Tonight On ‘Big Brother 19’: ‘The Revengers’ HoH Comp & Nominations

Big Brother Revengers

Tonight on Big Brother 19 we’ve got the return of a slew of former Houseguests to help set up this week’s Head of Household competition where the winner will secure a spot in the season’s Final Four.

There are some big names from the Big Brother archives and some “not again” ones too so we’ve got a mixed bag here, but it’ll be good fun to see the new HGs try out a different competition.

From the clip below and the group photo it looks like Austin and Jessie are playing undead characters and Dan’s character has been named The Funeral Director. My guess is Dan is the head bad guy and reanimating the undead here as a set up for The Revengers to come in and save the day.

That should be the storyline the HGs have to follow and then answer questions about by picking from a line of characters to answer each question. Most points at the end will probably lock down the win. And of course we’ve got Paul commanding his minions to throw the HoH comp to his preferred minion so that should suck plenty of fun out of the challenge. Thanks Paul.

Gallery: Week 11 HoH Competition

Once we get through the HoH competition we’ll be marching along to the nominations. No more Temptation twists this season so it’ll just be a set up for who is going on the Block as the rest of them settle on their target for the week.

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Can’t wait to find out if anyone got the Temptation and who was nominated? Check our spoilers board for all the latest results and updates for the season so far.

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  1. Most seasons of BB have some houseguests that eventually start to grow on you. You start to become a fan because they are fun to watch or they are likeable or you want them to win because of their game play. This season has been different. I have had a very difficult time trying to be a big fan of any of this season’s houseguests. I certainly don’t have any strong feelings that any of the remaining houseguests deserve the 500K.

  2. I don’t know how I feel about Victor and Nicole dating!?! I really liked him but couldn’t stand her…so whiny and entitled. Oh well…to each their own.

    • Lol. I couldn’t stand bedridden sex fiend Dingus Nicole’s sickening lack of game last season, but I lived through it. It even made me look at BB differently and helped to enjoy it more. If Paul wins, you will, too, Linda. I promise :)

  3. Not the horrible narcissist Jesse again! Even the pukeworthy Frankie Grande would be more welcome than that musclebound buffoon.

    • There’s too much going on in my life to worry about who exists and who doesn’t. If I did, I’d never get to enjoy anything. Best not to stress out about things like this. ;)

  4. Actually looking forward to this recap, lol. Let’s see what went down during the DE again and celebrate Raven’s departure. all over again

  5. Don’t bother, Paul. Josh is blowing your game up in the goodbye message. Hope he does that for Alex again this week.

    • The only thing that will save this season is if it’s Kevin and Josh in F2. I never thought I would say that. Dictator and Santa go out 4th and 3rd. I’d pay to see that.

      • Has to be Josh and Kevin. Christmas is an automatic vote with Paul. Josh is frightened of Christmas though with all her yelling. He may not have enough courage.

      • Watching the feeds today I don’t know who I strongly dislike more the dictator or Tree. She was so nasty to Josh today.

  6. I cant beleive Josh didnt blow up on Paul when Paul is questioning him. EDIT: OMG IT WAS A PLAN . I CANT

  7. I accept Paul winning at this point. My last hope is seeing Josh Mom in the audience during the finale. Having some harsh words for Christmas yelling and frightening her good boy.

    • Exactly!! He would have been better to vote like the other. As I said in the wrong thread, even if alex tried to tell her, she won’t believe it.

  8. Who the heck was Paul acting for on Thursday? Like he cared at all about voting Raven out. WE didn’t care if she left.

    • he was able to keep a straight face when telling Alex “she came in second alot and was a threat. Thought he would burst out laughing.

    • They should be more worried about poop on their hands too. Everybody can see when they walk out from the toilet without washing their hands.

  9. Wow, Alex playing smart?

    Why do I get the feeling this is just for the edit? Oh, right, cause I’ve been watching the feeds.

    • He is obviously the only one who will make a move against Paul. I feel we are all rooting for him by default.

    • I’m not. He was Paul’s nasty henchman all season and now with one week left, wants to all the sudden break free?

    • No. It’s a choice of the lesser evil at this point. Weasel, Santa, and Alex are despicable humans and Kevin’s decent but has not taken any ownership of his situation. I’m rooting for Josh too. He’s at least shown remorse for his past behavior and is now unwilling to be cruel for the sake of rattling his opponents. And, he’s trying to figure out a path to advance his game. No one wants to engage in taking out Paul and he can’t do it by himself at this point.

    • I’m adding that to my best moments of the season. A short list but that is definitely going on it.

      • Production agreed with you. You see how they prolong his facial expression in the edit, because it’s good.

  10. Why don’t YOU do it, Paul? Get a little blood on your hands willingly. Might as well, since Josh drenched you in it.

  11. I don’t believe Meatball’s DR anymore..they want him to say those. ha!..we all know what’s happening.

    • I believe that he believes it in the moment, until they tell him something different. Poor little meatball.

  12. Okay, call me a dork, but I loved that ‘preview,’ lol. That was just AMAZING! Very well put together by the crew. We officially know where BB’s budget went this year.

    And, yes, Dan WAS the best. He’s part of the legendary winners circle.

    Not like you morons.

    • Production trying to edit him into a legendary villain? They would love to edit him onto the big brother mount rushmore with Janelle, Will and Dan.

  13. Just listening to that whiny annoying hole Nicole made me not care for that stupid B movie budget trailer. Vic and Caleb did look hot.

    • Oh, yeah. Would love it if they’d do a “Behind the Scenes” special for “The Revengers,” but it’ll never happen.

      • Nah, it was just for the comp. I just mean I’d love to see if there were any outtakes, dressing room shenanigans, that kind of thing.

    • It’s the only job in the business they can get. Continuing to work from BB anyway they can get it.

  14. It was dumb.., he (Kevin) should have gone for the HoH…he said he wants to see a letter from his family…he can blame himself for that…no problem.

    • Well hopefully they do the family video messages before Kevin gets evicted. I would like to see him get a message from his family. I’ll probably tear up with him

    • His chance has come and gone at this point. Paul have veto, noms stay the same, A!ex goes home Tuesday night. We won’t see it until Wednesday night. Josh can run for HOH. Whoever wins puts Josh and Kevin on the block unless Kevin pulls out a HOH win. If Josh wins POV he can save himself. If anyone else wins it, Josh is gone.

  15. Paul has been very aggressive the entire season, but now that they’re so close to the end, he’s going into hyper drive.

  16. Josh should have kept his mouth shut about wanting Paul out because now BB gifted him with the veto so he can stay safe.

  17. I hope that Josh’s family is safe from Hurricane Irma. I’ve had his family in my thoughts and prayers today.

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