‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results – Week 5 [POLL]

The Veto Ceremony has arrived for Big Brother Over The Top this week as the divided house is facing another back and forth eviction that’s keeping the game balanced but may finally force the remaining HGs to change up their alliances. Or maybe they’ll just dig their heels in deeper!

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother

Danielle has all the power this week and she’s set to decide which Houseguests on the other side will be sitting in the hot seat come eviction night. Will she follow through on her goal of being the first HoH to knock out America’s nom and just have her two picks up or will she save one of the PBS and let America take their shot at Scott?

You could watch the ceremony live as it happened but if you missed it then Flashback to 1PM PT (4PM ET) to see how this plays out on our Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now).

Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Week 5:

  • Danielle used the Veto on Whitney
  • Danielle (HoH) renom’d Morgan in Whitney’s place
  • Final noms of the week are: Morgan, Shelby, & Scott

Scott had gone in to meeting expecting to be saved leaving Morgan and Alex with the same impression. Guess not. So once again we’ll have three nominees on the Block. Looks like that could be trouble for Scott.

After the meeting Morgan was in tears as Alex said they were blindsided but should be safe with Shelby’s ACP power. Shelby told Alex, “bye Scott.” Now the PBS says they can’t trust Whitney and realizes they went from a 5:3 advantage to 5:3 numbers. Scott is trying to campaign to Alex already to stay over Morgan. If only he knew.

What do you think of today’s events at the meeting? Were the right choices made by everyone involved? Who is our most likely target for the week?

Eviction vote comes up Wednesday night and we’ll see then how this all turns out between any wavering HG votes and America’s Vote which will start shortly. Who do you think will be voted out this week? Cast your eviction prediction vote in our poll below.



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  1. omg! This acp was a disaster! lol..Scott twice ‘have not, nominee, eviction nominee, a Grammy and an Emmy, he’s gone.

  2. Scott will go but stupid move for Danielle. Why put a bigger target on your back by swapping one BS for another. Now they don’t trust Whitney because of Danielle. I’m voting Morgan for ACP and hope she gets it. I also hope either Shelby or Alex wins HOH.

  3. Best week since the game started. I was ready to cancel my subscription. I like the “blindside” and the game being unpredictable.

    • I felt the same way butterflykisses. When it’s so one sided I find it boring. Unfortunately, I think the only reason Scott will go is because a lot of BS fans wanted him to go too. Now watch it return to the BS side which for me will make it boring again. Just not a fan of any of them. jmo

      • Right. I’m not a fan of either side but I don’t like seeing a one sided game. I think if the blabbing HG did not slip and mention what production was over heard saying, I think this week would have been different

  4. Kryssie is now saying that we put her on slop so she could turn Whitney. UGH!

  5. Nice move, “America.” Ugh!

    Whitney seems to be a Misfit for sure, and that means the balance is off once again in favor of the mean side of the house. The only good thing that could come out of this week is she Scott goes, the Misfit fanatics will scramble for a new target, leaving us Smasher-ettes to make a play for Danielle, Kryssie, and maybe finally Jason.

    • Definitely Danielle and or Kryssie more than Jason. Why is Danielle and Kryssie still here? hahahaha Danielle has worn out her welcome if you ask me and if no one goes after her next, they’re a fool. I know it will be hard to take Kryssie for another week, but Kryssie isn’t great at comps as we’ve noticed, so Danielle is our next target or should be over Alex, Shelby, Whitney, Jason, Justin, Morgan and gulp Kranky Kryssie.

      • Scott blew it when he went after Shane when he should have been going after Dani. He might not be leaving if he had.

  6. I like Danielle but I think this was not a good move for her. Now she has both Whitney and Morgan upset that she put them up rather than just Whitney. Danielle’s downfall will be this specific veto and saving Whitney. That girl is going for Danielle, the first chance she gets.

    • Maybe Morgan will be upset, but Whitney already said in her DR that she owed Dani for saving her. She’s aware that both Scott and Alex offered her a deal to keep them safe and originally Whitney didn’t offer Dani anything so that’s why she put her up. Alex made promises that she didn’t honor and Scott said he wasn’t going to honor the deal he made either. I like Dani and she is strong in comps and a lot smarter than people thought. I worry more about America and what they have planned for Dani.

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