Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: Punishments & Costumes Arrive [Gallery]

Kaycee and RS in costumes for BB20

Big Brother 20 Houseguests Kaycee Clark and Rockstar have been saddled with a new round of punishments and costumes after coming out on the losing side of Saturday’s Power of Veto competition. Costumes were delivered and the embarrassment and annoyance have begun.

Kaycee is a “fitness nut” dressed in a peanut costume carrying around oversized styrofoam barbells. Flashback on your Live Feeds to 8:23 PM BBT 8/4 to watch as Kaycee returned from the DR to show off her new outfit.

Gallery: Kaycee’s Fitness Nut Costume

Kaycee will have to wear this costume for a week no matter what she’s doing. She’s expecting an alternate peanut swimsuit so no escaping to the pool like many HGs have done in past seasons. Kaycee even has to sleep in the peanut outfit, but that’s not all. When the music comes on Kaycee has to dance and sing, you know, like regular peanuts do. She might have gotten off light though compared to RS.

RS’s punishment includes a chef costume, exercise, and an all-new diet. Flashback on your Live Feeds to 9:51 PM BBT 8/4 to watch as she announces details of her punishment routine to the other HGs.

Gallery: RS’s Fitness Food Costume

An instruction sheet accompanied RS basket of food items with details on how to blend up her health shake which she then has to shake while running laps, a quarter mile each time, and leaping over hurdles in the backyard. Okay, they’re more of small bumps to step over, but it’s all part of the routine. This one will also last a week as RS realized she’ll have to make her eviction speech in this costume.

If you couldn’t guess, yes, these are all Jessie Godderz related exercise themes with “Space Pecs” written on the costumes. So I’d guess that was the theme of the Veto comp. Jessie’s recorded voice is used for instructions to RS but I’m not sure if Kaycee hears from him as well with hers. I’m sure we’ll see more of it on the Feeds though.

What do you think of these latest punishments? Good fun or over the top? Share your reactions!



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