Big Brother 20 Live Feeds: An HOH Conflicted

As we start off week 9 of Big Brother 20, a decision most of us would see as a no-brainer, seems to be an internal conflict for our new HOH. There has been a lot of back and forth on the live feeds since last night. What seems to be the problem?

Angela really didnโ€™t want to win the HOH this week, she mentioned on the live feeds last night that she didnโ€™t even try to get a score of 39 (the highest possible being 40). However, here we are, she is HOH and has a decision to make.

Tyler, Kaycee and Brett have been trying to convince Angela that she should put Haleigh and Faysal on the block together. That way if one of them wins the POV, the other will be the one going home. This is the plan that makes the most sense because it gets one of the final two members of The Hive out of the house. However, this is not the plan that Angela wants to go with.

Last night while she was talking to Tyler, Angela mentions how she is getting annoyed with the fact that her and Tyler seem to be doing all the dirty work in their alliance. She tells him that it isnโ€™t fair that they are the ones who are forced to get blood on their hands while Kaycee and Brett reap the benefits of being on the side with the numbers.

She tells Tyler that she would like to stick to her word with Haleigh and Faysal and target Sam. She tells Tyler that maybe she can put Haleigh and Sam up together, convince Haleigh that she is a pawn and then do damage control with Sam so she isnโ€™t freaking out all week. She would then backdoor Faysal given the opportunity.

There is a problem with this plan, the chances of Faysalโ€™s name being picked for Veto are getting higher as the numbers are getting lower. If he gets picked to play, saves Haleigh, he is no longer eligible to be a renom and Angela has to put up one of her allies as a pawn to get Sam out.

Which set of noms would you go with if you were in Angelaโ€™s spot? Could this be the beginning of the end of L6? Make sure you check back for the Nomination Ceremony results a little later today.



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