The Big Brother 19 premiere is just a few days away and there’s still plenty of mystery ahead, but we may be getting a small hint of spoilers for next week’s big shows. We’ve barely met the new cast of Houseguests, but if this little twist turns out to be true then their all-together gathering may not last long at all. Oh, and there are rumors of an extra Houseguest ready to join the party. Ugh.
We know what to expect with move-in night on Big Brother. Houseguests show up and head inside for bed races and champagne toasts, but it doesn’t always end in smiles as Jodi Rollins and Glenn Garcia would remind us.
You’ll remember Jodi was ripped out of the game after just hours inside the house when her team lost the first challenge and her Coach, Dan Gheesling, sent her packing. Then for Glenn it was those damned coconuts that ended his short run in the house. Now, as one BB19 fan discovered, an early eviction could be about to happen again.
Looking forward in the television schedule on Verizon, @Hec718 found and shared this listing description for the second night of Big Brother 19: “A house guest is evicted; the head of household competition.”
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">Eviction next Thursday. ๐ one unlucky HG won't make the feeds again. ๐๐ผ #BB19
— Hec โ๏ธ (@Hec718) June 23, 2017
Okay, so maybe that’s just the generic Thursday description, right? Maybe, or maybe not. The same person shared Sunday’s episode description from the Verizon guide which is anything but generic. “Viewers vote on which houseguest they would like to send into the Den of Temptation to be enticed by a potentially game-changing offer.”
We already knew about the temptation twist and that it’d be part of the Sunday episodes so there’s some reasonable evidence here that these descriptions are both accurate and the first Thursday episode, on June 29th, will involve sending out the first evicted Houseguest of Big Brother 19. Well that’d stink for someone to go before the Live Feeds even start.
Considering we’ve got one less week in the Big Brother schedule this summer then seeing someone get the boot right away isn’t too impossible to happen. But what about if someone else gets added? As strange as that sounds, anything is possible. HamsterWatch is reporting we could be seeing Paul Abrahamian back inside the house as yet another HG. Huhwhat?
If we start seeing craziness like repeating themselves from BBOTT just a few months ago when one Vet joined a cast of Newbies then that’s a questionable move to me. I mean it’s not like Grodner & Meehan wouldn’t steer the BB19 ship away from our readers’ most wanted “all-new cast” to our least favorite pick of “mix of Vets & Newbies,” right? Production doing something fans hate?? Never! Hah.
There’s still a lot we don’t know about this possibility, so I wouldn’t rush to place your bets just yet. I wouldn’t be surprised though to see something like a past HG showing up as part of a Den of Temptation twist though. Maybe someone gets the chance to cash out and then someone else, like a Vet, is ready to fill the spot. Who knows as the possibilities are vast, but at least next week’s premiere isn’t far away and if it is true then at least it’s Paul.
What do you think of these possible twists and spoilers for premiere week? Should someone be evicted before we even get the chance to see them on the Feeds? What about a returning player? Good ideas here or unnecessary potholes in the season’s first days? Share your thoughts below!
I hate the early evictions it just seems so mean. If you’re going to cut someone so quickly then why bother introducing them. It may keep HGs on their toes but it doesn’t make interesting TV to me.
I hate the first night or two eviction!!! It may throw the HGs off but it also throws the fans off!! I can deal with Paul although he wouldn’t have been my choice-but he isn’t Josea afterall lolol
I hope the rumors are wrong. No returnes!!
Agreed!! Can we please just have one season of ALL newbies??!! Is that so much to ask?!
I ended up really enjoying last season, but I think Season 3 is still my all-time fave. That was before all the gimmicky – and usually lame – twists. In other words, PRE-Grodner. She must have major dirt on someone high up to still be around this long.
last year I strongly disliked Paul in the beginning but later appreciated his presence but lets do this year without him
Well said๐
Same. As much as I love Paul, I don’t want to see any vets, period!!
To be honest I don’t like the idea of one veteran coming back. This is almost worst than bringing back 4 or 6 returnees; Paul will either be taken out early, or (and more likely) they give him some type of immunity and that’ll have a very negative impact on the season as a whole.
I don’t mind the vet I don’t think Paul would be my first choice I just want to watch it already
I don’t think Paul is coming back in, since he did just post on Twitter 2 days ago, and usually by now the houseguests are sequestered away. But if he does, it surely will add fire to that rumor from last year of production rigging the system to let Nicole win. Nicole wins, and they bring Paul back because they “promised” him. Makes sense right?
Indeed that does make perfect sense.
Nicorey sickened me and I immediately switched telly off when the final vote was revealed.
Are they still together BTW?
I don’t think any of the showmances are still together. James and Natalie’s breakup was particularly ugly, with lawyers and court orders.
