Allison Grodner Interview: Scottie In & Scottie Out, Jury Hive, & AFP

Scottie and Haleigh on Big Brother 20

We wrapped up basically a Repeat Week for Big Brother 20 with Hive seeing another pair of allies on the Block before voting out Haleigh’s competition. And what an eviction event that was with Scottie’s commentary. We asked Big Brother’s Executive Producer if she thought things might have gone differently if it hadn’t been Scottie who returned, what’s going to happen with this Hive dominated Jury, and finally, we’ve got a concrete answer on who can win America’s Favorite HG.

Big Brother Network: Scottie had the revolving door treatment this week after his Battle Back victory. Do you think either Bayleigh or Rockstar might have been given a pass in favor of another target this week had either of them won that Battle Back instead of Scottie?

Allison Grodner: I think this week the house was able to unite to kick out the returning juror whoever that was but it all rested on who won HOH. Since Level 6 remained in control, it was an easy decision and I donโ€™t think it would have been any different if Bayleigh or Rockstar were in the house. Whether Bayleigh or Rockstar could have won this HOH endurance competition and then made a move against the alliance is an entirely different question.

BBN: Hive might be nearing extinction after staggering losses in the house but they’re about to dominate when it comes to the Jury house & picking this season’s winner. Which remaining HGs do you think could face the toughest challenge in winning over that Hive Jury?

Allison Grodner: I think Angela is definitely going to have a tough time with the jury due to her ‘goodbye messagesโ€™ but if it is only Level 6 in the end, all of them will probably have an uphill battle with this group.

BBN: It comes up near the end of every season and we’re never sure of the answer. Are the F2 HGs eligible for the America’s Fav HG prize or is that restricted to HGs not already about to win top two prize money?

Allison Grodner: Americaโ€™s Favorite HG is open to all the HGs.

BBN: Thank you!

I’ve always been curious about if the F2 were ruled ineligible because I don’t believe we’ve ever seen a F2 named as AFP. Kinda surprising that hasn’t come up, but now we know for sure.

Side Note: Yes, Ross Mathews was in F2 of Celebrity Big Brother and won AFP. That’s also a different part of the franchise and the first time we had seen that which raised the question of whether or not the rules were the same in the traditional summer Big Brother.

What do you think about the Hive Jury? Is anyone left already practically dead in the water over Hive holding a stranglehold on the Big Brother 20 winner decision? Share your thoughts below!



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