Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 7: Sunday Highlights

Scottie takes aim on Big Brother 20

The Big Brother 20 houseguests spent the day talking about and making deals that are never going to hold up as they’ll find out at today’s veto meeting. Aside from deals, we also more of that budding showmance develop. Read on for all the details from Sunday inside the Big Brother house.

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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 12, 2018:

    10:15 AM BBT – HGs slowly getting up for the day.

    10:50 AM BBT – RS is going through the Houseguests while talking to herself. (Later she says she was doing that to see if she could keep a promise to Tyler.)

    11:00 AM BBT – RS tells Sam how they can work down to a F3 of her, Sam, and Haleigh. Sam doesn’t seem as sure but says she’ll just believe in RS’s confidence.

    12:30 PM BBT – Haleigh talks with Scottie how she plans to talk again today with Tyler about her pitch last night so he doesn’t think that was just from her drinking.

    12:50 PM BBT – Haleigh says that her talk with Tyler went well but she isn’t sure if he’s just blowing smoke at her.

    1:35 PM BBT – Haleigh reminds Faysal he needs to get to talking with Tyler to see what he’s planning with the Veto

    1:40 PM BBT – Faysal explains to Haleigh and RS how Tyler keeps doing what the HOH wants each week and that’s how he’s in a good spot each week. He starts suggesting a plan for RS to talk with Tyler. She doesn’t like his pitch and says he can do that one himself.

    1:45 PM BBT – Haleigh says the worst pitch she’s heard all season was Tyler asking to be BD’d instead of going upfront. Faysal suggests they tell Tyler that since RS is staying anyway no matter who she’s against he should just save her with the Veto now.

    1:50 PM BBT – RS warns Haleigh that Sam might be jealous of how pretty Haleigh is. Haleigh asks how to be ugly.

    2:00 PM BBT – Faysal tells Haleigh he knows he’s found true romance with her because he likes her morning breath. She isn’t impressed with his candor.

    2:03 PM BBT – Faysal and Haleigh are kissing again.

    2:20 PM BBT – Kaycee and Sam hang out and chat about how Sam smokes but can’t explain why.

    3:05 PM BBT – Kaycee and JC discuss how Faysal tried to sneak back downstairs this morning but it was obvious.

    4:00 PM BBT – HGs are lounging the day away.

    4:55 PM BBT – RS is plotting out their next four eliminations. She wants Angela this week then Kaycee, JC, and then Brett. Scottie says JC should be a higher target for his connection to Faysal. He thinks they should wait for a DE to target JC.

    5:00 PM BBT – RS suggest Tyler will only have two loyal HGs on his side (Angela & Kaycee) if he doesn’t save RS this week with the Veto.

    6:05 PM BBT – Tyler wonders what’s going on with Sam drifting away from him. Scottie says it’s Rockstar who is pulling Sam away from Tyler.

    6:10 PM BBT – Tyler tells Scottie it’s a hard spot because Angela saved him last week but Haleigh nom’d him.

    6:30 PM BBT – Scottie reminds Tyler that RS is offering Tyler safety until F6.

    6:30 PM BBT – JC warns Brett that Faysal stayed upstairs last night. JC warns Brett Faysal could get in Haleigh’s ear and tell her to renom Brett.

    6:40 PM BBT – Tyler left and Haleigh asks how it went. Scottie says the talk was okay but says Tyler doesn’t know what to do because both sides could end up mad at him.

    7:20 PM BBT – Sam asks Kaycee if she (S) is still good with Tyler and them. Kaycee assures Sam everything is good with them. Sam was worried that Angela had replaced her in the group.

    8:30 PM BBT – HGs just hanging out, cooking and doing laundry.

    9:07 PM BBT – Scottie and Rockstar wondering if Kaycee had the last power app and wonder if it’s expired.

    9:10 PM BBT – Rockstar thinks they offered Tyler a deal he can’t resist by offering him safety until final 6. Talk turns to Sam finally starting to play the game and Rockstar has told her to slow down.

    9:25 PM BBT – Rockstar tells Haleigh that Tyler would be dumb not to take their deal. Rockstar said they could actually keep the deal too. Haleigh said she wouldn’t keep that deal with Tyler though and that she’d backdoor him any chance she got.

    9:50 PM BBT – RS asks Haleigh if she and Faysal made out. Haleigh denies that happened.

    10:10 PM BBT – Haleigh says she gets nervous about Scottie. RS agrees, but says now is not the time for that and she doesn’t think Scottie is coming after them at this point. Haleigh thinks it’s suspicious how much Angela and Kaycee are around Tyler know. She hopes he notices but says he’s easily influenced.

    12:00 AM BBT – Tyler reminds JC he’s got to vote out RS. JC says he definitely will do that and after the meeting, he won’t be talking game with the other side anymore.

    12:05 AM BBT – JC asks Tyler why even bother using the Veto since he promises he wouldn’t evict Angela. Tyler thinks Sam might be too tempted with Angela up there, but not Kaycee.

    12:10 AM BBT – Tyler tells JC he wants Scottie out next week. JC says Brett wants Faysal out next. Tyler says that’s fine. JC promises Tyler he’s his #1.

    12:40 AM BBT – RS talks with JC that she’s made Tyler a great offer and if he doesn’t accept it then he’s stupid.

    12:50 AM BBT – Kaycee wants to put up Faysal and Haleigh together. Angela thinks about using Sam to BD Scottie instead.

    12:55 AM BBT – Haleigh asks Tyler what he wants to do. He says he wants whatever is best for him.

    1:05 AM BBT – Haleigh tells Tyler she doesn’t want to risk putting someone up who stays over RS. Tyler suggests she figures that out then.

    1:15 AM BBT – Haleigh relays to RS that Tyler said he hadn’t made a decision yet. She interprets that to mean that Tyler has made a decision, but it’s not what they wanted.

    1:30 AM BBT – Haleigh starts to suspect that Scottie is the Hacker since he would have protected Tyler by putting him in the comp to prevent a BD. She thinks Kaycee would have picked herself to play for Veto if she was the Hacker.

    1:40 AM BBT – Haleigh complains that Tyler doesn’t know this game and hasn’t seen much of it. (Tyler is an avid Big Brother fan & watches a lot.)

    1:50 AM BBT – Faysal is making his pitch to Tyler about knowing what’s smart and best for his game. Tyler plays along and listens to Faysal.

    1:55 AM BBT – Faysal goes back upstairs and reports that his talk with Tyler went well.

    2:15 AM BBT – Haleigh suspects Tyler is falling for Angela and that’s why he’d use the Veto on her.

    2:20 AM BBT – Faysal and RS have a good laugh about how bad they are at the game. They give their alliance a new name, The Bad News Bears.

    3:30 AM BBT – Lights out and HGs are off to bed.

Tyler remains set on saving Angela and it’s likely Kaycee will go up, but even if not then I think it’s still RS who goes home this week. Haleigh seems mentally prepared for Tyler to disappoint her with the Veto and she can’t be surprised after last week. Veto meeting on Monday afternoon will make it official.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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