Big Brother 18 results and spoilers from the season are collected here with all the details linked in supporting articles. You can see who won each competition along with the results from events like evictions, Vetoes, and nominations. The entire season is summed up in one long list here for your reference.
Big Brother 18 Finale:
Final HoH: Paul
Evicted: James
Winner: Nicole 5-4
Runner-Up: Paul
AFP: Victor
Big Brother 18 Week 13:
HoH Round 1: Paul
HoH Round 2: Nicole
HoH Round 3: Paul
Big Brother 18 Week 12.5:
HoH: Paul
Nominated: Nicole & Corey
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Corey evicted 1-0
Big Brother 18 Week 12:
HoH: Corey
Nominated: Paul & Victor
Power of Veto: Nicole
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Victor 2-0
Big Brother 18 Week 11:
HoH: Victor
Nominated: James & Natalie
Have-Nots: No HN’s this week
Power of Veto: Corey
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Natalie 3- 0
Big Brother 18 Week 10:
Returning Juror: Victor
HoH: Nicole
Nominated: Paul & Michelle
Care Package: Corey
Have-Nots: Corey & Victor
Power of Veto: Nicole
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Michelle 3-2 (tiebreaker)
Big Brother 18 Week 9:
HoH: Natalie
Nominated: Paul & Victor
Care Package: Michelle
Have-Nots: Victor, James, & Michelle
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Paul saved, Corey renom’d
Evicted: Victor 2-1
Big Brother 18 Week 8:
HoH: Victor
Nominated: Paulie & Corey
Care Package: Nicole
Have-Nots: Nicole & Michelle
Power of Veto: Victor
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Paulie 5-0
Big Brother 18 Week 7.5:
HoH: Corey
Nominated: Bridgette & Michelle
Power of Veto: Corey
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Bridgette 5-1
Big Brother 18 Week 7:
HoH: Victor
Nominated: Michelle & Zakiyah
Care Package: James
Have-Nots: Bridgette, James, and Corey
Power of Veto: Paulie
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Zakiyah 3-2
Big Brother 18 Week 6:
HoH: Paul
Nominated: Bridgette & Paulie
Care Package: Natalie
Have-Nots: Zakiyah, Natalie, Paulie, & Corey
Power of Veto: Paulie
Veto Ceremony: Paulie saved himself, Da’Vonne renom’d
Evicted: Da’Vonne 6-2
Big Brother 18 Week 5:
Returning Evictee: Victor
HoH: James
Nominated: Bridgette & Frank
Have-Nots: …
Power of Veto: Michelle
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Frank 9-0
Big Brother 18 Week 4:
HoH: Paulie
Nominated: Natalie & Tiffany
Roadkill Winner: Tiffany
Roadkill 3rd Nominee: Corey
Have-Nots: Team James (James & Natalie)
Power of Veto: Corey
Veto Ceremony: Corey saved himself, Da’Vonne renom’d
Evicted: Tiffany 8-0-0
Big Brother 18 Week 3:
HoH: Bridgette
Nominated: Paul & Tiffany
Roadkill Winner: Frank
Roadkill 3rd Nominee: Bronte
Have-Nots: Team Nicole (Nicole, Corey, & Tiffany)
Power of Veto: Bridgette
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Bronte 5-4-0
Big Brother 18 Week 2:
HoH: Paulie
Nominated: Bronte & Paul
Roadkill Winner: Victor
Roadkill 3rd Nominee: Tiffany
Have-Nots: Team Big Sister (Da’Vonne, Paul, & Zakiyah)
Power of Veto: Paulie
Veto Ceremony: Paul saved, Victor renom’d
Evicted: Victor 9-1-0
Big Brother 18 Week 1:
HoH: Nicole
Nominated: Jozea & Paulie
Roadkill Winner: Frank
Roadkill 3rd Nominee: Paul
Power of Veto: Paul
Veto Ceremony: Paul saved, Bridgette renom’d
Evicted: Jozea 7-4-0
Big Brother 18 Week 0:
Returning Vets: James Huling, Nicole Franzel, Da’Vonne Rogers, & Frank Eudy
Have-Nots: Day, Paul, Jozea, & Zakiyah
Safe 2 Rounds Team: James, Bronte, Victor, & Natalie
In-danger Team: Nicole, Corey, Glenn, & Tiffany
Evicted: Glenn