Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 11: Tuesday Daytime Highlights

With so few Big Brother 26 houseguests and very few days left in the game, the Live Feeds have slowed down. Most of Tuesday morning and afternoon were spent napping and chatting about things they want to do and hope will happen for then after the season ends.

The Final 5 knows there’s very little game to play this week since it’s Rubina and Kimo on the block together. Any game talk throughout the days was about what happens after Thursday when they’re down to the Final 4.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, October 1, 2024:

9:44 AM BBT – Feeds return after houseguests got their morning wakeup call.

10:19 AM BBT – Everyone is barely awake. Rubina is feeding the fish.

11:20 AM BBT – Nothing much going on yet. Makensy and Kimo have been talking about letting loose at the after party. Talk turns to other options that might come up for them after the season. They both say they would do Reindeer Games.

11:25 AM BBT – Makensy tells Kimo that she doesn’t think she’s been very good TV. Kimo tells her that America probably loves her.

12:10 PM BBT – Kimo is cleaning up the kitchen as Makensy seems to be back in bed.

12:25 PM BBT – Chelsie is feeling sick so Kimo and Rubina take her some Zicam and Emergen-C.

1:03 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Makensy that she feels terrible. She says she wants to eat but is afraid she will throw up if she does.

1:18 PM BBT – Makensy is sleeping in the HOH bed and Cam is napping on a couch in the HOH room.

1:20 PM BBT – Chelsie, Rubina and Kimo are hanging out in the space between the living room and the kitchen. They’re discussing past seasons and the memorable houseguests.

1:23 PM BBT – Kimo, Chelsie and Rubina talk about who they thought was the most attractive houseguests when they walked in the house this season.

1:25 PM BBT – Talk turns to how excited they are to get out of the house. They say they only have 12 days left.

1:26 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Rubina that there are so many things about Cam that she does not understand.

1:45 PM BBT – Houseguests having a ramen dinner.

2:00 PM BBT – Everyone is talking about life after the show. Cam says he wants to host watch parties.

2:15 PM BBT – Cam is creating a song about Big Brother as everyone just hangs out.

In typical Final 5 fashion, there wasn’t any actual game talk today, but it looks like there’s nothing changing as far as the target this week and the plan moving forward. Kimo is still who Chelsie and Makesny want to send out Thursday night and as of now, it sounds like Chelsie remains a part of Makensy’s and Cam’s endgame plan. But whether or not Cam or Makensy is truly Chelsie’s endgame plan remains to be seen.

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