‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition Results – Who Won PoV?

This week’s Big Brother Over The Top Power of Veto competition kicks off on the Live Feeds at 1PM PT (4PM ET) as the HGs are ready to see who can win the opportunity to break up Alex’s HoH plans to send half of the showmance out the door.

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother

America’s Vote earlier gave us the week’s third nominee before two more players were picked to join in the competition. Now after days of watching the HGs putt around in the back yard it was time to put their skills to the test. Remember these Veto competitions are live online each week at 1PM PT on Mondays so you can always turn on your Live Feeds and watch how things turn out.

Big Brother Over The Top Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition:

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Monte was added as the third nominee then Alex draw Scott and got a HG Choice for Shelby. They’ll join Shane and Danielle, the original nominees of the week while Justin is hosting. Or at least he was going to host until Jeff Schroeder arrived to take over those duties.

The comp is “Veto For Sale” and it’s a golf theme. HGs earn tickets by making the shots on a small putting green but using oversized clubs and golf balls. There are four holes each with different point values (5, 10, 15, 30). They’ll need 60 points to buy the PoV.

“Veto For Sale” – Live Recap results:

  • 12:30 PM BBT – Jeff Schroeder has arrived as Veto host.
  • 12:50 PM BBT – Waiting on the comp to get started.
  • 1:03 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Jeff is reading the rules.
  • 1:09 PM BBT – Danielle makes the first shot for 10 points.
  • 1:12 PM BBT – Shane is second to score with the big 30 points.
  • 1:20 PM BBT – Danielle scores another 10 points.
  • 1:23 PM BBT – Danielle scores 10 more points. She’s tied w/ Alex & Shane.
  • 1:31 PM BBT – Shelby gets 10 points. Only Scott & Monte have 0 points.
  • 1:38 PM BBT – Danielle gets another 10 points & takes the lead at 40.
  • 1:44 PM BBT – Shelby gets another 10 points. She buys caddy punishment & is out.
  • 1:47 PM BBT – Shane gets 30 more points & wins the Veto!
  • 1:48 PM BBT – Veto is now taken, but the comp continues
  • 1:52 PM BBT – Danielle buys the “Water Hazard” punishment
  • 1:55 PM BBT – Alex buys the “19th Hole” punishment
  • 1:56 PM BBT – Scott gets 5 points. Takes Sand Trap punishment.
  • 1:57 PM BBT – Monte left with “Missed Cut” punishment. Veto is over.

Shane won this week’s Power of Veto.

Punishment assignments:

  • Missed The Cut – Monte – Can’t compete in next Veto comp
  • Water Hazard – Daneille – Fish golfballs from pool when BB calls for 1 week
  • 19th Hole – Alex – Disadvantage at her next HoH comp
  • Sand Trapped – Scott – 24 hours in the sand trap
  • Caddy Costume – Shelby – Costume & carry clubs for 1 week

If you missed the action then rewind your Feeds to 1PM BBT and watch it again. CBS should also have the clip posted before too long that you can watch if Rewind isn’t available for you.

What do you think of the PoV Comp playing out live? What should happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up Tuesday at 1PM PT (4PM ET) and we’ll post live spoilers then.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the latest drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. Can Shelby get a special prize for getting the ball in the water 3 times in a row? LOL

  2. You know, if they’d gone for the easier hole, someone probably would’ve won by now.

  3. So now we’re just gonna torture them. And I can all ready guess how production will edit this.

  4. Well Shane is save.
    Please don’t waste the vote to evict on Monte America, get Danielle out.

    • I’m hoping America will be smart. But you have the I adore Jason fans which I don’t understand because he’s the most disgusting foul mouthed person in the house.

      • I’m not impressed with him this time around. Guess he is better than the “newbie messiah” that could have been America’s vote.

      • Not a Jason fan, and I will be voting Monte out. I really do like Shane and don’t care either way about Danielle. But I do favor the misfits so far. Alex is ok, but Shelby and Morgan ? Lol I am a southern gal too, but whitneys drawl is wearing on me, although she seems pretty smart and a good match for Alex. I love Justin! He’s just my type of “Nawlins” fellow. Kristie was kinda raw and then grew on me a little, but still undecided on her… So yeah, I see Monte as my pic this week. Sorry homeboy!

