The Big Brother 21 house was turned on its head Wednesday night when Julie Chen revealed the Came Comeback twist that sends evicted HGs upstairs instead of out of the house. So Ovi and David have both returned to the house and can continue to play the social game of Big Brother. Read on to find out how the HGs are reacting to the twist and how David is adjusting to finally being in the Big Brother house longer than three hours.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, July 3, 2019:
6:04 PM BBT – Feeds return after the live show. HGs are in the Camp Comeback room. Ovi asks if the vote was still up in the air until the end. Tommy tells him yes.
6:05 PM BBT – Sam and Nick agree that they aren’t going to talk game with Ovi and David.
6:08 PM BBT – Jackson tells Ovi that he had to go with the house because the others weren’t going to budge. He says he tried to help him as much as he could but there was nothing he could do. Ovi tells him he has no hard feelings.
6:10 PM BBT – Jackson plays off banishing David and asks what happened in the comp that he didn’t win (still implying that’s why he banished him so he could beat the others easily). David said it was too dark to tell what was going on. He says the comp was nothing like he expected and it was a lot of luck. Jackson tells him he doesn’t blame him if he has any anger about how it went down. David said he doesn’t have any hard feelings.
6:22 PM BBT – Ovi is STILL telling Jack, Jackson, and Christie he wants to work with them.
6:26 PM BBT – Kemi tells Christie she really doesn’t want to kiss Jack’s ass but she’s going to have to make herself talk to him.
6:30 PM BBT – Jessica is upset how close she came to winning HOH but couldn’t do it.
6:40 PM BBT – Jack has called a house meeting. Jack says with the Camp Comeback twists things have changed. He tells everyone that they need to agree not to talk game with the players who return to the game. He says that’s just fair for everyone. He says people don’t have to abide by it, but he thinks it would be best.
7:10 PM BBT – Bella tells Tommy this twist just makes her not want to be HOH the next two weeks because she doesn’t want to nominate someone who is just going to have to go upstairs after they’re evicted.
7:15 PM BBT – Cliff tells Ovi that he thinks the next two targets are Kemi and Kat so he has a good shot at beating them in the comp to re-enter the game. They think the plan will be to nominate Kemi and Jessica with Kat as a renom if needed. Cliff tells Ovi he’s not listening to Jack about not talking game. He promises Ovi he will keep him in the loop.
7:20 PM BBT – Cliff lets Ovi know that there were some people who weren’t as eager to keep Ovi has he thought they were.
7:21 PM BBT – Jack tells Jackson he is nominating Kemi and Jessica and then mentions a backdoor plan. Jackson tells Jack it’s not a good idea to go after Nick this week because they don’t want him getting the chance to come back in the game.
7:33 PM BBT – Kemi tells Jessica that Jack is someone who can be influenced if you stroke his ego. She says she’s going to talk to him before nominations, but the timing has to be just right. Kemi expects him to nominate herself and Kathryn. Kemi says the fact that Jack is out for Nick might be able to help them stick around this week.
7:40 PM BBT – Nicole tells Ovi that Jack and Jackson were blowing smoke up his back over the vote. Ovi realizes they were never with him.
7:45 PM BBT – Jackson tells Holly that Kat is being way too clingy. Holly tells him it’s not that clingy when he is leading her on with winks and flirts.
7:50 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson that she thinks David is just there to cut throats and be the villain. She says he terrifies her. Jackson agrees that he has this look in his eyes and says he is the Cancer of the house.
7:52 PM BBT – Holly and Jackson think they could see Kathryn hooking up with David.
8:20 PM BBT – Ovi finally realizes he got played. He tells Cliff he realizes that people were blowing smoke at him over the votes.
8:28 PM BBT – Ovi cam talks that he knows he got played by Jack but wonders if he got played by Tommy and Sam.
8:50 PM BBT – Kemi tells Nicole that she’s annoyed she’s going to be on the block on her birthday. Nicole tells her maybe not and Kemi says well then she will just be worried about being backdoored.
9:00 PM BBT – Nick tells Jack he’s sorry if he didn’t look thrilled when he won HOH. Nick says he was just mad at himself for getting out so early. Jack tells him he knows exactly who he’s sending home – Kemi. Nick tells Jack that Kemi told him she was going to nominate Jack and Jackson with Sis as the renom had she won HOH. Jack says the next two weeks have to be Kemi and Jessica.
9:05 PM BBT – Jack says the two people who are always throwing his name around are Kemi and Jessica so they’re going up.
9:22 PM BB – Jackson tells Ovi that he doesn’t deserve to be in Camp Comeback and he wants him back in the game. Jackson says that David scares him.
9:40 PM BBT – Holly tells Kat that Kemi wanted to backdoor Holly or Sis. Kat says it’s just because they’re pretty and Holly adds and friends with the guys. Holly says she’s worried they’re too close to the guys and it’s putting a target on their backs.
9:52 PM BBT – Analyse tells Tommy that she wants Kemi out and says she is a snake. Tommy asks her what makes her feel like that. Analyse says because Kemi throws her name around all the time.
10:30 PM BBT – HGs are all at the table eating and chatting.
10:50 PM BBT – Jack gets his HOH room. His letter is from the person watching his dog. Jack tears up.
11:15 PM BBT – David and Ovi have left the HOH room so Jack brings up his house meeting from earlier where he told everyone to not talk game with David and Ovi. Everyone nods in agreement that Jack’s idea was great. There’s a new round of agreement for not talking game to David.
11:55 PM BBT – Tommy admits to Ovi that HGs were giving Ovi the runaround leading up to the vote. Ovi says he won’t bring up game with Tommy who says it’ll be tough not to talk game with Ovi. Tommy advises Ovi to just relax in the house and not talk game.
12:20 AM BBT – Christie is frustrated that she doesn’t have her own bed and doesn’t want to share one with a guy.
12:35 AM BBT – The backyard has opened up. New cornhole boards and a new porta-potty (for lockouts).
2:00 AM BBT – Kat has been telling David there are no alliances.
2:30 AM BBT – Tommy is dressing up as characters.
2:40 AM BBT – Kat has been hanging out with Jackson while he showered upstairs. He suggests they stay away from each other for a few weeks so they’re not being seen as a couple to target. Jackson asks her to wait and let him go downstairs first.
3:20 AM BBT – HGs are mostly still up and hanging out in the kitchen having some late night snacks.
3:45 AM BBT – Jackson is complaining about Kat. Holly wants her gone.
4:30 AM BBT – Jackson has decided that in the morning he’ll tell Kat he’s done with her.
5:00 AM BBT – Lights are finally out and HGs are off to sleep.
That was a late night for HGs after their first live show with a lot of big events including the return of David and the not-going-anywhere of Ovi. Now Jack is calling the shots and we’ll have nominations coming up but maybe not until Friday with the holiday on Thursday. Shouldn’t be a big surprise on who he will nominate given his plans haven’t changed too much.
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