Once again the Six Shooters, or whatever they’re calling themselves this week hold the power in the Big Brother 21 game.
Bella went home last week, leaving Nick and Sam vulnerable. They needed the Head of Household win to make sure one of them doesn’t follow her out the door this week. But neither could pull it off.
Sunday night’s episode picks up during the endurance HOH competition. The HGs have to hold onto some “vines” while being slimed with goo (they really love goo this season). Nick and Sam both are letting us know via DRs that they really have to win this week because they are the two targets for the majority alliance.
Jessica is the first person to fall from the HOH competition. Every time someone falls, they have to draw a chip to see who gets the poison ivy punishment. Jessica doesn’t pull the punishment chip. Nicole is the next person to drop. She also avoids the punishment. Sam falls next and then Christie. Sam misses the punishment but Christie gets the punishment chip.
At the 17-minute mark, Nick falls. And he knows he’s going to be going on the block. He doesn’t pull the other poison ivy chip, though. Jack drops next and is also safe from the punishment. Tommy is the next one down and he does draw the other punishment chip. Jackson drops next so that gives Kathryn the OK to drop. All she wanted to do was beat Jackson. That leaves Holly and Analyse.
The final two girls start discussing possible deals, but Jackson keeps interfering, telling her not to budge. Analyse finally drops and Holly wins the Head of Household competition. Sam and Nick both know they’re doomed.
Analyse is upset that every time Holly wanted to give her the HOH, Jackson wouldn’t let her. She’s annoyed why he wouldn’t let that happen since they’re on the same team. Christie is annoyed too as her frustration with Jackson has already been building for some time.
Jackson and Holly get to work on planning out the nominations. Holly says it needs to be Nick and Sam. Jackson implies that that’s almost too bold a mood so they talk about a Nick and a pawn and land on Nicole. But then Holly worries that Nicole could go home over Nick.
It’s time for Christie and Tommy to get their poison ivy punishment. They come out of the Diary room in bright swimwear and red splotches all over their bodies. They also have a few vines wrapped around them. Oh and they’re also under indoor quarantine, which means they can’t go outside for four days or take showers for that long.
At the nomination ceremony, Holly goes the more direct route and nominates Nick and Sam for eviction. And no one is really surprised.