Big Brother HouseGuests from seasons past gathered in California this weekend to support the Reality Rally “Fun for Funds” poker event. There the HGs lent their names and time to benefit “Michelle’s Place,” a breast cancer resource center.
BBUS HGs attending included Judd Daugherty, Nick Uhas, Kaitlin Barnaby, Dominic Briones, and Daniele Donato. Joining them in the fun was Big Brother Canada’s Alec Beall and Glass House’s Gene Bryant.
From the pictures released and the Tweets shared it sounds like the former HouseGuests were definitely having a good time at the event and are ready to do it again. Well, it does look like Daniele might have been having more time with Alec than she needed, “shocker,” but it’s all in good fun.
Lots more Big Brother contestants will be getting together again for the Reality Rally event in April and they’re out their fundraising now so keep an eye out for more info.