Big Brother 18 Live Feeds Week 5: Monday Daytime Highlights

It went from a cat fight to a boys’ club meeting in the Big Brother 18 house Monday morning and afternoon as the Veto Ceremony came and went and the HGs started focusing on what should happen in the game next week. But before the afternoon ended Big Brother re

Michelle Meyer argues with Bridgette Dunning

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 18 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Monday, July 25, 2016:

9:30 AM BBT – Lights are on as HGs slowly get up for the day.

10:00 AM BBT – Bridgette and Michelle are in the bathroom together and begin to discuss the issues between them. Bridgette wants to know what’s been going on and why Michelle doesn’t like her. They go into the things said about Michelle’s eyebrows week 1 and how everything since then went downhill with them, including Bridgette getting closer to Frank than Michelle. Read more here.

10:24 AM BBT – Michelle and Bridgette didn’t make much ground with their talk and left things as they were. So yeah, they still hate each other.

10:25 AM BBT – James tells Natalie about the Michelle/Bidgette spat as he overhead it all. Natalie says other people have said things about Michelle too (Paul and Victor).

10:43 AM BBT – Michelle rehashing her talk with Bridgette to Da’Vonne, James and Natalie. James tells Michelle there’s no point inย worring about what was said about her.

10:45 AM BBT – Michelle called to the Diary Room and feeds cut. Time for the Power of Veto ceremony.

11:32 AM BBT – Feeds return. Michelle didn’t use the POV. Michelle is talking about Bridgette again.

11:43 AM BBT – James and Da’Vonne discussing Nicole. They don’t trust her and believe that she and Corey have been working with Frank. Day says Bridgette doesn’t trust Nicole either.

11:54 AM BBT – Frank and Corey talking about the how things have escalated. Frank says Nicole is playing the game too hard. Corey says Frank not looking at him all morning is breaking his heart and that he’s been defending Frank.

11:55 AM BBT – Frank tells Paulie he’s not sad about leaving because he’ll be getting “laid this weekend.”

12:02 PM BBT – Michelle said she almost used the veto on Frank so that Bridgette could go. She says she’s afraid of Bridgette winning HOH again and coming for her.

12:06 PM BBT – Michelle asks Paul if he ever called her Buzz Lightyear. He says he may or may not have but it wasn’t an insult.

12:18 PM BBT – Bridgette tells Frank she hopes she didn’t say she’d shave Michelle’s eyebrows. She doesn’t remember saying it, she says.

12:36 PM BBT – Natalie tells James she thinks Corey and Michelle could secret siblings because they have similar features.

12:48 PM BBT ย – Frank tells Bridgette if she wins HOH to nominate James and Nicole. Frank is feeling depressed. He didn’t realize the house hated him and he says he hopes he didn’t embarrass his Nana this season.

1:08 PM BBT – Paul makes fun of Bronte’s secret. He says it’s not like she’s a CIA agent, she studies math.

1:49 PM BBT – James tells Paulie that Nicole and Corey have been working with Frank and Bridgette. James says Bridgette told Day and Day told him. . James says Frank said he didn’t trust Nicole because she was “flip-floppy.” Paulie asks if he thinks that’s just Da’Vonne trying to turn them against Corey and Nicole. James tells Paulie he has seen Nicole and Bridgette secretly hanging out.

1:52 PM BBT – Paulie saysย he does think Nicole is playing a much different game and might be doing something on the season. He says he thinks it’s almost time to clip Zakiyah, implying that Nicole could go soon too. Paulie then starts calling Z and Natalie “Victorias” and says they can use them for votes. But he says Nicole can win stuff and can be a strategist.

1:55 PM BBT – Paul joins the conversation and Paulie tells Paul the suspicion over Da’Vonne working with Frank. Paul says he’d rather Bridgette go before Day but James says maybe they can put Day and Bridgette up together and go from there. Paulie says he would be comfortable putting them both up. He says they can use Victor to get through those two then clip him. Paul agrees.

1:57 PM BBT – Paulie says if they clip Day then no one will be able to get in Bridgette’s ear. Paul says but if Bridgette goes then Da’Vonne has no ears to get into. Paulie says Day can get the girls in a frenzy so if they cut Day they can control the information that gets to the girls. Paul says Bridgette should go first.

1:59 PM BBT – Corey comes over and Paulie tells him that Da’Vonne was saying some stuff. Corey is annoyed but he always is annoyed at Day.

