Veto Day delivered some good Feeds excitement for us on Big Brother 22 as we finally had a little power shift in the game but we’re still waiting to see just what will happen with that PoV. If it comes into play then the controlling alliance has some backup plans but those are shifting around and the target remains uncertain. Good times ahead.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, September 12, 2020:
7:30 AM BBT – HGs got a very early wake up call.
9:00 AM BBT – Players were picked. Day, Ian, and Enzo were selected to join the comp.
10:30 AM BBT – Cody and Enzo wonder how hard they should fight Dani this week on her wanting Tyler out.
10:35 AM BBT – Enzo says they have the votes to keep Tyler. Cody wants to do it carefully so Dani doesn’t feel betrayed. He wants to find a way to convince her Kevin is a threat.
10:40 AM BBT – Cody tells Enzo that Nicole rats out to him what Dani tells her. He thinks Dani is trying to pull something off here. Enzo says if Tyler wins the Veto then Dani should put up Christmas or someone they could BD. Cody says they shouldn’t send Christmas out just yet.
11:20 AM BBT – Dani promises Day she’s not even being considered as a renom and she really, really wants the noms to stay the same.
12:20 PM BBT – Dani tells Nicole that Tyler is all over the place. Last he was telling Day that Dani was coming after her then he’s trying to convince Dani to go after Day.
12:25 PM BBT – Memphis talks with Dani that he’ll ask Tyler what’s going on with his nomination. He wants to find out from Tyler if he’s being honest with him.
12:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.
2:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Da’Vonne won the Veto!
2:26 PM BBT – Christmas and Nicole are already plotting how they can keep Day from using the Veto.
2:50 PM BBT – Tyler worries that Day will use the power on Kevin then Dani will renom Enzo. Tyler is very worried about being on the Block against Enzo.
3:15 PM BBT – Tyler suggests his alliance should stage a fight so it looks like he’s on the outs so Day is expecting him to be evicted so she doesn’t use the Veto.
3:20 PM BBT – David tells Kevin about his power and says he’s thinking about telling Day too.
3:45 PM BBT – David asks Day if she’ll use the Veto on Kevin. She isn’t sure. He reveals he won the Disruptor power.
4:10 PM BBT – Day goes to Dani and says she doesn’t want to lose Kevin. She knows there’s a big alliance that doesn’t include her, David, or Kevin. Day also reveals she knows Christmas has one of the powers because she was next to her when it happened. Day again says she wants to use the Veto. Dani says she needs a pawn volunteer.
4:25 PM BBT – Christmas talks with Dani and suggests Enzo or Ian as a renom option.
6:20 PM BBT – Kevin warns Day that the HGs are trying to make him feel secure when he’s not while they’re trying to convince Day not to use the Veto.
6:35 PM BBT – Tyler swears to Day that he does not have a power. He’s trying to convince Day that he isn’t sure if he’ll have votes to keep him from Christmas or Memphis. Day points out that according to Tyler Dani was trying to get her out, so why should she care if she forces Dani to make another nomination. Day promises to let Tyler know before the meeting if she’s going to use it.
6:40 PM BBT – Dani warns Nicole she thinks Day is going to use the power. Dani says she won’t tell Day not to use the power because later she’ll feel stupid if she didn’t. Dani hopes Day doesn’t use it and Tyler still goes.
6:45 PM BBT – Dani tells Nicole that Day warned her Christmas has one of the powers.
6:50 PM BBT – Dani questions Nicole on telling Tyler something. Nicole denies it and says she told Cody. Dani says Tyler told her (D) that Nicole told him. Nicole again denies it. Nicole tries to pin it on Cody telling Tyler something that Nicole told him. Nicole is stressed.
6:55 PM BBT – Nicole tells Dani she will vote out Tyler if that’s what Dani wants.
7:05 PM BBT – Christmas tells Memphis that Dani won’t put up Ian as the renom but she might do Enzo. Christmas is sharing details with him that she promised Dani she wouldn’t repeat. Memphis says that if Dani puts up Enzo before she’d put up Ian then he’s going to have a big issue with that.
7:10 PM BBT – Nicole says she would nominate Christmas if she got HOH. Dani reminds her of the power Christmas has and says they will need to wait.
7:30 PM BBT – Dani’s plan is to convince Day not to use the Veto but if she does then she says she’ll renom Ian.
7:50 PM BBT – Ian suggests to Kevin that he go and try to talk with Dani. Kevin says there’s no point because she won’t tell him anything.
8:30 PM BBT – Day talks with Nicole. Nicole promises she’ll try to not vote out Kevin. Day promises Nicole that Kevin is not coming after her. Nicole claims she doesn’t trust Tyler and worries about competing against him.
8:45 PM BBT – Kevin and Day discuss what they’re being told and how everyone is so quick to promise both that Kevin is safe. Kevin notes the house didn’t lie this quickly to Janelle and Kaysar. They don’t believe it.
9:15 PM BBT – HOH crew has gathered and going over their options to run through the next few weeks. Dani suggests they tell Day that one of them has a power. Tyler points out they aren’t allowed to lie about having a power.
10:40 PM BBT – HGs are frustrated that they lost the backyard again over another Wall Yeller.
11:05 PM BBT – Christmas talks with Tyler and Cody and is frustrated that Dani won’t tell them what she discussed with Day earlier.
11:10 PM BBT – Dani is worried about Memphis acting like everything is okay but she senses he’s not okay. She also worries about how Christmas will take it if she targets Tyler. Dani tells Nicole she’ll try again to get Day to not use the Veto.
11:15 PM BBT – Feeds cut to Loops.
2:00 AM BBT – Feeds return. Most HGs are asleep. Cody and Dani are upstairs talking game.
2:05 AM BBT – Cody tells Dani they can deal with pushback on Ian going up and it’s not a big issue because they didn’t want Ian to go too far in the season anyway. Cody says they’ll just tell Ian he is a pawn.
2:15 AM BBT – Dani is frustrated because Day using the Veto is her worst case. Cody says it’s not too bad for them to evict Tyler because he’s not part of the Committee alliance but if Day uses the Veto and Ian goes up then he expects Ian to be the one evicted.
2:30 AM BBT – Cody wants to nominate Kevin and David if he wins HOH. Dani wants Christmas gone because she’s won four comps and when the power is over then she goes. Dani wants Kevin, David, Christmas, and Tyler as the next four out after Ian goes this week.
Earlier on Saturday I wasn’t sure Day would use the power at risk of upsetting Dani but now it seems more and more likely she will after the poor job the HGs are doing at trying to convince her and Kevin that he’d be safe to stay on the Block. If Day makes the move that she should then it’s a question of who goes up and who becomes the new target, Tyler or the renom.
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