Big Brother 21 Week 7: Alliances, Deals And Relationships Update

A lot has happened as far as relationships go in the Big Brother 21 house since the Six Shooters imploded. There are new working relationships, new final three deals, new kind-of alliances… it’s really enough to make your head spin. But let’s take a look.

The former Six Shooters lost Jack last week, so even if they were to salvage the alliance, they’re down a number. There was talk of just making that sixth person Nick (which is what he has been working on for weeks in his own slimy way), but Jackson refuses to work with Christie, and Holly is kind of right there with him. So the six is really just Christie, Tommy and Analyse now. But Nick has worked his way into that three and even told Tommy and Analyse in the HOH bed last night that the three of them are his ride or dies.

Nick has also been saying that to Nicole, however, so we really have no idea where Nick really stands in this game. He’s working both sides, but he’s not doing it very well at all. Analyse and Christie are both really skeptical of Nick, and Nicole is also aware that he might not be the best person for her game.

Also this week, the plan is to vote Kathryn out and Christie and company pull Cliff in for a deal but also work with Nicole as long as they can. What I’m not sure those people from that original six alliance realize is that there aren’t 100 weeks of this game left. They have too large a group for this point in the game. It’s just going to get messy again.

But here’s what they’re thinking: The new six would be Christie, Tommy, Analyse, Nick, Nicole and Cliff. Christie even said she wants Jessica to round out the final seven instead of Holly. So that means the next two targets would be Jackson and Holly. Of course, this is all them banking on one of them winning HOH and also trusting Nicole and Cliff enough to just go after Jackson and Holly and not one of them. And who knows, at the way this cast is playing the game, that might just happen.

I think it’s still safe to say that Cliff and Nicole are going to be more committed to each other than to any of those other six. Jessica is still completely wrong about Christie and Tommy and thinks they’ll have her back for a long time, so who knows where she stands. I do think Jessica would stick with Nicole first, though.

Let’s circle back to that original six. Holly and Jackson are starting to suspect that Nicole and Nick have taken their spot in the alliance. Jackson even asked Tommy Monday evening if that was the case and Tommy said it wasn’t. Tommy still trusts Jackson and Holly (more so Holly), but Christie knows that Jackson is after her still, so she’s trying to push Tommy away from those two. So right now, it’s basically Holly and Jackson off on their own island while Nick, Nicole and Cliff paddle water behind Christie, Tommy and Analyse. And Jessica is just floating around in the ether waiting to either accidentally win another HOH or get evicted while still thinking Christie has her back.

It’s really hard to say who is really with who at this point. I think our only sure bets are Christie and Tommy have an unbreakable deal, as do Jackson and Holly. I don’t trust anyone else to stay true to anyone at this point.

And of course, a lot of what we just looked at can change if for some reason the target shifts from Kat to Cliff this week. But it’s not looking like that will happen. Kat is likely the person to head to jury this week.



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