Adam Poch’s Big Brother 20 Player Rankings – Week 3

Adam Poch on Big Brother

Another week and another vote that will be decided tonight on Big Brother 20. If nothing else – this season has had more last-minute eviction decisions than the last 3 season combined. I am sure I am not the only one happy about this. Not knowing who is going home until show time adds to the drama that we superfans love. Unfortunately, this week also had another controversy – but that is for another column and I do not need to rehash it. But on the flip side – we did see 2 new alliances form and the future of this season is still so up in the air.

Let’s get right to it – whose games earned them the coveted bacon, who’s games earned them the dreaded tofu, and who was the Tofurkey of the Week?

Scottie Salton – 5 strips of Bacon – loyal readers of this column are not shocked that Scottie earned top honors this week. He won HoH, nominated the 2 people he wanted, secured those nominations by winning veto, and will send a Bro on a date with Julie Chen tonight. Despite everyone trying to push Scottie to do their dirty work for them, he stood his ground and goes into next week with only 1 enemy coming after him. Sure other’s are whispering that he is turning into a target, but everyone in the house knows (whether they admit it or not) this was a good game move.

Bayleigh Dayton – 4 strips of Bacon – in the past, we’ve seen the female of a showmance lose their minds when their man was sent packing, but Bay stayed strong and did a great job of making the rounds and form some solid bonds that she did not previously have. Sure, the confidence she showed this week could also have a lot to do with her earning the Identity Theft Power App, and she has done a great job keeping it a secret to just about everyone. Only Rachel questioned if she had it, but Bay shot her down pretty convincingly. She was also instrumental in the formation of the “Man Eaters” alliance, but as most of us are aware, this alliance will not last.

Tyler Crispen – 3 strips of Bacon – CBS’ pet this season has been the gamer we all wanted him to be. He still plays a little dumb and has people thinking that he follows rather than leads, although some doubt is starting to form as his deals with several people are starting to be exposed. However, not many of them feel like they need to do anything about it. Other players are still seen as bigger “physical threats” and his protection (both from his Cloud Power App, and strong social bonds) should keep him around for a while. When will it all come crashing down on him? We shall see.

Haleigh Broucher – 3 strips of Bacon – this week’s Crap App went to Haleigh – and that was not too bad of a punishment. It’s always funny to see people deal with their punishments, and the clips of her reading Hamlet were a nice change from the constant gaming going on this season. But speaking about game, Haleigh still has a lot of strong ties with a lot of people, not just her alliance. You can always find her in rooms talking to people, and no one has her high on their target list. At this point in the game, she is doing exactly what you need to do to get far.

Kaycee Clark – 2 strips of Bacon – while the CBS onlies probably have no idea Kaycee is even playing the game, she is proving to be a great vault where information goes in – but not much comes back out. Just like Haleigh, Kaycee is not showing up on anyone’s radar. She joined the Man Eaters, mostly out of convenience – but we know her true alliance is still Level 6. However by her forming a bond this week with Bayleigh, and some of the other girls can help her moving forward.

Sam Bledsoe – 1 strip of Bacon – the secret of her Bonus Life App is out there – but not everyone knows exactly what her power can do. She has probably had more pressure to use it from the Diary Room than she has from the 2 nominees which is very odd. More on that in the Question of the Week at the end of this. She is always doing some sort of housework or making some creative “crafts” and most of them seem to genuinely like her. Is that a winning game approach? Probably not, but she keeps trucking along.

Angela Rummans / Rachel Swindler – 1 strip of Bacon to share – they finally did it – they locked in an official alliance called The Vixens. Their plan to start acting like they do not like each other as much as they do is making the rounds. Rachel almost won HoH had she known how to do math, and Angela has been a non-factor after winning her first challenge. Both of them are playing along with the Man Eaters alliance to ensure safety if any of the other girls win HoH – and that is actually a pretty good strategic move. However, that was more luck on their part.

Faysal Shafaat – 1 strip of Tofu – while he still pretty much has no idea on how to play the game, Fessy is still doing a good job keeping his cool despite every plan he has been in going wrong. He is still very tight with the remnants of FOUTTE and can be a free agent if more of those people go out before he does.

Brett Robinson – 2 strips of Tofu – despite having a golden tongue – he still managed to end up on the block this week next to his Bro. His gift of gab and likability factor is what can possibly keep him safe at the eviction despite being a much bigger threat long term than his Bro. Well, that and his massages. Several of the girls want to keep him around just for that last part – and they hope if he gets to jury & is in the jury house with them, perhaps they can keep getting them. His ability to stay cool under pressure was evident this week as he held off Kaitlyn’s ire and is using that as a selling point on why he should stay this week. It just might work!

Angie Lantry – 3 strips of Tofu – I was tempted to give her bacon for getting stuck on the Rock wall earlier this week. I hope CBS airs that tonight to have my preseason prediction come true of her accidental comedy being her best asset. While Angie has been pushing the All-Girls alliance – she still does not have the loyalty & trust of some of the other girls. The Bros are sick of her – and if whichever one stays wins HoH, look for her to end up on the block.

JC Monduix – 4 strips of Tofu – man, this kid just cannot seem to escape controversy can he? Sure it’s all self-inflicted and it is starting to hurt his game. He has been doing a textbook job of riding in the middle of the house, staying out of the line of fire – until he stepped right into it. However, others are still pretty sure they can control him and he thinks he is in a much better spot than he really is. I think it would be great to see him win HoH tonight if it is, in fact, an endurance challenge which usually is catered to the smaller players. He is just such a wildcard – no one has any clue what he will do.

Winston Hines – 5 strips of Tofu – last week Winston was on the block and kept his cool. What a difference a week makes. This week he has become very aggro – and keeps using physical violence threats (behind people’s back) as his go to. The only reason he will stay tonight is that he is not as charming as his Bro and people will want to keep him as an easy target moving forward. As a preseason pick from a lot of people, we expected him to be the more calm one of the duo – but geez – he’s is just such a loose cannon. If he only took a step back and gathered his thoughts, he’d be able to take this game in stride and perhaps win some people over.

That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week – and it’s official – Kaitlyn Herman has earned the Hat Trick – 3 weeks in a row being the TotW. Sure she is the true star of the show so far this season. We all tune in to see what craziness she will unleash on the house next. Her constant need to be the center of attention is really starting to get under people’s skin and she thinks she is the only sane one there. Well, her and whoever she is sharing a bed with that hour.

This week she questioned her flip vote week 1, questioned her backdooring of Swaggy, questioned why Tyler was not spending more time with her – and we all questioned: “Is this girl for real?” The answer – YES – she is as real as they come… REAL CRAZY!!! I always say the only things fans of Big Brother love more than rooting for their favorites is rooting against their least favorites. We find ourselves rooting against her – but don’t want her gone.

I still do not understand how Brett & Winston have not worked on Sam harder this week to use power since they were the ones that kept her safe week 1. Which brings me to the Question of the Week – should Sam use her power to give the one evicted the chance to come back? If I was potentially walking out that door and I kept Sam safe week 1 – you better believe I would be working that angle. I think she should use it, but understand despite solidifying a strong bond with the Bros, she’ll upset a bunch of others. Next week the power is out of her hands and potentially someone she does not like could end up getting the power and saving themselves.

There you have it – another week in the books, and another potential for shocked faces when Julie reads the votes tonight. You know just about everyone will be gunning for this HoH tonight as no one is truly 100% safe! Let me know what you think about my rankings in the comments section below.

See you all next week – from outside the Big Brother House, I’m Adam Poch. Have a great day!

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