Big Brother 15: GinaMarie Has A Meltdown Over Her Blog

Update: GinaMarie’s HoH blog has been released and yes, it’s as bad as she feared. CBS did not edit it as HGs suggested they might. GinaMarie said she couldn’t include “Chicago,” “nominations,” or “eviction” as she couldn’t spell them.

Each week the Big Brother 15 Head of Household gets to write a quick blog detailing their week in the penthouse and the surrounding drama. This time around that responsibility fell on GinaMarie and resulted in some pitiful moments in the fallout.

GinaMarie came back downstairs from her blogging duties (2:54PM BBT 8/6) and headed straight for the Lounge after a quick hug from Helen. HGs could tell she was upset so Amanda, Helen, and Andy gathered around to comfort and support her.

Helen told her the assignment was difficult to do even for her as a frequent writer in the 45 minutes allotted. Amanda assures her she’s a fun person for viewers to watch and they don’t expect in-depth strategy or well-written content from GinaMarie. For all the unpleasantness we’ve seen in that house the HGs are very kind and supportive to her.

GinaMarie is sobbing through their encouragement (Flashback to 2:58PM BBT 8/6). Helen tells her, “there are millions of people in the world who are book-smart, but there’s only one GinaMarie.” Well that’s probably true and I’m pretty sure Helen meant that in a kind way. There a few other gems mixed in there.

We also get a glimpse of what GinaMarie liked about Nick so much. She tells them he was the only guy who hasn’t made her feel stupid and that’s why she “liked-ed him.” Everyone in the room paused. I guess that explains part of her obsession with Nick.

We should get to read GinaMarie’s blog soon here on CBS. Helen suggested to GM that CBS would clean up her writing. I’m not sure they usually do that, but in this case they just might. Sign-up now for the Live Feed free trial to watch this event and more.

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