Tonight on Big Brother 19 we’ve got the return of a slew of former Houseguests to help set up this week’s Head of Household competition where the winner will secure a spot in the season’s Final Four.
There are some big names from the Big Brother archives and some “not again” ones too so we’ve got a mixed bag here, but it’ll be good fun to see the new HGs try out a different competition.
From the clip below and the group photo it looks like Austin and Jessie are playing undead characters and Dan’s character has been named The Funeral Director. My guess is Dan is the head bad guy and reanimating the undead here as a set up for The Revengers to come in and save the day.
That should be the storyline the HGs have to follow and then answer questions about by picking from a line of characters to answer each question. Most points at the end will probably lock down the win. And of course we’ve got Paul commanding his minions to throw the HoH comp to his preferred minion so that should suck plenty of fun out of the challenge. Thanks Paul.
Gallery: Week 11 HoH Competition
Once we get through the HoH competition we’ll be marching along to the nominations. No more Temptation twists this season so it’ll just be a set up for who is going on the Block as the rest of them settle on their target for the week.
Don’t forget you can live stream CBS TV on All Access to catch tonight’s Big Brother 19 episode even if you’re on the go. Get your Free Trial now and watch all the episodes and Live Feeds too.
Can’t wait to find out if anyone got the Temptation and who was nominated? Check our spoilers board for all the latest results and updates for the season so far.
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Great to see Victor, Dan, Da and Caleb again. The others?…..yawn
I agree. Who the hell wants to see Frankie again? Gag!
Frankie and Paul can run off into the sunset.
Most seasons of BB have some houseguests that eventually start to grow on you. You start to become a fan because they are fun to watch or they are likeable or you want them to win because of their game play. This season has been different. I have had a very difficult time trying to be a big fan of any of this season’s houseguests. I certainly don’t have any strong feelings that any of the remaining houseguests deserve the 500K.
Or AFP, for that matter. Who, among this group, has actually proven to be America’s favorite?
Great to see Victor he was my favorite
I don’t know how I feel about Victor and Nicole dating!?! I really liked him but couldn’t stand her…so whiny and entitled. Oh well…to each their own.
I agree. He can do better than Corey’s sloppy seconds. Or Hayden’s for that matter.
I think Paul will win and I CAN’T STAND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol. I couldn’t stand bedridden sex fiend Dingus Nicole’s sickening lack of game last season, but I lived through it. It even made me look at BB differently and helped to enjoy it more. If Paul wins, you will, too, Linda. I promise :)
Not the horrible narcissist Jesse again! Even the pukeworthy Frankie Grande would be more welcome than that musclebound buffoon.
Slept 13 hours a day Jesse LMAO
Running late tonight because of football.
Seems to be ok on my CBS.
It’s 8:03 and not on here.
8:08 for me
Is it on for you?
Yes, it started on time. Must be just late in Detroit.
Right on time.
Here we go
Frankies existence offends me
There’s too much going on in my life to worry about who exists and who doesn’t. If I did, I’d never get to enjoy anything. Best not to stress out about things like this. ;)
lol im not stressed but he is in my face tonight and just ugh! Grodner!!!
Actually looking forward to this recap, lol. Let’s see what went down during the DE again and celebrate Raven’s departure. all over again
8 minute delay…..
Did… did the narrator just cuss?
Arkan, sassy, assy. Best quote all year!
This is the thread?..ok
That is the most annoying noise I’ve heard all season.
James is trash can man. Austins super powers have to involve smells.
Don’t bother, Paul. Josh is blowing your game up in the goodbye message. Hope he does that for Alex again this week.
The only thing that will save this season is if it’s Kevin and Josh in F2. I never thought I would say that. Dictator and Santa go out 4th and 3rd. I’d pay to see that.
Has to be Josh and Kevin. Christmas is an automatic vote with Paul. Josh is frightened of Christmas though with all her yelling. He may not have enough courage.
Watching the feeds today I don’t know who I strongly dislike more the dictator or Tree. She was so nasty to Josh today.
He needs to do it b4 because what if production doesnt show it!
Can I put my fist thru the tv and punch that bearded gnome in the face?
Please do.
Slap him for me as well.
Is yours on. Mine is delayed because of football. Starting in a minute.
That sucks. NY area usually has that issue, lol. But we’re on time tonight.
Oh come on!..I’ll send you a Raven’s on me. hi hi
I no longer believe you, still waiting for my Josh shirt. ๐
Me too!!! Please!!!
I cant beleive Josh didnt blow up on Paul when Paul is questioning him. EDIT: OMG IT WAS A PLAN . I CANT
I just can’t believe that these people are that stupid.
Alex, just stupid.
Tied with Jessica for worst HOH move.
Lol Kevin and that duck pout, sigh
How can someone be a baby and a bully at the same time? Yikes.
