Big Brother 20 Houseguests: Newbies, Vets, Or Mixed? [POLL]

Big Brother 20 this June on CBS

It’s that time of the Big Brother preseason again to start freaking out and worrying over the next potential terrifying casting decision production could end up making for Big Brother 20. Yes, the rumors have arrived right on time and as always it’s got fans concerned.

The latest Big Brother rumor has it that while we may still get our 16 new Houseguests they won’t be coming alone. Instead, per HamsterWatch, 4 familiar faces will supposedly be crowding in through the door not far behind the newbies. Blerg.

Wait, but what about Exec Producer Allison Grodner’s interview earlier this preseason? Grodner assured fans that this would absolutely not be an All-Stars season and that “this will be a brand new cast.” Which is it then? Few options: this 4 Vets rumor could be false, things could have changed in production’s plans, or maybe Grodner was playing a semantics game. Maybe her definition of a new cast is a new combination even if the faces aren’t new. That’d be a bold trick to play on the fanbase.

So nothing is official until it’s official and that means we’ll hear rumors and they can be credible ones, but we should still wait and see what really happens. Even that gets tricky though.

Remember last season when they gave us 16 all-new HGs at the cast reveal and there was much celebrating? Well come premiere night they pulled the rug out from under us when they sent in a Vet. So that means when we get the cast reveal on Monday morning, and yeah I’m going to have that in full detail for you that morning, we may still not have a fully painted picture just yet.

No matter how this turns out it does yet again raise the question of what do the Big Brother fans really want in their summer fun? Is it an all-new cast, an all-Vet cast, a mix of the two, or does it not matter at all and you’ll take whatever they throw at us? So let’s vote on it. What do you hope we’ll see for Big Brother 20? Cast your vote in our poll below:

A look back at recent seasons shows we’ve had either Vets or stunt casting (newbies related to known figures, crossovers, or former HGs). It’s like CBS doesn’t believe in the power of all new names handling the season strongly on their own. Here’s the updated list from last preseason:

So if the rumor is true and they bring us a mix of new and old then it will be the third straight season of a tired old theme. It would also mean five out of the past eight years have included Vets in the cast. Yikes. Time for a new bag of tricks, production.

Meet the BB20 cast on Monday morning here on our site plus watch their exclusive interviews streaming on your Live Feeds with All Access. Sign up now for the Free Trial and be ready to watch Monday at 8AM PT and discover who we’ll be following through the house all summer long.

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