Big Brother 14: Week 3 Paranoia Spreads Ahead of Eviction Vote

Today on Big Brother 14 the house has been busy with paranoia as we approach the next round of voting and eviction. Once again what should be a straight forward and simple decision has now become an overly complicated, fear-infested ordeal.

After Monday’s Veto ceremony Shane made the decision to save Ashley and renom Frank in her place. I honestly didn’t expect Shane to stick to the plan considering his last minute diversion with the original nominations, but here we are. The new plan was simple: Team Janelle would vote to evict Frank. Team Boogie would vote to evict Joe. Team Dan would be the tie breaker and send home Frank. This only works if Team Janelle and Team Dan hold it together. As far as we can tell that’s still the plan, but it seems like a few HGs aren’t so sure.

Flashback to a little after 10AM BBT this morning to find Boogie and Frank working Wil over for his vote. Boogie throws out all sorts of scenarios to entice Wil to come over to their side for this week’s vote, but nothing seems to be working. Wil is confident in wanting to keep Joe because that’s a vote for him if he makes it to the Big Brother 14 final two. Hard to argue with that.

Now things get unnecessarily complicated. Remember when in the first week Frank was completely safe and had the votes, but then he started a big war with Willie because he was paranoid? Well here we go again with that but this time it’s Joe who is safe and is trying to demolish his security.

Flashback to 12:15PM BBT to find Joe, Ashley, and Janelle discussing Joe’s fears that Wil has flipped. He hasn’t. Joe is convinced there is some sort of deal going on between Wil and Team Boogie which is going to send him home this week instead. There isn’t. It seems this can be traced back to Wil being an early riser this morning along with Frank and Boogie. All it took for Joe to create this conspiracy was for Wil to be awake at the same time as Frank in the Big Brother house.

Janelle takes the bait and believes Wil is up to no good. He isn’t. Later she talks to Britney and gets her convinced as well. Flashback to 12:50PM BBT for that conversation. It doesn’t take long for Britney to fall in to Joe’s pit of paranoia along with Janelle. They’re now both convinced Wil has flipped his vote.

Janelle grabs Ashley to talk about her Wil-fears but thankfully Ashley becomes the surprising voice of reason. She declares that Wil hasn’t flipped his vote and is still planning on voting along with them. Janelle seems satisfied, but not long after she’s in Shane’s ear that they need to talk with Wil to make sure he isn’t wavering from the plan

We’re still two days away from the next eviction and anything can happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if the house decides to eliminate Joe and keep Frank, but I don’t think it’s going to come down to a hinge vote on Wil. We shall see.

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