Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 3: Monday Daytime Highlights

It is Veto Ceremony day inside the Big Brother 25 house and it has been a tense one. The feeds were full of chaos as the Big Brother houseguests waited around for the Veto Ceremony to take place. After seeing Blue go around to Cameron and Red early Monday, Felicia got a bit worried and pulled Jag aside to have a chat. Did this change Felicia’s course of action for the Week 3 Veto Ceremony on Big Brother?

Read on to get the details of Blue’s conversations with Cameron and Red and whether Felicia is planning to go through with backdooring Hisam regardless of the suspicions she has about her newest allies.

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, August 21, 2023:

9:20 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:22 AM BBT – Izzy and Cory are talking about potential reactions to Hisam going on the block today. Izzy tells Cory how Hisam was talking about what bed he is going to sleep in next week. She adds that Hisam mentioned to her that when he is mad, he laughs uncontrollably.

9:30 AM BBT – The HNs have discovered a new way to eat slop by adding it to cold milk with a little maple syrup.

9:33 AM BBT – Cory tells Izzy that America told Jared that she doesn’t want to attack the floaters if she wins HOH and told him she would go after Jag and Cameron.

9:35 AM BBT – Jared tells Jag that Red is scrambling a lot trying to make something happen in case things don’t go in his favor next week. Adds that he is worried Cameron might come after one of them this week.

9:40 AM BBT – Jag says that if he wins HOH, he wouldn’t go after Cory. Jared says that he feels like Cory is on board with them even though he isn’t part of their alliance. Jag says they just have to make sure the people they trust feel included.

9:50 AM BBT – Cory, Cameron, and Felicia are wondering if there is going to be a pre-jury battleback, a jury battleback, and a double eviction this season considering it’s the longest season they have ever had.

9:55 AM BBT – Izzy is explaining to Bowie the importance of targeting all the big comp threats in case there is a battle back.

10:00 AM BBT – Blue is telling America some of the details of her chat with Jared. Tells her that he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but has realized that he is either going to hurt Blue or the girl back home.

10:12 AM BBT – Jared wonders to Jag and Matt if it would be smarter to put Red up instead of Hisam this week. Jag explains to Matt that Hisam is a number for Felicia, Cirie, and Izzy and they are in his ear. Matt says that if Hisam wins HOH though, he is going to put two of them on the block, he did it with Cameron and Reilly.

10:32 AM BBT – Jag and Jared are wrapping up their conversation about the middle of the house and mention that they should at least mention these scenarios to Cirie and Felicia.

10:35 AM BBT – Bowie is in the HOH room with Felicia telling her that Hisam went to Matt and asked him who he (M) thought the renom would be. Bowie said that Matt told him one of the floaters and then mentioned Bowie’s name. Bowie says that she doesn’t think that Matt actually told him that though. Felicia says that him going on the block is going to be so epic.

10:40 AM BBT – Felicia asks Bowie who she would like to be sitting next to in F3 and Bowie mentions Felicia and Cirie and says that she would be more than happy if one of them won.

10:45 AM BBT – Jared is telling Cory about the conversation he had with Jag and he says that he doesn’t care about Red, but felt like he needed to entertain the conversation.

10:48 AM BBT – Jared and Cory’s conversation has shifted to whether Cory would date America and Cory says that he doesn’t want to date a 27 year old when he’s only 21. Adds that he is still in college (he has priorities) and Jared asks what if it’s just interactive? Cory says he’s not that way and he would especially not want to do that on TV. Jared says that his relationship with Blue is for TV.

10:50 AM BBT – Hisam thinks that Jag is going to lose it when Matt goes on the block which will make it easy to get rid of him next week.

10:53 AM BBT – Hisam and Izzy are talking about targets for next week and Izzy mentions Jag and America, maybe. Says America is a little sketchy. Hisam suggests maybe Jared and Cory since they have gotten really close and Jared covers the physical where Cory covers the mental strengths. Izzy immediately says she needs to use the bathroom.

11:08 AM BBT – Cirie is telling Blue that their alliance needs to try and meet up sometime soon and have some conversations ahead of Thursday’s HOH comp. Blue says she thinks that floaters are forming their own thing.

11:15 AM BBT – Jared tells Cory that Reilly told Matt that he needed to protect Cirie and he has proven that he is going to do just that. Jag and Izzy join the conversation.

11:25 AM BBT – Cory jokingly asks Jag if he has figured out what he is going to do with the Veto and he says he is still thinking about it. America asks if he has had all of his conversations and Jared jokes that it might be best not to use it. America jokes that he wouldn’t want to put a bigger target on his back and he should use it on Cam.

11:30 AM BBT – Blue is talking to Cameron and clearing the air from last week. Cameron says that she was just doing what’s best for her game and he appreciates her coming to talk to him, but doesn’t think that it was necessary.

11:58 AM BBT – Blue tells Red that she talked to Cameron to make sure that they were good.

