Can’t believe it but this is our 15th anniversary of Big Brother Network! As CBS celebrates their 25th season with tonight’s season premiere we’re reaching our 15th year here on the site and that’s incredible to me.
I launched this website back in 2008 as a spin-off from another fansite I had started which changed each year to a new domain and that was a bit much to keep doing. So way back during the BB10 preseason (wow what an era of Big Brother that was!) I set up and have been at it ever since. A lot has changed over the years but the mission has remained the same: cover every corner of Big Brother each season and be the best fan community spot we can possibly be!
We’ve watched as Live Feeds went from Real’s Superpass to CBS’s All Access now to Paramount’s own streaming service. I’ve been to the CBS Studio Lot to meet HGs before the reveal, gone backstage to meet Don Wollman (THE voice of Big Brother), met some of my favorite HGs, and heck, I’ve even talked with the legendary Julie Chen Moonves on the phone (and yes, I got in a “but first” with her).
I saw recently that Julie Chen mention in an interview that she hoped her son would someday be the host for BB50. Have mercy, if there’s a BB50 I can’t imagine what the game, our community, or this website could possibly become but we’ve made it this far thanks to you all and I greatly appreciate.
Along with your support of visiting us everyday and sharing our site with your fellow fans, there’s been incredible hard work from my fellow writers like this season’s return of Branden (follow him @BrandenTweetsBB) and Tammie (follow her @Tamster613) who will be helping me out every day on the site. I could not do this without them!
We can’t wait to share another season with you and hopefully many more. Thank you for your support and continued readership. You keep the lights on for us and that means everything. THANK YOU!
Our content isn’t just limited to our website here either. We’ve got a great presence on Twitter, Facebook, and our Big Brother App for iOS and Android.
Big Brother 25 coverage from Big Brother Network will include:
- Fast spoilers updates right off the Feeds. As it happens we’ll be reporting it on our app, Twitter, Facebook, and here on the site so you can use the Rewind Feeds feature and watch any big events you’ve missed.
- Alert notifications on your mobile device through our Big Brother App.
- Daily highlights reports with the top moments and important talks from the Feeds.
- Op-eds and discussion posts on the latest events, twists, and turns
Try Live Feeds 1 Week Free! Only $4.99 per month thereafter. Sign-up now.
A special thanks to readers who choose to sign-up for their Feeds through our links & banners. The referral fee that earns us, at no extra cost to you, is a big part of what makes this site possible so thank you for that. We greatly appreciate your help and support.