Big Brother 19: Can Anyone Beat Paul At This Point? [Analysis]

This week when either Matt or Raven head to jury, there will be seven houseguests left in the Big Brother 19 house. It’s getting down to the wire, and that means we are ready to start looking at our next Big Brother winner. At this point all signs are pointing to Paul. He’s truly the only one playing his own game and these players seem to think he can do no wrong. But could anyone actually beat him? That’s the question we’re all starting to ask ourselves. Let’s take a look.

First, let’s analyze final two and voting scenarios. If Paul goes to the final two with Josh he likely wins. For a minute I thought Josh could be a contender, but once everyone is in jury, I think they’ll realize that Josh’s moves were all controlled or hindered by Paul. Almost everything Josh did, from the pots and pans, to getting Jessica out over Elena, was under the direction of Paul.

What about a Paul and Christmas final two? Paul wins. I don’t see anyone in jury giving her the win over Paul. There’s just no case for her as of now. Paul and Alex? It’s possible Alex could beat Paul, but I still doubt it. She would probably have Cody’s vote and Jason’s vote for sure. The only reason why I think she could maybe win over Paul is because a lot of people in the game seem to think she’s been running things. Of course that’s all a part of their blindness to Paul, and they could finally realize Alex was just Paul’s biggest minion. Also, not many people like Alex and her social game has been pure crap. So maybe she can’t beat Paul either.

Paul would definitely win against Raven (or Matt if he wasn’t going home this week). And even though I don’t think Jason will be there at the end, I think Paul would beat him as well. He is now responsible for putting the most people in jury, so that’s probably not going to earn him much respect with this cast. I could see Cody giving Jason a vote over Paul, though. So that leaves Kevin. Can Paul beat Kevin? The HGs keep saying Kevin wins at the end, but I don’t think so. They’re all so randomly bitter against Kevin that I think they’d just all continue to follow Paul and give him the vote. And Kevin’s $25,000 is really not going to help his chances with this bitter cast.

So, to me, it looks like there’s no end scenario Paul would have to worry about. So I think that means the only way someone other than Paul can win is for them to cut Paul. And that person will be the one person who could and should win the game. But who has the guts to do it? Alex? No. Jason? No. Raven? HAHAHA. Kevin? Maybe, but would he ever get the chance? Probably not. Christmas? Hmm. No, because she’s off her pain meds. Josh? Maybe. I think as we wind down a little more, Josh will be the one person to realize that Paul wins in the end. And then Christmas will begin to see it as well. By that time, however, it will probably be too late because Paul will be in the perfect position to win his way to the end via competitions.

This season is even easier to call than Big Brother 16. At least then you thought maybe Caleb or Frankie would pull a rogue move. This season just feels like no one is ever going to strike. But will they? Is my thinking all wrong? Is it just too early to call? What do you think? Share your thoughts below.


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