12:05 PM BBT – Jag is giving Bowie tips on how to spin the fact that everyone sees her as a floater. Saying that she could be a number for anyone.

12:20 PM BBT – Blue is telling Jag and America how Hisam is going around telling people that Hisam is saying “Matt has no idea what’s going on and what’s happening” and they all laugh. Talk about how they have to get ready to go outside (for lockdown).

12:25 PM BBT – Felicia pulls Jag into the scary room, Jared is in there. She tells Jag she doesn’t care who is in there, but she needs Jag to be straight with her. She says she is going to be pissed if she BD’s Hisam and then they come after her, Cirie, and Izzy next week. Jag says that isn’t going to happen. Mentions how Blue was in here with Cameron and then out in the Kitchen with Red all morning. Threatens to switch the plan.

12:26 PM BBT – Jag tells Felicia that he hasn’t once lied to her. She brings up that he has lied about her though and mentions how he was going around telling people they switched their vote to keep Reilly. She asks if he did that and feeds cut.

12:31 PM BBT – Feeds go back to the scary room where Jared and Jag are talking about what just happened with Felicia. Jag asks Jared to talk to her for him and he says he will. Jag says he wasn’t even in those conversations and he doesn’t know where that came from. Jared says that it’s just a heightened sense of paranoia.

12:36 PM BBT – Matt is in the HOH talking to Felicia and telling her that Jag is good with them. Meanwhile, Jag is going into the HN room with Izzy and Cirie to tell them what just happened.

12:38 PM BBT – Jared joins Matt and Felicia in the HOH. Jared says that he appreciates the way she went to Jag because they do have to be straightforward with each other. Jared tells Felicia that Jag and him had a conversation this morning and he thinks that Jag is good with the seven. She says she trusts what Jared and Matt are saying.

12:45 PM BBT – Jag tells Cirie that he doesn’t feel good about Red or Cameron winning HOH. Meanwhile Blue is in the HOH room telling Felicia that she was talking to them to try and cover her bases with the two of them.

12:50 PM BBT – Felicia is retelling her conversation with Jag to Izzy now that they are in the HOH alone. Meanwhile, Cirie is telling Jag that Felicia is probably just worried about doing this and since she saw Blue talking with Cameron and Red, she pulled Jag because she trusts him more.

1:00 PM BBT – Izzy and Felicia have decided to go into HN with Cirie and Jag. Jag and Cirie and filling Felicia and Izzy in on the miscommunication that made it seem like Jag was telling America and Cory that they flipped their votes. Jared comes in but Felicia tells him to go sit with Bowie and Red.

1:04 PM BBT – Jared is making it seem like their conversation in the HN room isn’t game related. Bowie says that she thought that it was something about someone getting offended and then adds that they shouldn’t get involved. Meanwhile, Felicia is in the HN room apologizing to Jag for coming at him that way.

1:06 PM BBT – Felicia tells Cirie and Izzy that Matt came to her and told her that Red is trying to pull him into their alliance (Red, Cameron, Bowie, Cory, and they are trying to pull Matt/America). They agree this could be good for them since Matt will bring them information. Cirie tells Felicia that they can’t talk real game in front of Bowie or Mecole anymore.

1:14 PM BBT – Red is telling Cirie what he knows about Blue’s conversations with Cameron and what she said to him. Red tells her that Blue isn’t someone he would ever align with. Cirie giggles and says that isn’t what she is saying and mentions how people keep bringing up this secret middle alliance. Red says that he has never once talked game to Blue. She tells him she believes him and says they need to focus on getting rid of Hisam and then the remaining Professors can meet and talk.

1:19 PM BBT – Red is now filling Felicia in on the conversation he just had with Cirie.

1:20 PM BBT – Red is telling them that he tested Jared by telling him that Blue lied to him to see if the information would make it back to him and it did when Blue came to talk to him this morning.

1:30 PM BBT – Red is telling Izzy about how he tested Jared with the information about Blue lying to him and how it got back to him when Blue came to talk to him.

1:38 PM BBT – Red tells Cameron that he thinks America is starting rumors of a secret middle alliance. Cameron suggests that they don’t talk to game with anyone for a little while.

1:42 PM BBT – Red tells Cameron that he isn’t talking to Jared anymore and it hurts him to say it. He knows that the information that got back to Blue came from him. Cameron says that he might be a problem, but someone might take care of that for them and Red mentions that he told Cirie and Felicia and they were taken aback by it.

1:43 PM BBT – An extended WBRB screen turns into Adoptable Animals for the Veto Ceremony.

At the time of this posting, the Veto Ceremony was currently underway! Despite the paranoia about Blue having conversations with Red and Cameron causing Felicia to second guess the plan to BD Hisam, Jag was able to smooth things out, for now, and the plan remained to get Hisam on the block and out of the Big Brother house this Thursday. Make sure you come back for confirmation on the Veto Ceremony results and Hisam’s reaction to being on the block!

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