Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 3: Saturday Highlights

Christmas and Star Baby on BB22

Saturday in the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house brought some disappointment for fans as the legacy duo of Janelle and Kaysar continued to be targeted for eviction in Week 3. Veto held the opportunity to change that but the competition would be tough. On the lighter side, Christmas received her +1 punishment. On the ridiculous side, Franzel found another female target to make herself a fresh victim.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Saturday, August 22, 2020:

8:25 AM BBT – Bay and Janelle discuss Franzel. Janelle says she has a lot of people and is a threat.

8:30 AM BBT – Cody tells Bay she was talking in her sleep and saying “It’s Nicole’s turn.” She asks not to tell anyone but he says he already told several.

9:10 AM BBT – Feeds return from an early player pick.

9:10 AM BBT – Dani worries that Memphis will throw the comp. Cody says even if it’s just him and Tyler they can take Janelle and Kaysar.

9:15 AM BBT – Day warns Bay that Franzel is upset over her “few guys, few tries” comment the night before. Bay says Franzel needs to come to her then.

11:25 AM BBT – Memphis checks in with Tyler in the HOH room and discuss keeping their game “under the radar.”

12:05 PM BBT – Janelle and Kaysar agree that Kevin and Day talk too much. They think whichever one of them stays this week will have to work solo in the game. Janelle expects Kevin to be the renom if the Veto is used.

12:40 PM BBT – Kaysar thinks he’ll be the one to go this week. Janelle disagrees and says she’ll be the target.

12:45 PM BBT – Janelle and Kaysar note how Bay and Day are working closely together but also aren’t agreeing on everything. Kaysar notes how Memphis is trying so hard to “bro out” with the younger guys.

1:03 PM BBT – Feeds cut for Veto.

3:20 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Cody won the Veto.

3:35 PM BBT – Tyler notes he keeps getting second place.

4:05 PM BBT – Franzel worries/whines to Dani and Christmas that Janelle is going to be making up lies about her to hurt her game. Memphis comes in and says Janelle needs to go.

4:30 PM BBT – Enzo tells Bay if they keep Janelle she’ll be there as a bigger target and she’ll go after Franzel. Bayleigh agrees it’s worth considering and says they need to discuss it as a group.

4:35 PM BBT – Enzo talks with Bay about his strategy in making Christmas his +1. He says she’ll be down to play with them now.

4:45 PM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar she’s the bigger threat and he jokes that she’s being offensive. Janelle thinks she and Tyler were the big threats coming in then when she paired up with Kaysar it was downhill from there.

4:50 PM BBT – Kaysar says he’ll play a vengeful game. He thinks Memphis is giving him the side-eye and can’t be trusted.

5:20 PM BBT – Christmas received her punishment, a star-baby that she has to care for this week. She has a lot of baby gear to go with the task.

5:45 PM BBT – Enzo, Cody, and Tyler discuss the remaining women in the game and wonder when they’ll stress about all the women being evicted. Enzo says they need to get the girls going after each other. (Feels like an argument to keep Janelle as he said earlier Janelle could stay to go after Franzel.) They agree Dani is the best female player in the house and she’ll avoid winning things because she’s getting in good with everyone. They also worry about Ian getting too deep in the season.

6:00 PM BBT – Christmas says Janelle is too negative and at least with Kaysar they can have discussions. She wants Janelle to go this week.

7:00 PM BBT – Bay reveals to Janelle that she would nominate Franzel and Ian to make sure one of those two go.

7:20 PM BBT – Janelle tells Kaysar to give Franzel HN status and says it’s from Janelle. Kaysar jokes she had told him to blend in after she goes but wants him to do that. She says he can blend in after he does that first.

7:25 PM BBT – Janelle hopes to see Franzel and Enzo on the Block with Cody as Enzo’s replacement to make sure Franzel gets evicted.

9:05 PM BBT – Kaysar and Janelle discuss how hard it was on NicA last week. They feel bad about her emotional struggle with the week.

9:10 PM BBT – The backyard is finally open again.

10:05 PM BBT – Franzel complains to Christmas about what Bayleigh said yesterday (“few tries, few guys”).

12:50 AM BBT – Kevin tells Day he feels Kaysar is very condescending and doesn’t like how he talks to him.

1:00 AM BBT – Day thinks they could BD a big target while they still have the votes. She thinks Memphis is one of those options. Kevin says that’s a dangerous topic to discuss.

1:05 AM BBT – Ian tells Dani he was told by Kaysar that Cody, Tyler, Dani, and Franzel are working together, but he doesn’t believe it.

1:10 AM BBT – Kevin says he needs to build a better social game. He wants to work on Tyler but knows Tyler lies to HGs in this game. Kevin expects Tyler to win this season.

1:30 AM BBT – Day tells Kevin the only way to get rid of Ian is to first get rid of Franzel and Ian won’t help with that. She thinks they’ll have to target the guys in the Double Eviction.

2:35 AM BBT – Kevin and Day call it a night and head to bed. All the HGs are asleep.

There’s little doubt that Janelle will be heading out the door but we could see some discussion over the vote. Either way, watch for Dani and Franzel to lead the charge on eviction Janelle and keeping Kaysar in the game.

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