Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 3: Wednesday Daytime Highlights

When Ovi, David, Kemi, Nicole, and Cliff got their suitcases a day early, it started to cause a frenzy inside the Big Brother house. Some of the HGs thought that the live show might be a day early and started to plan just in case.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, July 17, 2019:

7:22 AM BBT – Cliff is up doing his shoutouts. Talks about events inside the house and how he expects the vote to go.

8:15 AM BBT – Cliff goes back to sleep.

10:15 AM BBT – HGs get their wakeup call.

10:18 AM BBT – Tommy points out that there are a bunch of suitcases in the SR for Nicole, Cliff, Ovi, David, and Kemi. They are wondering why the suitcases are in there a day early.

10:30 AM BBT – Christie, Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Holly, and Tommy are all talking about how Kemi is spreading fake rumors around the house and she never moved her stuff upstairs. Tommy defends Kemi by saying she is just trying to stay involved in the game, let her, who cares. Meanwhile, Kemi is telling Jess about the incident with Jack and her blender bottle in the fridge. Mentions she is in a mood today and people “better not breathe or blink at her wrong.”

10:40 AM BBT – Kat is recalling a conversation with Ovi where he was asking tons of questions about the other HGs and her opinion on them. Christie says, “I don’t know what they don’t understand about the house rule.” (No game talk with the campers)

11:10 AM BBT – Nicole asks Jack if she can talk to him at some point today. He tells her that they don’t need to, but they definitely can. He implied in his tone that she was safe with him (Bathroom). Meanwhile, Kemi and Sam are talking and Kemi is having a real issue about people talking behind her back (Counselor’s Bdrm).

11:45 AM BBT – Kemi is telling Jess about how she gets how Big Brother works, but the mob mentality is unnecessary. She also mentions how she didn’t say good morning to Jack or Jackson because she spent all night talking about her. Then Jack came out of nowhere and threw her water bottle onto the kitchen table but she didn’t even know where it came from. The conversation continues about how many stupid rules there are like which way the toilet paper should be flipped.

12:00 PM BBT – Kemi and Jess are still talking. Conversation switches to how Nick and Bella were playing both sides of the house. How every time Kemi told Bella something, she would run and tell Jack. They start talking about the powers and speculating who might have them.

1:10 PM BBT – Christie asks Sam what Kemi was talking to him about earlier and he tells her that she was just mad that Jack and Nick were talking about her behind her back last night.

1:12 PM BBT – Nick, Bella, and Tommy are talking about Camp Comeback. Nick tells them it doesn’t matter who wins because they are going to send them out the door next week anyways. The camera cuts to Jackson telling Analyse and Holly that he can’t wait to see everyone’s look on their faces when the vote is revealed on Thursday.

1:20 PM BBT – Christie is still in the Boat Room talking to Sam. She tells him that because of her meltdown the other day she is just trying to lay low for a bit, she isn’t gunning it for this HOH or anything. Talk turns to Camp Comeback and Christie says she would like to see David come back. She says that she doesn’t want Ovi back because she sent him out, Kemi because she’s a troublemaker, Cliff is gunning for her and Nicole has lied about her friends.

1:35 PM BBT – Cliff and Nick are talking about this week’s vote. Cliff asks if the plan was still to vote out Nicole and Nick tells him yes.

1:36 PM BBT – Tommy telling Analyse that they have to get Cliff out this week. He tells her that the DR asked him who he thought was going home tonight? They think there is going to be a surprise eviction tonight. They think that they need to get Kat on board with the vote so that they don’t out their alliance.

1:45 PM BBT – Sam is telling Bella about his conversation with Christie. He said that he has realized that Christie is playing all sides of the house. Bella thinks that it would be a good idea to somehow tell Christie that she doesn’t go and tell Nick everything. Bella tells Sam that she would really like to see someone put Holly or Analyse up because they still think they are all safe. She thinks that if Kat wins she might do it. Sam says that’s all fine, but if Jack or Jackson win HOH, he (S) is going up.

2:00 Nicole talking to Kemi about how she really thinks people are conflicted with who they are going to vote for. When Kemi leaves the room, Nicole tells us that she loves Kemi, but she needs to calm down.

2:10 PM BBT – Tommy is talking to Analyse, Jack, and Christie about the live vote tonight (it’s not tonight). They are wondering if they should try and get Kat in on the vote so that she trusts them and doesn’t side with Nick and Bella. They are coming up with a story to tell Nick and Bella about how they tried to tell them that Cliff was a bigger target and that he was targeting the couples.

When the vote arrives this week (on Thursday, not Wednesday, HGs) I think we’ll get our first blindside of the season and it’ll be a good one to see how the house splits. Or maybe Nick and Bella will continue to march blindly to the slaughterhouse.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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