Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Eviction Prediction: Who Goes Home In Round 4? [POLL]

Celebrity Big Brother memory wall in Round 4

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 it looks like Tomato is about to go *splat* as the duo faces their greatest challenge yet to survive in the season. Nothing is definite but the odds are stacked high as we head into Monday’s live eviction show (9/8c).

Five votes in the mix this round which means Tamar won’t have a chance to influence the final outcome but that Veto comp and ceremony is still ahead of us. Should either of the current noms, Tom and Kato, win the Veto then someone has to go up on that Block. Hmm…

Kandi worked on Tamar last night to make it either Natalie or Lolo instead of Dina and Tamar seemed to be entertaining the possibility before she swung the pendulum back and returned her focus to needing to split up Tomato. Tamar was concerned that if Lolo went up they wouldn’t have the votes to get her out. Nonsense!

With just three votes needed to evict then Dina, Kandi, and Tom/Kato would vote out Lolo. Done and done. Tamar seems resistant though and fixed on eliminating Kato. Now should Kato come down and she can’t get her main target them maybe, maybe but I’d still be very surprised to see it happen.

Most likely scenario is Kato gets evicted. That’s what I’m expecting but last round surprised us with the unanimous vote and Kato does have several wins under his belt so maybe we’ll get another last minute surprise on this one too.

Who do you think will be voted out? Cast your vote now in our poll below and share your reasons why.



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