I accept Paul winning at this point. My last hope is seeing Josh Mom in the audience during the finale. Having some harsh words for Christmas yelling and frightening her good boy.
and kicking Paul in the azz
That my friend would make the season worth it. Josh Mom grabbing Pauls beard and scolding him.
Please Lord!
Josh, now Raven thinks Paul voted to keep her.
Exactly!! He would have been better to vote like the other. As I said in the wrong thread, even if alex tried to tell her, she won’t believe it.
Who the heck was Paul acting for on Thursday? Like he cared at all about voting Raven out. WE didn’t care if she left.
he was able to keep a straight face when telling Alex “she came in second alot and was a threat. Thought he would burst out laughing.
Paul sure can ham it up.
Dont they show the families at some point? Is that final 3?
Their families are too embarrassed to claim them, except for Kevin’s.
LOL, how did Paul not see another DE coming?
omg Jason..worried about blood on his hands…blood on your poop you worry.
They should be more worried about poop on their hands too. Everybody can see when they walk out from the toilet without washing their hands.
Haha Paul is crying wow
Fake tears.
I wanna pop that bird
Paul thinks America finds it delightful.
Josh really is good tv in an otherwise horrible season hahah. I am laughing like a maniac
Haaha! Josh finally saw the devil.
Wow, Alex playing smart?
Why do I get the feeling this is just for the edit? Oh, right, cause I’ve been watching the feeds.
Yes JOsh you have just seen the devil.LOL. Great moment
OMG, his face!!!
In spite of everything, you gotta love the meatball.
Is it wrong I’m rooting for Josh? Geeze.
At this point, anything goes!
Kevin and Josh is it if you root for an underdog.
He is obviously the only one who will make a move against Paul. I feel we are all rooting for him by default.
he just has to stop being terrified of Christmas and break free. Join up with kevin.
I’m not. He was Paul’s nasty henchman all season and now with one week left, wants to all the sudden break free?
Well, he’s easily influenced.
No. It’s a choice of the lesser evil at this point. Weasel, Santa, and Alex are despicable humans and Kevin’s decent but has not taken any ownership of his situation. I’m rooting for Josh too. He’s at least shown remorse for his past behavior and is now unwilling to be cruel for the sake of rattling his opponents. And, he’s trying to figure out a path to advance his game. No one wants to engage in taking out Paul and he can’t do it by himself at this point.
At this point I am too.
Paul just got the villain edit, lol!
Finally, have been waiting for cbs to do that
Not that bad though. They need to show him telling Josh to blow up on Kevin and attack his soul. And oh so much more. I’m tired of watching 80% of the show and it’s Paul in the DR.
I don’t know if it was “villian edit” so much as “sneaky strategist”. Production will never make Paul look too bad.
Nah, that was pure villain.
My Baby’s eyes..That was good…about the Devil he saw. lol
I’m adding that to my best moments of the season. A short list but that is definitely going on it.
Production agreed with you. You see how they prolong his facial expression in the edit, because it’s good.
This is why we continue to watch, even when our favorites go home. For moments like THIS!!!
lol. That look alone. he didn’t even need to say anything.
OMFG!!!!!! Josh is hilarious.
Yes, Paul is the Devil.
ALex, dear Alex, you never had control of this game.
Shhh! Don’t pop her bubble. ;)
She thought up until this DE week, it was all her running the game and she just lost it now? ๐
They’ve all been living on de Nial river for too long. They’ll learn after next week.
Why don’t YOU do it, Paul? Get a little blood on your hands willingly. Might as well, since Josh drenched you in it.
Exactly, the cowardly little pr*ck
Why don’t you take the shot Paul, you coward.
OMG, Josh’s face
Josh is going to need therapy when he gets home, to get Paul and xmas out of his head.
Lots of hugs from his Mom and Sisters. He will be babied for a month.
Could you imagine how much he is going to cry when he gets home and watches all of this and sees the comments and articles about him.
He probably will be a puddle for six months.
And add about 100 lbs
I think he’s suffering from Stockholm syndrome
Paul is a minor deity. A demon?
Evel he was a devil.
“I will slap you…”
I am guessing this is a set up, giving them a reason to vote Josh out.
That look on Josh’s face was hysterical!!
So true. Even his fake crying was terrible.
Josh, what don’t you get?! It’s not that complicated!
I don’t believe Meatball’s DR anymore..they want him to say those. ha!..we all know what’s happening.
I believe that he believes it in the moment, until they tell him something different. Poor little meatball.
They stay in DR for a long time.Producers talk to them, eventually they get what they want.
Finally, something new…
Huh, so they’re showing us next week’s comics.
Has Josh already won AFP?
Do you want him to win it?
he has played harder than anyone except Paul. Kevin has given up. I would vote Josh at this point.
I might still give it to Mark because Josh has been in there way to long and has been clueless. If he gets Paul out though…
I should have your moniker because I am back to Alex.
I want him gone personally but understand what you’re saying.
Beast mode is so hot, him and Victor
Haaha! This is just…awful.
omg! this is a horrible show. revengers?
