Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 3: Thursday Daytime Highlights

It’s eviction day in the Big Brother 22 house and there have been a lot of talks between the HGs about who should be the next to go. Janelle still worked on her campaign and triple checked with everyone about their votes and David caught wind of how some of the HGs feel about him. Read on for the details.

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, August 27, 2020:

8:20 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

8:35 AM BBT – Memphis is talking to Kaysar about how he tweeted an offer for a free taco at his restaurant if he wins HOH tonight. He also said that he sent out a tweet about the Give Kids The World charity and asked them to auction two 15 minute zoom calls with him after he gets out.

9:30 AM BBT – General chatter going on in the living room.

10:43 AM BBT – Feeds cut for HOH lockdown.

12:15 PM BBT – Feeds are back.

12:21 PM BBT – Cody tells Dani that Bay and Day were trying to feel out if they can flip the vote this week.

12:30 PM BBT – Cody tells Dani that he wants to cut Ian sooner rather than later, because Nicole is closer to Ian than him. Dani tells him that’s not true at all. Dani says that Nicole would keep Cody over Ian (Nicole and Ian have a F2).

12:39 PM BBT – Nicole, Cody, Dani, and Christmas are talking about their goodbye messages. Nicole says that she told Janelle that she wanted to work with her but clearly she had different plans. She added that she heard Janelle didn’t want to come to her wedding so consider herself uninvited. Dani says that she told Janelle not to worry because Kaysar will be out there soon.

12:40 PM BBT – Christmas tells Cody, Tyler, and Dani that when she wins HOH this week, she has to put David up because he heard them all talking about how clueless he is in this game.

12:48 PM BBT – Dani asks David who he would put up if he won and he throws the question back at her. She tells him “you” and he asks why he would do that? She says she is kidding, she would never put him up. He says that’s a lie.

12:51 PM BBT – Memphis says they were told to wear athletic gear for tonight’s show.

12:57 PM BBT – Memphis tells Janelle that the unknown will kill you. She tells him that she picks up on things that people tell her and she asked the right questions and she knows she isn’t going home. Janelle is tells Memphis that if he wins HOH, send someone she can beat in a Battle Back out.

1:03 PM BBT – David tells Tyler he talked to Cody and he’s already. Tyler tells David that what he did is spreading around the house. David says “that’s not good.”

1:08 PM BBT – Nicole and Christmas talk about Nicole’s good bye message and how bad she feels about it because it wasn’t like her to do that.

1:13 PM BBT – Kevin and Day agree that they don’t trust Bay. Kevin tells Day that if he wins, he’s putting Kaysar and Cody up and tell Cody he’s a pawn, but he won’t be.

1:25 PM BBT – Christmas camtalks and says David you don’t know the game, you are not an all-star and you got to go. Christmas says that this is a great week for her to win and make a move without showing her cards. She says she is going to keep Kaysar alive for a couple more weeks.

1:32 PM BBT – Day says if the get David out this week, then that gives Kaysar another week in the house to try to win HOH and go after the guys.

1:35 PM BBT – Christmas and Janelle are talking about how there were supposed to be more pairs in the house but then Covid happened. She mentioned Josh and Kaycee’s names and then cameras switched.

1:45 PM BBT – Janelle and Kaysar are finishing up packing their bags.

2:05 PM BBT – Janelle is letting Bayleigh and Da’Vonne take some clothes but says she wants them back at the finale.

2:10 PM BBT – Janelle tells Bayleigh and Da’Vonne that she doesn’t know what’s happening after she’s evicted but she doesn’t think there’s a battle back. She says she thinks it’s something they hav never seen.

2:17 PM BBT – Janelle’s last bit of advice for Day and Bayleigh is to get Nicole out. She said she just needs to go and that also frees up Ian for them to work with.

2:20 PM BBT – Feeds have cut for the rest of the day ahead of the live show.

So Janelle did all that she could, but she knows her time is up in the Big Brother All-Stars house, and she’s going to make sure she’s dressed for the occasion. Now the question is, how can Kaysar adapt without her and will he just be the next one out right behind her?

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