2:02 PM BBT – James says he doesn’t want to keep anything from the boys so he asks Corey about working with Frank. He tells him that Bridgette told Da’Vonne that they were working with Frank. Corey doesn’t really respond because Paulie likes hearing himself talk too much.

2:03 PM BBT – Paul rejoins, so it’s a boy’s club meeting again with Corey, Paulie, James and Paul.

2:05 PM BBT – James says he’s just letting everyone know to watch their backs with Da’Vonne and Bridgette. ย Paulie says he thinks Da’Vonne is the one who was secretly working with Frank and Bridgette. They decide one of them has to win HOH and they can’t let Day or Bridgette win.

2:07 PM BBT – Corey asks James if he thinks Nicole made a final two with Frank. James says he doesn’t know but Frank swears up and down that it happened. They play it off like it was a week two thing and it doesn’t mean anything now. They all say whatever, Frank is going home anyway.

2:09 PM BBT – Paul asks if they are definitely going for Frank this week and they all agree. Paulie says Frank is going but he will leave some bombs behind.

2:15 PM BBT – Paulie pulls Victor into the bathroom to give him “more information about Day.” He tells him that That Day, Bridgette and Frank were getting information that leads them to believe that Frank and Day have been working together this whole time. He says right now they’re trying to say that Nicole was doing the same thing. Paulie says he thinks the Nicole stuff is B.S. but the Day stuff is 100 percent true. He says they’re all going hard for the HOH so they can protect the guys’ backs.

3:54 pM BBT – Victor asks about next week and James agrees with what Paul has ย been saying that Bridgette needs to go next before Da’Vonne.

4:11 PM BBT – BB calls an indoor lockdown.

4:20 PM BBT – The HUNT IS ON! Big Brother put messages on the board telling the HGs to search for clues! Screen said “Clues to the secret are all around you. You may want to keep it to yourself.” Only James, Nat, Paulie, Frank, and Bridgette are awake and searching.

Note: Confused by the Secret Room? Read our detailed report with pics and the secrets explained.

4:30 PM BBT – James goes to the upper level phone booth and starts dialing, but nothing happens. Natalie mentions 211 and Paris on the Departures board. She’s so close but doesn’t know what to do with it.

4:32 PM BBT – Some HGs still sleeping and no one woke them. (Smart.)

4:35 PM BBT – Bridgette gets in the upper phone booth and asks Frank what to dial. Nothing happens.

4:40 PM BBT – Backyard opens again but the hunt continues inside.

So there’s little hope left for Frank this week unless he stumbles onto that secret room, and as of now, the targets on Da’Vonne’s and Bridgette’s backs grow.

Again, be sure to catch up on the secret room: Read our detailed report with pics and the secrets explained.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Live feeds just posted the 1st clue for the secret room. OMG. My heart hurts

  2. Surely Frank or Bridgette will search like crazy. As it looks on the joker feeds James, Paulie, and Natalie are solving more than anyone. James, Bridgette, and Natalie have already been dialing numbers in the phone booth. If james, Natalie or Paulie get it, game over.

  3. Aww man BB why couldn’t you have waited and actually let the houseguets search on their own! Ughh welp looks like Paulie might get the power *Sighs*

  4. So I can’t remember if someone said this yet or even caught it when it was mentioned but I believe they have to call 211 at 8:15 in order to open the secret room. Please don’t DAY know too much because her eagle eyes will catch first.

  5. All of a sudden, the biggest, loudest Hg is not so free with info. I don’t think Paul will be able to keep it to himself. It will be interesting to see who he spurts it all out to first. Paulie, maybe? IMO, it would not be wise to allow anyone the opportunity for a chance to return if evicted.

  6. yeah Paul got into the room.. but there are 12 cards and only one card that allows a HG to return to the game if evicted….the cards cannot be opened till the “holder” is evicted soooooo anybody (HG) could have it…

      • I don’t feel sorry for Victor, because he is trying to help sabotage everyone else but won’t sabotage the one that threw him out the house.

  7. Paulie’s ego just keeps getting bigger and bigger. He gives the order of who will go out when..uses the words “tagged and clipped,” I really liked Cody…but, I am not liking this Califiore (however you spell it) brother at all!

  8. I pretty much hate all of the guys, but I hate the girls even more for allowing the men to dominate and subjecting us to another season of “bros” with bigheaded Paulie winning.

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