We’re back with our Big Brother 20 spoilers for the PoV from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’re ready to see who could end up as this week’s final nominees for the next eviction this season.
Joining Sam (HOH) and the noms, Kaitlyn and Haleigh, were three other HGs picked earlier the day with Faysal, JC, and Angie. Just about everyone but Faysal wanted to win this one. Well guess what?
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results:
- Faysal won the Power of Veto!
Hilarious. What awful luck for Faysal, but he’s only got himself to blame on this one. Now Faysal has to decide which of his two ladies to save. There’s some weird attraction going on with him to Haleigh, but she seems very indifferent. Meanwhile, you’ve got Kaitlyn climbing all over every guy in the house and pressuring Faysal to save her instead of Haleigh. So what will he do?
Gallery: Veto Comp results in Week 4
Soon after the Feeds were back the talk we were getting from Faysal sounded like he didn’t want to use the Veto at all, but that’s not going to be easy. Angie is talking to him about using it so she can push for Brett, but it sounds more like Angie would be the renom so maybe she should stop digging her own Big Brother grave. Then again, we’ve got Sam’s unused Bonus Life waiting in the wings for Thursday.
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