Big Brother 20: The Best And Worst Of Week 11

It was double eviction week on Big Brother 20, so we’ve basically got two weeks of BB to go through this week. So let’s just get right to the highs and lows of week 11. I should warn you, this one has a lot of thumbs down again. I know, I know. Here I am being negative again. Hey, I enjoyed this season for 9 whole weeks. I can be bored for a couple of weeks, it’s OK.

The Best and Worst of Big Brother 20 Week 11

Thumbs Up: Kaycee Wins HOH. Congrats to Kaycee on winning her first HOH. She’s really stepping up her game here closer to the end. I at first thought she would make herself a target among Level 6, but as we saw during the Double Eviction, they don’t seem to care about comp wins when it comes to taking out their own.

Thumbs Down: Kaycee Wins Veto. I am not a fan when the HOH holds all the power. That always makes for a boring time unless there’s some kind of backdoor plan. I would have liked to have seen Haleigh stick around one more week just to annoy Level 6. But then again, I think three weeks on the block is enough.

Thumbs Down: BB Comics.ย And speaking of Veto … not only were some of the comics kind of lame, the completion was nothing compared to previous seasons. Kaycee won the competition in a little over two minutes, which is just ridiculous. Had they not changed the format from previous seasons, I think we would have seen HGs struggle a little harder.

Thumbs Up: Victor and Nicole Get Engaged. I am not a fan of showmances. At least not a fan of showmances while the game of Big Brother is in progress. But I’m apparently OK with showmances outside of the game because I found myself actually kind of touched by the whole Victor proposing to Nicole thing. It was the only good thing about last Sunday’s episode in fact. And when I say good, that’s not saying a whole lot. My favorite part, however, was seeing past HGs, particularly Britney and Daniele. I wish we could see more past HGs (like we were promised) since this is the 20th season and all.

Thumbs Down: HGs Have Gotten Boring. It usually takes until final four for us to get really slow and boring feeds, but this season it started early. For the past week, the episodes and the Live Feeds have been kind of a bore. This is what happens when an alliance stays mostly intact for this long. It’s impressive from a game standpoint, but they almost always make for boring Live Feeds. Everyone is just too happy to get to the end together and then battle it out in competition. And that is boring to anyone who watches for drama.

Thumbs Down: Haleigh is Evicted. I think it was kind of time to put Haleigh out of her BB misery after three times on the block, but as I mentioned above, an alliance getting everything they want gets super boring. Haleigh sticking around could have at least maybe annoyed everyone.

Thumbs Up: Brett Wants to Make a Move. Finally, someone from Level 6 is ready to jump. Brett decides that he and Tyler won’t be able to win against Angela and Tyler, so he thinks it would be a good time to go after the girls if it’s double eviction. Brett makes the mistake of going to Tyler with this, but really it’s not a mistake because Tyler made Brett think he was his Final 2, so why wouldn’t he trust him?

Thumbs Down: Level 6 Ruins Double Eviction. We have been waiting on Double Eviction all season. And what happens? Tyler wins HOH (zzzzz) and nominates JC (ok, I like that) and Sam (zzzzz). Well then Angela further bores me by winning one of the cheapest and confusing looking veto comps ever. And then Angela uses the veto on JC and Tyler nominates Brett. So the final nominees are Sam and Brett. Now this is were it goes from bad to worst. Read on.

Thumbs Down: Brett is Evicted. Ugh. Of all the people left in the house, Brett is arguably the only one entertaining. Sure the TV edits might make JC seem cute and fun, but in reality, he’s nearly unbearable on the Live Feeds. Anyway, I didn’t mean to get off on that JC tangent. I just think it would be more interesting if Brett had stuck around. But Level 6 really ruined the fun for us in this Double Eviction. Now the rest of the season will play out too predictable.

Thumbs Down: Julie’s Sign-off. Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past few months, you know that Julie’s husband, the head of CBS, stepped down after more allegations of sexual assault surfaced. Julie has said in the past that she stands by her husband, but no one was sure if she still felt that way after the latest news (some weren’t even sure she’d show up to host Big Brother since she’s been absent from The Talk). Anyway, Julie answered everyone’s question at the end of Thursday’s show when she signed off with “From outside the Big Brother house with Brent (yeah, pretty sure she got Brett’s name wrong), I’m Julie Chen Moonves.” She has never signed off like that before, and what it says is that she’s standing by her husband, despite the numerous victims to come forward. That’s her business, but a lot of people were left unhappy with the message that sent to any victims of assault. I’m not going to get into it here, but I definitely think it deserves a thumbs down this week.

What did you think of Big Brother 20 Week 11? What were the best and worst moments?



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