It’s just for the comp.
oh! it!
lol thanks Capt
don’t encourage him, lol
Hey, we’re having fun.
it’s called sarcasm ;-)
Okay, call me a dork, but I loved that ‘preview,’ lol. That was just AMAZING! Very well put together by the crew. We officially know where BB’s budget went this year.
And, yes, Dan WAS the best. He’s part of the legendary winners circle.
Not like you morons.
I liked it too.
Only missing Bronte.
Ugh, I’m assuming you’re joking. Ms. “I Don’t Know Geography?”
I’m 33% certain!
lmao. To funny.
For those not watching BB episode tonight, Paul is not getting a good edit.
Production trying to edit him into a legendary villain? They would love to edit him onto the big brother mount rushmore with Janelle, Will and Dan.
I am trying to watch both…..lmao…and noooo he is not getting a good edit…
Just listening to that whiny annoying hole Nicole made me not care for that stupid B movie budget trailer. Vic and Caleb did look hot.
Nicole and Frankie… blech
James ….blech, blech
True the blech trio
That thing as well.
Exactly me.
Raven’s worst. And omg Cameron!!! It’s the reason I was happy he got eliminated that fast.
Cameron? He was barely there.
Corniest thing ever…๐They look like they were having fun though
Oh, yeah. Would love it if they’d do a “Behind the Scenes” special for “The Revengers,” but it’ll never happen.
Is that an actual movie? I think we just watched the beginning, middle and ending.
Nah, it was just for the comp. I just mean I’d love to see if there were any outtakes, dressing room shenanigans, that kind of thing.
It’s the only job in the business they can get. Continuing to work from BB anyway they can get it.
Some of them don’t care about working in the entertainment business, though, so I don’t think they care.
I think they do if they keep coming back to TV. We all know that Frankie wants nothing but.
I wonder what Meech will think of them using her like that
Who cares?!
Frankie was on UK Big Brother. Voted off first. he lives for this.
Frankie, yes, but I’m sure some of them do it just because they love BB. After all, Derrick agreed to come back, and I believe he said that he never wants to do the show again. Granted, that probably had a lot to do with selling his book.
It was dumb.., he (Kevin) should have gone for the HoH…he said he wants to see a letter from his family…he can blame himself for that…no problem.
Well hopefully they do the family video messages before Kevin gets evicted. I would like to see him get a message from his family. I’ll probably tear up with him
Kevin, you’re an idiot.
he’s street smart..not so good with other things.
He’s also too trusting for his own good.
Not an Alex fan but that is a good look for her
Josh acting like he won on his own merit. SMH
So he’s still the Paul clone. Baby! proud of you. ha!
I wish they would put up a picture of the meatball from the beginning of the season beside one from now. He has noticeably lost weight.
I know..he looks good.
I think Josh looks great. He is even toned.
Surprised Frankie hasn’t tried getting on Survivor.
Maybe he has and they don’t want him. Thank goodness for us.
Bigger ham than James. He would go on celebrity rehab if he could.
ROFL, can you imagine him in his sparkly outfits?
Fishing for the group.
Splashing thru the water trying to get away if he saw a fish!
Shark bait.
I think that my be one reason why they keep avoiding him. Only BB has tolerance for that ridiculousness.
He wouldn’t last a day, maybe TAR.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on some kind of “Don’t ever want on Survivor” show list.
Come on meatball, stop acting like you are going to actually do something.
His chance has come and gone at this point. Paul have veto, noms stay the same, A!ex goes home Tuesday night. We won’t see it until Wednesday night. Josh can run for HOH. Whoever wins puts Josh and Kevin on the block unless Kevin pulls out a HOH win. If Josh wins POV he can save himself. If anyone else wins it, Josh is gone.
Paul has been very aggressive the entire season, but now that they’re so close to the end, he’s going into hyper drive.
He was playing the victim tonight on the feeds. Should be an interesting few days till eviction night.
Yeah. Unless something big goes down or Paul drops that act, I’m probably gonna barely watch. Plus, I’m working again, now that school’s started up, so between that and my grad courses, I don’t really have time to just sit and watch the feeds endlessly now.
Its been fun reading your comments. All the best in everything.
Aw, thanks. You, as well. My job’s not the only one that causes stress.
So condescending, again I’d like to punch him in the face
Ah, if only………
Josh should have kept his mouth shut about wanting Paul out because now BB gifted him with the veto so he can stay safe.
It’s a ‘scripted move Josh.
Yes it’s all scripted and never Christmas break her feet. It’s for rating.
I have proof! lol
Doctor name and hospital? Lol.
lol. I think they left her in the game for ratings, but she actually broke her foot.
Well, gee, Alex, maybe you should’ve been a little smarter with your HOH, then. SMH
I hope that Josh’s family is safe from Hurricane Irma. I’ve had his family in my thoughts and prayers today.
uh oh Christmas turn to spin her lies….
Looks like a porno parody, lol.