??? Really??!!! Well I guess one could just tell it as going to end in tears!
Was he stalking her?!
it’s mostly about money (isn’t it always?). James had set up a Gofundme page to help Natalie’s relatives in Venezuela. He thought Nat was misusing those funds and said so publicly. Nat took offense to those comments and vehemently denied doing so. It’s been He said-She said ever since
Really, what happened? I like James
What? Why, what happened that lawyers and court orders needed to be involved?
That is what I was wondering too
No, they are no longer together
Pauls post online recently came under scrutiny as it says that the posts changed from being posted with his typical Iphone, to being posted with an Android, giving people the impression he is sequestered and another person is running his account.
Other than an All-Star season, I find that a returning HG never wears well the second time (well maybe Dan would be the exception). I actually liked Nicole the first time she was on, hated her last season. I really liked Paul last season and would hate to see that tarnished. Bring him back for an All-Star season but otherwise let’s have all newbies this season.
james is a good example liked him first season not so much last season
What about Kasar?
Liked Kaysar a lot, but I don’t remember him coming back on a season with newbies. I only remember him coming back for All Stars.
That’s right, I knew he came back once but I didn’t know it was AllStars, thanks
I was all behind all noobs, but I would probably kill to see Paul return. I still feel so betrayed by last year’s jury.
I think Grodi rigged it for Nicorey.
It was a split vote so it could have really gone either way.
Paul choosing Nicole for final 2 seemed contrived – as others have noted, that’s where Production likely pressured or outright instructed his choice. He would have been a shoo-in if he went the other way and must have known it.
James is unworthy of getting even a single cent of that runner up money.
This world is riddled with conspiracies. And it wouldn’t be the first time Production has meddled.
When it comes down to it Paul knew he had less than a 50% chance against Nicole and close to a 100% chance against James.
Of course she did.
If Paul went into the house, he must be good at being two places at once as he’s still been posting selfies left and right on Twitter LOL!
There’s only been one photo posted to his account on Twitter in the past few days and that was a reused image from awhile back that other fans already caught.
Well that’s odd then because he’s one of the first posts that shows up every time I’ve logged into Twitter for the past week but OK :)
Are you following a fan account for Paul? His official account has only had 2 posts in the last 5 days –>
It has the checkmark by his name as verified. Either way, I hope this is a false rumor as well as the one about Frankie returning. I really think a season with just newbies would be a refreshing change. I’d rather have the twist of someone getting back in the house later in the season than a returning player surprise at the beginning.
I couldn’t agree more Neil.
What’s the @ for that account you saw? I’ll check it out. The one I linked is Paul’s verified account.
Why is there a commercial running when I’m trying to read this post?
The online advertising? Was there audio playing or was it running silent?
It scared me as I was trying to read, it was for some medicine. I finally found a way to mute it, but I couldn’t stop it (the video). I know you have to support the site, but it was irritating.
The video ad will play, but there shouldn’t be any audio unless there’s interaction with it. So if there was autoplay audio then that’s a problem.
Were you on desktop or mobile view? Was it an ad in the sidebar or inline with the content? Did you click or mouseover the video?
Let me know so I can investigate and make sure everything is okay.
I do not see it today, maybe it was a fluke. I was on my Dell laptop. It was for some medication, don’t remember which. It was inline with the posted content. I see a “personal” ad now, but it’s quiet. I don’t mind those, such as something I just researched at amazon. I was afraid you had gone “rogue” on us! Thanks for your concern and looking into it.
Absolutely. Always happy to take a look at issues. It’s never worth having bad/annoying ads since that hurts us overall. If you see issues again don’t hesitate to let me know. Thanks.
Regarding ads, Matt….I’ve had issues with them on the app. They’re at the very bottom of every post & I can’t get to the comments because of them. The “x” to close them is in the bottom left corner & VERY difficult to hit without going to the ad’s site, which is NEVER my intent! As Bruce said, I understand why ads are important to the BBN site, but the placement of them on the mobile app has frustrated me to the point where I Uninstalled it. The comments & interaction is a large part of my enjoyment of BB & BBN, so not being able to access them on the app makes it less enjoyable for me.
Thanks. :)
I hope no returning players are involved with the cast this year. The 16 people are already interesting enough and the theme of the summer appears to be a good one for various twists. We don’t need returning players. With that being said I was a huge sitting ducks fan last season and of course I love Paul so if he’s back I could think of worse choices, however I think him coming back as the only vet would make it impossible for him to win. I’d rather him get his 2nd shot as part of an all stars or some kind of half and half cast where the target isn’t so big.
Do not bring any Vets back PLEASE. …..unless it is a All Star Season….Other than that it became so old and boring having returning houseguests every season.