On the Big Brother 20 live feeds yesterday Haleigh decided that they were going to blow a hole the size of a China in her game. In case you missed it, Haleigh decided that she was going to share her own Big Brother spoilers and tell Bayleigh and then Faysal about her being the Hacker. I know, possibly the stupidest thing she could have done, right? Then, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse for her, she decides that she has to hold a House Meeting to tell everyone that she is the Hacker!
Haleigh had the revealing conversation with Bayleigh yesterday on the live feeds around 5:50 pm BBT. Haleigh tells her that she is going to hold a meeting to tell everyone that she is the Hacker. Bayleigh thinks this is a bad idea and she tries to talk Haleigh out of this. Haleigh thinks that telling the house will help Bayleigh’s game though because Angela told Haleigh that Bayleigh being the Hacker was her reason for nominating Bayleigh and she was safe even with the power app in her back pocket.
Later last night (9:45 pm BBT Cams 3/4 – Get your Free Trial now), Haleigh has a conversation with Faysal. She admits to him that she was the Hacker. He tells her he knew it and then she tells him that she wants to call a house meeting and tell everyone. She tells him that Bayleigh has been taking heat for something she didn’t do. Faysal tells her that she can’t be serious about holding a house meeting. Not even 10 minutes later, Faysal tells her that maybe it’s a good idea for her to tell the house instead of having Bayleigh out her. No! No, it’s not a good idea!
They think that telling them all this will flip the vote in Bayleigh’s favor and if she cancel’s Tyler’s vote they will have enough to save her. The problem is that Bayleigh being the Hacker isn’t the reason they are targeting her. Okay, so here is what’s going to happen if she holds this meeting. Rockstar is going to be mad because Haleigh saved Scottie over her. Tyler is going to be mad that she targeted him, which then turned Angela, Kaycee, and Brett against her too. Haleigh is going to put a huge target on her back by doing this.
What do you think of Haleigh’s ridiculous plan to tell the house about her being the Hacker? Do you think that there is any shot that it could help Bayleigh’s chances?