Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’ve got your Spoilers for this week’s Big Brother 21 Power of Veto comp with the Feeds back and the results in hand. This time around there was no Zingbot, no Prankster, no nothing at all besides six Houseguests tearing it up in the backyard for a chance to influence this week’s final Noms. So who won the Veto and who could be in trouble this week? Read on for the results.

Nicole FINALLY got picked to play the Veto and that left everyone but Holly competing for the PoV today. Would Nicole take this big opportunity to secure her first comp win of the season? The power went to…

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results:

  • Tommy won the Power of Veto!

Will Tommy save his closest ally, Christie? I imagine he will, right? Then we’ll get either Nicole or Cliff on the Block. Cliff has already volunteered to be a pawn against Jess, Jackson’s stated target. Was Cliff not watching what happened the last time Jackson put up a pawn? Oh, hi Sis.

What do you think will happen? Tune into your Feeds now and watch the HGs try and put back together the house which is in a complete disaster mode. It’s a mess!

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