Don’t worry, it wasn’t just you. That was indeed the most boring episode of Big Brother 20 this season. Actually, it may have been the most boring episode of any TV show ever. And before anyone disagrees let me remind you we had a WHOLE segment on Angela’s sense of smell.
Honestly, the most exciting part of Sunday night’s episode had nothing to do with Big Brother 20. It was all about the blasts from the past who showed up to to celebrate the engagement of Big Brother 18 winner and America’s Favorite Player Nicole and Victor.
But before we get to that, we do have a little bit of Big Brother 20 to talk about. The episode picked up after Kaycee won her first Head of Household of the season. We also get to hear Kaycee read her emotional HOH letter from her brother who asked
We also learn that Kaycee is going nominate Sam as a pawn so Brett and Kaycee separately try to prepare Sam for it. Sam promises she won’t freak out. But just wait until you get to the end of this recap to see how she handles her nomination.
After we learn that JC smells like sweat and Sam like Angela’s grandmother (neither of these things surprise me), Nicole shows up. She comes out of the diary room to gather the houseguests as she thinks she’s there to host a luxury competition. And honestly, that should have been her first sign something was up – they don’t do luxury comps anymore. When she cannot find the BB20 HGs the TV screen comes on and it’s Victor.
Nicole seems to know right away what is up as Victor retells their story set to pictures and video of them in the Big Brother house and from their time as a couple. Victor then pops out of the kitchen and pops the question. Nicole accepts. And then the doorbell rings.
In comes Derrick (BB16) and Paul (BB18, BB19) with a cake. They’re joined by Josh (BB19), Britney (BB12, BB14) and Daniele (BB8, BB13). I won’t say I was thrilled to see everyone back, but it was pretty great seeing Britney and Daniele. And we even got a pretty decent Diary Room from the DR queen herself. It wasn’t scathing like we’d like, but this was meant to be a sweet moment so it’s OK.
Oh, I should mention the BB 20 HGs in their sweat pants and unwashed hair, had been watching all this go down on the HOH television. They’re finally invited downstairs to join the BB alumni. And it’s pretty hilarious to watch as Sam, the recruit who only watched some BB YouTube clips, is like who are these people? Classic.
After the alum leave (actually, I’m not sure Paul left; I hope the checked), it’s time for the nomination ceremony. To no one’s surprise Kaycee nominated Haleigh and Sam for eviction.
“Haleigh you put me on the block twice, Sam you voted against the house twice,” Kaycee says. “At this point I don’t have many options. And this is get the least amount of blood on my hands. You know I love you guys.”
Speaking of blood, Sam let’s us know that she’s not as OK with being a pawn as she lead Kaycee to believe.
“I will tear every f—— door off its hinges on my way out of this mother f—– and if I’m standing there looking like a dumbass, I will make sure they f—— regret it!” Sam tells us in the Diary Room. And I’m like legitimately scared at this point.
But Kaycee assures us in her DR that Sam has nothing to worry about.
“I have exactly who I want on the block,” Kaycee says. “As long as Haleigh doesn’t win veto she is going to the jury house with the rest of her alliance.”