      • Krissie is just as disgusting as Jason. She has said very vile, nasty things. The only one out of the mean night group I like is Neely and their influence on her is starting to show because now she’s saying some nasty comments. At least Whitney, Alex and Morgan talk game and don’t sit and call people sluts and garbage and hope their homeless and on and on and on. At least they’re playing the game. All the mean night crew does is sit around and talk trash and think America is going to save them. Well not this American. My vote will be for Danielle for two reasons. One is personal because she’s so full of herself and conceited. She’s beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside. Second is strategic. Break up that couple.

      • I so agree with you, I don’t like Jason this time around and I love Neely but she should not get involved with their meanness. Danielle needs to go but Monte needs to go first but Danielle is so full of herself every conversation is about her or she directs it to herself. She needs to go

  5. At one time I would have been glad to see Shane win but not anymore . Do you think Danielle will try to get him to use it on her ?

    • I do, because imo she is prettier on the outside than she is on the inside where it really counts.

    • Omg… I really like Shane and he truly has feelings for her, kinda cute, but hopefully he won’t be so blind to take her off, but I’m fearful he will fall into the trap. I’m just hoping America sticks with me to vote Monte out!

      • Same..get out Monte first so Shane won’t team up with him and then Danielle so he’s mostly on his own.

  6. I just realized that Danielle and Shane are like the Brendon and Rachel from season 12 where everyone hated Rachel and were okay with Brendon. Wonder if they’ll get as far as Brenchel did in their season, which isn’t that far 0_0

      • lol Yes, In the chat rms, that’s all I was reading every time he speaks..’shut up, stfu. pretty good snap shot of how the fans are feeling.

    • I don’t think he realizes the stupid things that come out of his mouth. I think he’s actually a nice guy though. A little boring maybe but seems nice.

      • I think he’s a nice guy. Maybe a little ignorant? He needs to explore. lol Terrible on the game though. What he should now is damage control to Hg’s and voters..Strategize. He might have a chance against Danielle.

      • Nice guy? Maybe…. But a know it all for sure! Can only take so much and then it’s….Bye Felicia!

      • Yep he’s ignorant a little bit. I don’t think he knows how to strategize. But for now I’d rather he’s there then that entire mean night group. I’m tired of all the hateful things they say every single night. And it’s not even game. They’re are sitting back on their ignorant asses and letting America save them. They think America wants them to win. Well sorry but I don’t like those type of people and I’d rather Danielle or Krissie go this week then Monte. At least Monte is not hateful.

      • Yep, even Alex said he needs to apologize to Justin because she’s trying to get him on their side before eviction night. Looks like he either did, or Justin came to hang out with them on his own.

      • Definitely boring.

        He also suffers from the same affliction as other hated BB males…an ego that won’t stop.

      • Yep. But I can live with that for another week or two. I want someone from the mean night crew gone. I’d rather listen to someone with an ego then someone that spews nothing but hate from their mouths.

    • I was reading jokers and apparently Morgan said the same thing… if they could make him not talk he might be ok!! LoL and her calling him a “pussy” to try and light a fire under him to fight to stay was too good!!

      • At the rate that he’s going, I don’t think Monte can move the needle in his favor…I think he’s toast. A 24hr in isolation rm with blasting music like what Dan G got, could be good for him..Too bad there’s no punishment like that on the Veto comp. You remember what he got?

  7. They’re all in HoH, Monte is actually putting more stress on Alex. Every time he talks he’s making his image worst…I feel bad for Alex

      • Just everything he says..explanation about racism, trying to read what America thinks and stuff..I think the fans want him to drop the whole subject..At least I do. ..I’m just sick of it.

      • He is going on and on, the typical Monte nonsense. He really needs to keep it shut until after renoms. As of now he is sinking his own boat, quickly.

    • Agreed. I saw Alex wanting so bad for him just to shut up. I really think Danielle has been deliberately exaggerating the race/sex overtones to keep the target off her and Shane, not caring who else gets hurt. I don’t like Monte either but hope she goes home for Alex’s sake. Want America to vote Danielle for eviction.

  8. I sure hope America votes for Danielle or Alex’s replacement nom. That mean night group need to get a wake up call. Daniell

  9. not sure if Shane will actually vote out Monte since he can’t play for veto next week everyone should vote for Danielle.
    Where do they find these people?

