Big Brother 21: Counting The Votes In Week 9 [Poll]

Big Brother 21 Week 9 is winding down as Eviction Eve is here. Today Nick and Christie will make their final campaign pushes, but it’s looking like the votes are all but locked in.

Nick hasn’t really amped up his work to stay yet, as he plans to do that later today and tonight with a more aggressive campaign. Christie hasn’t done much either, because she’s already pretty secure that she’s not going anywhere. That, and well she trusts the universe will take care of her. And she’s right. As of now, she’s a lock to stay. Unless Nick’s campaign turns into something major today.

Let’s take a look at the votes as of now.

Votes to Evict Christie: Nicole

Votes to Evict Nick: Tommy, Jessica, Cliff, Jackson.

Nicole has been lightly pushing for Nick to stay, but once she realizes he’s toast, her vote should change to go with the house. There’s a chance she could offer up a pity vote, but at this point in the game, giving someone a reason to nominate you the following week is not worth giving someone a pity vote. So she will likely vote to evict Nick.

And of course, as we all know, things can change in the Big Brother house quickly. Nick could really work some magic later during his campaigning and turn things around. But as of late Tuesday night and early Wednesday, Holly was set on Nick being her target and Cliff and Jackson will do what she wants. And Tommy is not wavering, because even though he loves Nick he and Christie are basically family.

Who do you think will be evicted from the Big Brother house this week? Let us know in our poll below. But also, who would you rather see evicted, Christie or Nick? Let us know in the comments section below.



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