Big Brother 20 Episode 6 Recap: Tyler Takes Over Kaitlyn’s HOH Plus App Store Results

Kaitlyn might be the new Big Brother 20 Head of Household, but make no mistakes, this is Tyler’s HOH — his second in a row. As of right now, this is Tyler’s game to lose, especially considering what happens with this week’s BB App Store.

Let’s not forget it’s only week 2, though. We’ve seen plenty of players play really well the first few weeks and then power down and get voted out. That could be the case with Tyler. But right now, this is the Tyler show and good for him.

Sunday’s episode picks up after Steve’s eviction and Swaggy C is confused and Kaitlyn is feeling omnipotent. And we’ve got Wintson taking all the credit even though this was Tyler’s plan. Tyler tries to convince Swaggy and Faysal that a power was used to send Steve out. But neither of them are buying it and they both feel like Kaitlyn is the one who flipped. Yep.

Kaitlyn’s alliance starts wonders starts to wonder what she’s going to do with her power this week. They finally talk to her and she tells them that she’s thinking about Winston and Angela or Rachel as nominees. They’re all happy with that idea, but Kaitlyn isn’t really playing her own game. So what is she going to do? Enter Tyler.

Tyler continues his HOH reign into Kaitlyn’s and he wants Swaggy out. He goes to her and tells Kaitlyn that Sam has the power and explains kind of what it does. Her first thought is to put up Sam and Swaggy. And Tyler says “um no.” He tells her that she needs to make a big move. So she suggests Winston and Angela. And he again says no. He finally says enough words to get her to think that nominating Swaggy is her idea. I’ve never seen a more gullible houseguest than her. What a mess.

Sam decides to tell Kaitlyn about the power to help keep herself off the block. And she really doesn’t have anything to worry about since Tyler won’t let Kailtyn target Sam anyway.

So now Kaitlyn has to set Tyler’s plan in motion. She first tells Winston that she’s going for Swaggy, but she has to put him up as a pawn. And he’s totally OK with that. But she needs another pawn so she heads to Scottie to tell him that Winston is her target and she wants to put him up as a pawn. So there’s her plan. Scottie isn’t as accepting as being the pawn as Winston, but he also doesn’t fight it.

Kaitlyn thinks she deserves an Emmy for all of her acting. I think she deserves a straightjacket. One of these things is more likely to happen than the other.

The BB App Store is open! It’s time to find out who the most and least trending houseguests are! Winston is up first. He gets nothing. JC is up next and also gets nothing. Haliegh and Jaycee follow and get nothing. Bayleigh is up next and is also denied. Rachel follows and learns that she is the least-trending houseguest. She picks the “Yell” Crap APP and will be heckled by a yeller for a period of time.

One by one, everyone else is denied and finally Tyler enters the App Store. He learns he is the most trending (no surprise there as our poll results were overwhelmingly Tyler). He picks The Cloud, which he can use at any one nomination or veto ceremony if he feels like he could be going on the block. This power is good for 8 weeks, but can only be used once. That’s a pretty decent power as long as you know exactly when to use it, but it’s also a power that leaves a pretty big target on your back the week after it’s used.

It’s time for the nomination ceremony. Kaitlyn sticks to her plan and nominates Scottie and Wintson with Tyler’s backdoor Swaggy plan. So things are again going who Tyler wants. And I’ll say it again, good for him.

Can’t wait for this week’s Power of Veto results? Get the Veto spoilers now!



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