Big Brother 21 Episode 34 Recap: Nicole Soars To BB Comics Victory

Could Nicole and Cliff be up to some “funny business” in the Big Brother 21 house? During Wednesday night’s episode, we watched Nicole win the Power of Veto and save Cliff from the block. That moved forced Holly to go up on Jackson’s HOH, and it didn’t take long for Nicole and Cliff to start discussing if this is a shot they shouldn’t pass up.

The episode picks up right after Jackson nominated Cliff and Tommy. Jackson lets us know that Cliff is more of his pawn and Tommy is more of his target. “But the veto is what will decide who is on the block and who will go home.”

Tommy cam talks about not wanting to live in fear. I guess he forgot being in a majority alliance for 8 weeks and not letting anyone not in the alliance in the HOH room. And for some reason, he decides to tell Holly and Jackson that he knew Christie before coming into the game. He seems to think telling them would help them be on his side and help them understand why he was aligned with someone so difficult.

Jackson says Tommy telling him this just proves that he can’t let Tommy get near the final two because he already has Chrisite’s vote.

It’s time for the Veto Competition and it’s BB Comics! Jackson is up first. Jackson seems to do a pretty solid job. Tommy is up next, and he seems a lot slower than Jackson. Holly is next up and she is an absolute mess. Cliff is after Holly and I’m so annoyed with his Diary Room I just hit mute and wait for Nicole’s round.

Nicole is last up and she speeds through it with very little issues like everyone else.

Let’s check out the times and see who won.

Jackson 15:59
Tommy 14:21
Holly 38:22
Cliff 26:32
Nicole 10:58

Nicole not only won the Power of Veto, she smoked them. She is guaranteed final four now.

So it looks like it’s all over for Tommy. But he says he’s not going to give up. And he shouldn’t. Nicole and Cliff have a final four with Jackson and Holly, but they’re a showmance and breaking them up could be too hard to pass up. And Nicole tells Cliff she’s going to use the veto on him, which means Holly will have to go up. And Holly hasn’t been on the block before.

And then it dawns on Jackson that if he uses the veto on Cliff Holly goes up. Holly hadn’t even thought of that possibility. Holly wants to know if there’s any way to convince not to use it. Jackson tells Holly it actually would make a lot of sense for them to vote Holly out, split them up and take Tommy to final 3. So Holly starts stressing out. Jackson lets us know in the Diary Room that he doesn’t think that would happen, though, because he trusts Cliff and Nicole.

Jackson just might be wrong about that. Nicole right away asks Cliff if this is the point where you send Holly out. Cliff says Tommy is more dangerous with competitions, but a showmance staying in the game might be silly. Nicole then tells Jackson that she is going to use the veto on Cliff, but says there will be no funny business.

But Nicole tells us in her Diary Room, that the opportunity to take out Holly and break up a showmance might be too tempting. She then tells Tommy that she’s using the veto on Cliff and Holly will go up and that she wants him to stay. Tommy realizes she’s telling him that he might be able to stay over Holly.

At the veto meeting, Nicole does use the veto on Cliff. Jackson is forced to put Holly on the block next to Tommy.



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