Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 2 Power App & ‘Crapp’

Viewers voted and the results are coming in for this week’s Big Brother App Store. After last round rewarded Sam and punished Faysal those two were out of the race leaving the other thirteen HGs to hope for the best and fear the “crapp.”

Feeds were down for more than two hours on Friday afternoon as HGs took a turn going to the “Store” and placing their hands on the screen. We finally got the full set of results for both the least and most trending HGs this past week.

Week 2 ‘Crapp’ HG:

  • Rachel was the “least trending” & selected “Yell”

We don’t yet know what Yell does for Rachel but it seems to be named for “Yelp.” Who knows what that means but we should find out soon enough and when we do it’ll hang around all week long.

Now for the plus side of things is the “Power App.” That one remains undiscovered so far, but according to our poll, Tyler was above and beyond the top pick for this one. If he didn’t get the prize this week I’ll be shocked.

Week 2 ‘Power App’ HG:

  • Tyler was the “most trending” & selected “Cloud”

Update: Tyler won just as we expected. He crushed our poll with nearly half the votes so this shouldn’t be a surprise. Now he’s got an incredible power that he can use anytime in the next eight weeks and will keep him safe for one ceremony when he does. Wowza. He’s just got to be sure to guess correctly or it’s been wasted.

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Tyler's power is "Cloud" and it lasts 8 weeks. Dowhat? #BB20

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) July 9, 2018

In the meantime, what do you think of Rachel getting the “crapp” and Tyler’s new Cloud power?

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