  10. Well Monte is toast imo. Honestly I don’t mind him leaving at all, I’m just worried what this means for Alex and her allies moving forward. Their only hope moving forward is if they win HOH and America supports them. If the other side wins, even if we nom the Jason side they’ll have 4 votes locked and the Alex side would only have 3 votes. So even if America helps HOH breaks tie. Pretty sure some combination of Scott, Shelby, and Alex are your next 3 evicted. Eventually they pull in Whitney and maybe Morgan to break up the showmance and then they’ll turn on Jason around top 5. I feel like this season is about to get really boring. If I were Alex I’d sell out Monte and make a deal with Justin/Jason/etc to break up the showmance this week and then work together to take out Monte next week who can’t compete in veto. This breaks up the showmance and buys everyone an extra week in the house without anyone losing numbers overall.

  11. I’m watching feeds right now..and just observing Justin, and I know players cannot please every fans out there, but he’s doing a damn good job socializing with the other alliance. They’re playing “would you rather’ He’s actually making them laugh. Even Monte looks more chill.. That’s playing the game.



    This is the only way CBS will stop recruiting everyone.

  13. It’s pretty sad to see how Danielle, who claims that she’s a super fan, hasn’t played like one at all. She had so much potential by aligning her self with someone she knew she could trust to the end(Shane) and using that as an advantage yet she managed to blow that all out of the water when she chose to talk crap about other people. I mean yes the game is about lies and deception but not in that way. She should heed the same warnings we’ve been giving Monte all week and that’s to STFU or you’re toast

  14. I think Alex needs to nominate Neely as the renom. If she nominates Krissy, monte will go home. I’m not a fan of his but, I don’t want Alex’s hoh to be a waste. Fans of Alex will split on a Danielle and Krissy options. Where as Jason’s fans will unite to vote out Monte. Neely would be a safer choice if the goal is to get out Danielle. I just want the late night mean crew to take a hit. The more we reward them with votes that favor their side, the more encouraged they’ll feel and the mean talk will just get worse. They need to know we aren’t appreciating it. If all the Jason fans voted on his character this season and not on his last season ( like Nicole lost fans on bb18) he might get a clue.

    • Neely was just outside saying if she puts Krissy up it’s just like going against her too and said something about it getting ugly for Alex.

  15. Is Shane going to use it on Danielle?
    I missed it today, but will watch it tomorrow.
    Alex won’t put up Shelby so the best one I guess has to be Neesy or Kryssie so Monte can go.

    • Monte has a little more chance of staying, sitting beside Kryssie. That’s what Alex would do, and she’s right. The other side is pushing for Scott which is a sneaky move and the right one for their game. Both sides are bluffing/playing strategy. It’s good. Particularly Alex. while Monte can just shut up, coz he’s really a liability…blah…blah..blah ..

  16. I really enjoyed watching the convo between Justine and Alex up in HoH tonight…It was good..lol

  17. Now Kryssie, Jason, Neely and Shane upstairs pressuring Alex..Grinding! lol.it’s intimidating for sure, but Alex is handling them well.

    • They travel in a rabid pack upstairs
      Go outside Shane says she’s the head of the snake. Unbelievable.

  18. This is getting interesting. So who does everyone think will go up as the renom? And Shane should be using the veto on himself if he’s smart.

  19. Jason is a scumbag, i can’t believe America wants to just hand him the money, and he’s so cocky that America has his back, it makes me sick.

    • I liked Jason prior to BBOTT. Don’t assume his pre-BBOTT fans are going to continue to support him now that he has shown himself to be such a jerk. We didn’t see all of this crap when he was on the normal BB.

  20. Justin flashes his johnson at Morgan, and Jason calls Shelby the C- word, and Danielle says James Huling would know all about habachi’s, why is that not considered a racist statement, if your going to jump all over Monte? The late night crew is trash !

      • Exactly. Thank you Matt. It didn’t happen. He stripped to take a shower and then admitted he should have undressed in the shower. This has gotten blown way out of proportion!

    • I don’t think Justin flashed her. I think he got naked to take a shower while people were in the bathroom. Monte’s crew then turned it into sexual assault. Justin wasn’t dancing around or rubbing up on people.

  21. Danielle is really sneaky if she tried to ruin Monte’s life by trying to pain him as a racist. That’s not good.

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