Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 9: Saturday Highlights

Faysal hangs his head on Big Brother 20

Veto Day arrived and brought a lot of anxiety for the Big Brother 20 noms as they knew this was their only longshot chance for any hope at staying together in the game. After more than nine hours of down Feeds the results were back as one side celebrated.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, August 25, 2018:

    8:45 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

    10:05 AM BBT – Feeds back from the players pick. Kaycee, JC, and Sam will be playing.

    10:17 AM BBT – Angela hopes the challenge is a puzzle so Haleigh can win it instead of Faysal.

    10:30 AM BBT – Angela is upset that Faysal talked Haleigh out of picking Brett with her HG Choice chip. (Haleigh picked Sam.) JC tells her how Faysal told him to use it on him if he wins it.

    10:45 AM BBT – Faysal tells JC he doesn’t think Brett would have saved Haleigh but at least Sam would be easier to defeat in the comp.

    10:55 AM BBT – JC worries he’ll be the renom if Haleigh comes down.

    11:00 AM BBT – Angela assures Haleigh this was just a game move and it was designed to get Faysal out since he’s a strong competitor. Haleigh promises she understands.

    11:05 AM BBT – Haleigh is shocked to learn she wasn’t the target. She was sure she was but Angela promises her that Faysal was and is the target. Haleigh is upset that she picked Sam now that she understands what was going on.

    11:15 AM BBT – Angela lets Tyler, Brett, and Kaycee know that she told Haleigh she’s safe if she’s up against Faysal on Thursday.

    11:40 AM BBT – Haleigh worries that Sam might save Faysal if she wins it. Brett says she probably would.

    11:50 AM BBT – JC says he’s going to take the medallion to bed if he wins it because he hasn’t won anything yet and it’d be his first win.

    12:15 PM BBT – Kaycee confirms to Haleigh she isn’t the target. Haleigh wishes she had talked with them yesterday so she would have known to pick a strong competitor instead. Kaycee points out that Faysal was looking out for himself by telling Haleigh not to pick Brett.

    12:30 PM BBT – Kaycee and Tyler are feeling good that Faysal is going this week.

    1:02 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.

    10:38 PM BBT – Feeds return. Kaycee is wearing the Veto medallion while Faysal sits in disbelief.

    10:40 PM BBT – Angela and Kaycee excitedly discuss how Faysal is going this week.

    10:40 PM BBT – Downstairs Faysal is groaning that he can’t believe he lost to Kaycee and by just one point.

    11:02 PM BBT – JC points out he’s the only HG still there who hasn’t won anything.

    11:07 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Tyler and Angela that Faysal is going to campaign against her. They promise her she’ll be safe.

    11:40 PM BBT – JC tells Haleigh that it’s Faysal, not her, that’s going but he isn’t happy about it. He asks if she’s in a showmance with Faysal. She denies it and asks why he would even think that. JC promises to be there for her after Faysal is gone.

    11:50 PM BBT – Angela promises Haleigh again that she’s safe and to not even bother campaigning.

    12:00 AM BBT – Have-Nots has ended for the week.

    12:05 AM BBT – Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee celebrate with a toast.

    12:30 AM BBT – Brett has joined them in the HOH room and they toast again as a group.

    12:30 AM BBT – Faysal tells JC he’s ready to go after blowing the chance he had with that comp. He says he’s tired of this and won’t even campaign.

    12:35 AM BBT – Faysal blames RS for the whole situation with telling Tyler the Veto answer. He explains how everything would have gone much differently.

    12:50 AM BBT – JC asks Faysal if he’ll vote for him in F2. Faysal agrees.

    12:55 AM BBT – Angela and Kaycee wonder if Tyler has a power app. Angela thinks she’s made odd comments that suggest he does. Kaycee thinks it might be better if they don’t know.

    1:00 AM BBT – Faysal tells JC and Haleigh that he’ll see them in the Jury House. Haleigh encourages him and says there could be a Battle Back this very Thursday.

    1:02 AM BBT – Faysal says their side’s inability to be trusted or stick to a plan ruined all their games.

    1:07 AM BBT – Tyler suggests to L6 they could let Sam vote out Haleigh to keep them pitted against each other.

    1:10 AM BBT – JC is concerned about Tyler and Angela getting together. He tells Haleigh that Tyler said once he’s not a HN he’s going to stay up there with her. Haleigh says that group of Brett, Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela are all working together.

    1:25 AM BBT – Haleigh tells Faysal he needs to apologize to Scottie. She says if it wasn’t Scottie or RS who flipped then it was JC.

    1:35 AM BBT – Angela mentions how Scottie asked her to evict someone he could beat in the Battle Back if she got HOH.

    2:10 AM BBT – Sam talks with JC about his disappointment in not having a win yet.

    3:00 AM BBT – JC asked Brett go upstairs and break up Tyler and Angela from cuddling. He wants Brett to ask to sleep up there. Brett won’t do it.

    3:05 AM BBT – Tyler asked Angela if she wants to go on a date when they get out. She agrees.

    3:10 AM BBT – JC heads upstairs to break up the couple.

    3:55 AM BBT – Brett, JC, Angela, and Kaycee are still hanging out upstairs and chatting about the season.

    4:10 AM BBT – HGs are finally going to bed.

It doesn’t sound like L6 is going to shift on these plans and that means Faysal is the next one out and the fourth member of the Jury Battle Back. A boomerang result would be an interesting reset for this week if Faysal can pull it off.

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