Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup Week 11

It’s Sunday so that means we’ve got all the Big Brother 20 details you’ll need to figure out how the rest of the week will play out. You saw the Head of Household go down on Thursday, but we’ve got the nominees, veto winner and target all ready for you. So let’s take a look.

Head of Household:

As we already know Kaycee won the HOH competition during Thursday’s live episode. She beat Brett by less than a second. Apparently it was so close Brett said he almost asked them to play back the tape.


Kaycee stuck to her Level 6 people and decided to go with Haleigh and Sam as her nominees. Kaycee had an easy excuse to nominate Haleigh as she nominated Kaycee twice. Sam found herself on the block for the first time since week one, but clearly as the pawn.

Power of Veto:

Late Saturday night it was Kaycee who won the power of veto, holding onto all the power this week. That is also her third veto win on top of her HOH win this week. Kaycee might want to chill out on those wins before she blows that shot at being taken to the Final 2 for being a late comp beast.

Veto Meeting:

Even though the Veto Meeting won’t go down until Monday afternoon, we have a pretty good feel for what’s going down. It would not benefit Kaycee to use the veto on her own nominations this week because she’d just have to get more blood on her ands, and since Haleigh is the target, the week can be pretty much over for them to prepare for next week.

If we’re going to look even further head, we can basically predict that Haleigh will be going home. She’s the target, and unless someone finds a reason for Sam to go, it should be a pretty easy decision for those voting.

What do you think of everything that happened in the Big Brother 2o house this weekend?

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