Big Brother 25: Week 1 Alliances And Deals Report

Big Brother 25 is giving us an organically split house, and fans couldn’t be more happy. A divided house is always on the list of what most of us want in a Big Brother season and so far BB25 is delivering. So let’s take look at that divide and all the alliances and deals within.

On one side we’ve got an alliance of eight calling themselves Family Style. That consists of current Head of Household Reilly, Jag, Blue, Cameron, Matt, America, Jared and Cory. Within that are the core group of five (The Handful) consisting of Reilly, Jag, Blue, Matt and Cameron. And within that, Reilly, Jag and Blue have a trio called Crowd Control. And to break things down even further, Reilly and Jag have an early Final 2 deal.

On the other side of the house is a group of seven with Jared as a silent 8th (since he’s working as a double agent on the other side). The Professors, as they named themselves last night are Cirie, Izzy, Hisam, Felicia, Bowie, Mecole and Red. That group started as a five, though, known as Bye Bye Bitches (Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, Bowie and Mecole). The core four in all this, though, are Cirie, Izzy, Felicia and Bowie.

So that’s the split house. And Jared is at the center of it all. That could be really good OR really bad for him. But that is a subject for a whole other post. Now let’s look at other deals and agreements.

Cirie and Jared are an obvious unbreakable pair. Not since Evel Dick and Daniele have a duo been so solid. Of course many Survivor fans like to say there will come a time when Cirie cuts her own son, but I don’t think she’s THAT cut throat. Jared and Cirie also have a deal with Izzy, as she’s currently the only person in the house who knows their secret.

Other deals were made by America and Melcoe, Luke and Jared, Mecole and Cory, and Jared and Cory.

There have been many other talks of deals and alliances, to the point of mass confusion, but as of now, these are the most concrete. And I am not using the word concrete lightly. These seem to be really strong foundations, despite how early in the game it is.

As always, a HUGE thank you goes out to BigBrotherJunkie (@89razorskate20) on Twitter for always keeping alliances and deals tracked and charted so beautifully. Check out their Week 1 graphic below.




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