trading places with David this week. Christmas falls a bit, which is no surprise as she is growing more and more unlikable among the HGs. That was sure to have an influence on her with fans.

Who is playing the best game? This week Enzo takes the No. 1 spot from Cody, and that makes sense. At least Enzo is seemingly playing his own game and wasn’t coached or a part of any pre-game alliances. Cody moves to No. 2 and Tyler holds onto the No. 3 spot. Memphis makes the biggest leap this week, taking the No. 4 spot. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but here we are. David also moves up a bit, I’m guessing because he’s somehow managed to just not get evicted yet.

The season ranking remains at 2.5 out of 5. Nothing has really improved on that front, and I couldn’t agree more. Not even Dr. Will showing up changed our minds about how bland this season is.

And now for the AFP poll results. I was expecting Janelle to sweep this one, but Da’Vonne took a commanding lead early in the poll, and it wasn’t until later that Janelle finally got some momentum. But in the end, Da’Vonne still took the No. 1 spot with 23 percent of the vote. Janelle is right behind her with 21.2 percent. And Tyler lands at No. 3 with 17.9 percent. No matter what Tyler does, the casual viewers just love him. It’s kind of bizarre to me. ย Enzo and Kaysar round out the Top 5. I was expecting Kaysar to be a bit higher, but a lot of people who wold vote for him are voting for Janelle.

And once again, it’s Memphis who is the least popular player. He’s not coming anywhere close to America’s Favorite.

Check out our Big Brother All-Stars Week 8 survey graphic below to see where everyone ranks in all the polls.

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