Big Brother 21 results and spoilers from the season are posted below with all the details linked in supporting articles. You can see who won each comp plus results from evictions, Vetoes, and nominations. The entire season is summed up in one long list for reference.
Big Brother 21 Finale:
Winner: Jackson, 6-3
Runner-Up: Holly
AFP: Nicole
Big Brother 21 Week 13:
Round 1: Jackson
Round 2: Holly
Round 3: Jackson
Big Brother 21 Week 12:
HoH: Nicole
Nominated: Holly & Jackson
Power of Veto: Jackson
Veto Ceremony: Jackson saved, Cliff renom’d
Evicted: Cliff, 1-0
Big Brother 21 Week 11:
HoH: Jackson
Nominated: Cliff & Tommy
Power of Veto: Nicole
Veto Ceremony: Cliff saved, Holly renom’d
Evicted: Tommy, 2-0
Big Brother 21 Week 10 – Round 2:
HoH: Nicole
Nominated: Christie & Tommy
Power of Veto: Cliff
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Christie, 3-0
Big Brother 21 Week 10 – Round 1:
HoH: Jackson
Nominated: Christie & Jess
Power of Veto: Tommy
Veto Ceremony: Christie saved, Cliff renom’d
Evicted: Jessica, 4-0
Big Brother 21 Week 9:
HoH: Holly
Prankster: Nick
Nominated: Nick (by Holly) & Christie (by Nick/Prankster)
Power of Veto: Jackson
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Nick, 5-0
Big Brother 21 Week 8:
HoH: Jackson
Nominated: Christie & Analyse
Power of Veto: Jackson
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Analyse, 5-1
Big Brother 21 Week 7:
HoH: Tommy
Field Trip Safe: Jackson
Field Trip Punishment: Analyse
Field Trip Nominated: Christie
Nominated: Cliff & Kat
Power of Veto: Tommy
Veto Ceremony: Christie saved, no renom
Evicted: Kat, 6-1
Big Brother 21 Week 6:
HoH: Jessica
Nominated: Jack & Jackson
Power of Veto: Jessica
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Jack, 6-2
Big Brother 21 Week 5:
HoH: Holly
Nominated: Nick & Sam
Have-Nots: Jessica, Nicole, and Sam
Power of Veto: Nick
Veto Ceremony: Nick saved, Kat renom’d
Evicted: Sam, 9-0
Big Brother 21 Week 4:
Camp Comeback: Cliff
HoH: Cliff
Nominated: Jack and Jackson
Have-Nots: Jackson, Christie, and Kat
Power of Veto: Jackson (Jack used his power to redraw players)
Veto Ceremony: Jackson saved himself, Bella renom’d (no power used)
Evicted: Bella, 8-2
Big Brother 21 Week 3:
HoH: Nick
Whacktivity: Christie
Nominated: Cliff & Jessica
Power of Veto: Kat
Veto Ceremony: Jess saved, Nicole renom’d
Evicted: Cliff, 6-4
Big Brother 21 Week 2:
HoH: Jack
Whacktivity: Jack
Nominated: Jessica & Kemi
Power of Veto: Sam
Veto Ceremony: Veto not used
Evicted: Kemi, 11-1
Big Brother 21 Week 1:
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: Cliff, Jessica, Kemi, & David
Early Eviction: David
HoH: Christie
Whacktivity: Ovi
Nominated: Cliff & Kathryn
Power of Veto: Sam
Veto Ceremony: Cliff saved, Ovi renom’d
Evicted: Ovi, 12-0