Big Brother 18: Da’Vonne Warns Frank Of Fake Tiffany Threat

Tiffany Rousso has been taking a lot of heat in the Big Brother 18 House and a move by Da’Vonne today isn’t going to help make life any easier for Vanessa’s sister.

We watched last night as Da’Vonne and Zakiyah discussed how Tiffany was on the outs of their group and Day’s plan involved pitting Tiffany against Frank. She didn’t waste any time putting that together and got it in Frank’s ear today to watch out for the little Rousso sister.

Flashback to 11:27 AM BBT 7/4 Cams 3/4 on your Live Feeds (Free Trial).

Da’Vonne, Frank, and Nicole are together on the hammock. We’re coming in mid conversation after the cameras lingered on Victor getting in the shower. Hope that was worth what we missed.

Frank is explaining to Nicole that Tiffany said she wants to get him out pre-Jury. Where might Frank have gotten an idea like that? Oh Da’Vonne told him. Frank is none too happy and mentions that Tiffany had told Paulie that Frank won the Roadkill comp last week. Frank had already told Paulie, but he didn’t like hearing that Tiffany was spreading details like that.

Okay, sure, Tiffany does want Frank out, but the whole Fatal Five alliance did too and that’s where Da’Vonne is twisting things.

Nicole questions if this is changing the evict-Victor plan (Or eVictor if you will. No? Yeah, that was bad. Nevermind.), but Frank assures Nicole he still wants Victor out this week despite what Da’Vonne has just told him.

Paul shows up and crushes that game talk, but a few minutes later (11:35 AM BBT) Nicole follows Day back inside and questions her about what was said. Day admits that yes, she told Frank that Tiffany was coming after him even though the entire group of Fatal Five had been discussing this idea. Day says that if Frank confronts Tiffany and she denies it then it’ll be four against one since the rest of the Fatal Four (they dropped Tiffany) will stay together on this.

Yikes. Da’Vonne is playing a very dangerous game here. Frank isn’t one to shy from confrontation and he could easily go to Tiffany if he gets upset enough. Day is relying on everyone in their Four (Zakiyah, Michelle, and Nicole) to hold the line, but we also know Nicole has a F2 deal with Frank. She may feel inclined to reveal the truth considering she’s a terrible liar.

Quick analysis of the risk vs reward here. If Da’Vonne is busted on this lie then not only does Frank find out she was lying but also likely discovers that Da’Vonne was actually also conspiring to get him evicted. Meanwhile Tiffany finds out she can’t trust Da’Vonne. The reward? Day will slightly accelerate something that was already happening on its own: Frank targeting Tiffany.

Maybe Da’Vonne’s Big Brother game only has a two-week shelf life because she’s demonstrating that she doesn’t know how to slow boil a plan. She’s already said she’s got a good thing going with this Eight Pack right now, so why is she through gas on the fire?

Tiffany is technically in danger of eviction this week since she’s on the Block. If Frank confronts Tiffany, she discovers the FF has flipped on her, and she reveals the all-girls alliance plans in some sort of self-defense move then Frank could end up moving to keep Victor to aid the guys’ numbers and hurting the girls’ instead. Da’Vonne would be solidly on his bad side from then on.

Now that’s a lot of big what-if scenarios, but the danger is there and Da’Vonne needs to watch just how hard and fast she needs to be playing right now. Especially when her stories could quickly unravel with a quick fact finding mission.

What do you think of Da’Vonne’s strategy here? Is it a good move to get the heat going between Tiffany and Frank or is it too much too soon?

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