Big Brother 20: Where Will the Alliances Go Next? (Op-Ed)

As we go into week 9 of Big Brother 20 there has been a lot of talk about where the alliances will go. Will L6 stay right where they are or will Tyler and Angela break off and join Faysal and Haleigh?

Here is what I think.

I think that even though Haleigh and Faysal have been working tirelessly to get Angela and Tyler to work with them, they might have the potential to only get one of them, kind of. I think Tyler will continue to stay loyal to Kaycee, Angela, Brett and JC, however, Angela seems to want to keep Haleigh and Faysal safe this coming week to return the favor. I think that after next week, itโ€™s fair game though. I am considering JC a part of L6 because he has pledged his loyalty to Tyler a couple times over the last week and has managed to talk Faysal into doing things that only benefit L6 (i.e. nominating and targeting Scottie).

I think that if Angela wins the HOH this week, she will stick to her plan of keeping Faysal and Haleigh off the block and target Sam. However, if any of the other L6 members win HOH I see them targeting Faysal and Haleigh and using Sam as a pawn if needed. I think at the end of week 9, Angela will be right back in line with Tyler and his plans of getting rid of Haleigh and Fessy. Which should be fairly easy to do because Faysal and Haleigh are extremely outnumbered. Even if Sam wins HOH, Haleigh would be her target.

Everyone in L6 has a reason to target them except for JC, I think he would just do it because he can. Tyler has been nominated and targeted by Haleigh, Brett has been targeted and nominated by Haleigh and Faysal, Kaycee has been nominated by Haleigh and Faysal and Angela was nominated by Haleigh also. JC has promised loyalty to Tyler and I think he would work with Tyler if he won HOH on a plan which would ultimately be to get either Haleigh or Faysal out.

While I think that Haleigh and Faysal trying to do damage control is probably a good idea, I think that most of this is falling on deaf ears. I donโ€™t think that Tyler or Angela are going to jump ship on Kaycee, Brett and JC. I think that Sam probably has a bit to be worried about going into the upcoming weeks because Haleigh and Faysal can only keep the target off her for so long and thatโ€™s only if Angela doesnโ€™t win HOH for week 9.

What do you think will happen with the alliances in the final weeks of Big Brother 20? If L6 makes it to F5 unscathed, who do you think will be the first alliance member they cut?



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