Here we go! Big Brother 17 has arrived with its two-night premiere and we’re live recapping the whole event right here with you as we officially meet our new Houseguests in action and see them head inside the house. Our nearly 100 days of fun starts now!
As always our host is Julie Chen and she’s going to walk us through the house and right on to the stage where the show kicks off and the new Houseguests gather before the front door. “But first,” we need to see them get their special Big Brother key.
There’s plenty of mystery ahead of tonight’s BB17 premiere as we’ve heard someone will be evicted tonight and maybe all the Houseguests won’t even go in at the same time tonight. On top of that, we’re expecting at least two more Houseguests to lift our numbers up to the more usual sixteen. It’s going to be a busy few nights of Big Brother!
Stick with us here as we recap the show live and chat with other fans in the comments section below. The Live Feeds launch Thursday night after the west coast premiere concludes so be sure to sign-up now and be ready to watch it all from inside the house as it happens.
Julie tells us there will be three twists tonight alone and those are 1) a fan favorite, 2) a secret only the audience knows, and 3) the Big Brother Takeover twist. We already knew the 3rd one, but I’m intrigued about the other two.
8 initial HGs are out in front with Julie as they prepare to enter. Austin, Audrey, Jace, Clay, Meg, James, Shelli, & Da’Vonne. The first person in is Da’Vonne. Cursed! They find beds and then head in to the living room and grab some champagne to do their introductions. Only 8 glasses on the table.
Houseguests are split up and hanging around when Audrey suggests to Shelli and Da’Vonne that they should form a secret alliance. They decide to work on a name later, but Audrey is certain that she wants to have a female win this season.
Julie calls the 8 HGs in to the living room to tell them about the 2 twists. Battle of the Block is back. Yes, the return of 4 nominations, 2 HoHs, and all that fun. Here we go with the first HoH comp tonight, “but first” one of the 8 has to sit out and watch. Da’Vonne offers to sit out as long as they promise not to nominate her.
The HoH comp is a movie premiere theme, as we explained earlier, where the HGs have to catch flying tomatoes and stack them in a tube beside their platform. Meg, Austin, and Clay all fall down and are out right away. Yikes.
James leads, but Audrey and Jace are catching up. Nope, he’s back out in the lead again. Hang on though, because none of them did. All four remaining players just fell at the same time. Julie has to go to the tapes to find out who was the last to hit the ground.
Julie is back and they show us that James was the last to fall to the floor which makes him the first Head of Household, one of them of them this week.
All the HGs are called to the living room where Julie explains there will be a new twist every week. There’s even a special jingle designed to make the HGs run to the living room for their next twist. Ugh, this sounds messy.
Last twist is revealed as the “Twin Twist” where one of the Houseguests will swap in and out of the game with his or her twin. If they can go undetected for 5 eviction rounds then they’ll both play as individuals. If this sounds familiar then it is. Big Brother 5 did this exact same twist already, but it’s fun and it’s been 10+ years so okay.
Now Shelli was listed as having a fraternal twin, so it’s not her (fraternal vs identical) and Liz has a twin but the picture I saw of them didn’t look like they were identical enough to pull off a swap-a-roo. Hmm.
Update: Okay, here’s the pic of Liz and her twin sister. I think they look noticeably different, but you tell me. And here’s another. Here is Liz’s official photo & the newly released bikini photo. They must have made the swap for this day and I really don’t think they look similar enough to pull this off. What do you think? Vote here in our Twin Twist poll & share your thoughts.
Tomorrow night we’ll get the second part of the two-night Big Brother premiere with the other 6+ Houseguests and we’ll officially find out who has the twin.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates for even more Big Brother 17 all summer!
Ok so now you add a new thread. Hope it’s the good one for the show. I was sending everybody to the other one.
I’m a failure. I already ate all the goodies I bought for the premiere. *sigh*
You’ll just have to watch the show. LOL
True. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of eye candy to enjoy…if ya knows what I mean! (I can’t believe I said that.)
I am so ready to watch this first episode. Can’t wait fit the live feeds.
I am so ready for the first episode. I can’t wait for the live feeds tomorrow night.
LOL. Have you sign-up with Disqus ?
I’m ready for the live feeds and posts from Matt
Hey– Is ‘POP’ network the same as the old TV Guide network? If I can’t watch “Big Brother after Dark”, I don’t know what I’ll do.
It is on most provider. On DirecTV POP is at 273, the same as TVGN use to be.
Whew! OK…I’ve got it, then. Thanks, Captain!
Yep, Captain is right. Same channel as before.
It is the same channel
They should have feeds working the last week. I’d pay XTRA
Or during comp. I’d pay extra too.
Me too!
Oh yeah, that would be awesome if they would. Last year I even encouraged BBAD to air tonight as they’d be the only show in town with the Feeds still off. They’d get crazy traffic. No surprise that they’re not doing that though.
I envy you East Coasters – I still have three hours to wait!
There’s a million feeds to watch east coast time on Twitter.
Thanks, MCLILB. Not into Twitter yet – I’ll have my grandson hunt it down for me.
Not twitter, streaming.
I’m from CA, but I was able to find east coast streaming. Took me forever to find one. OMG!..lot of ads, unstable, but what can I do? lol
I’m just going to wait
Thanks, Cyril. I’ll try tomorrow. :)
Me too!
Yah hooo, mountaindew.
I’m ready!
The saga begins…#BB17Saga
Here goes nothing.
I can’t find my remote!!!!!!
Gotta love the BB6-BB10 theme.
Here we go
She does not look like a guy. I wonder if all that is true.
If she is, what I want to know is if she had the full change.
Which one??
She’s absolutely gorgeous.
I know. I wonder if all that is true about her.
I guess we’ll find out on feeds. Maybe!
There you go, heard that diary room from Audrey ?
I don’t think CBS would announce it, if it was game play. They would let her tell it in the house if she wanted
Medevil romance literature?
That degree must get him a lot of jobs.
Is there a real baby in that stroller?
That girl standing next to Meg looked familiar…
Yes, I think from Survivor.
I think you are right, Captain!
I’m pretty sure that was Andrea from Survivor. She was on redemption island and Caramoan.
I thought the exact same thing…could not place her though. (I’ve watched a lot of Survivor, Captain and I don’t remember her…but then my memory sucks).
I can imagine Wil already collecting ideas from this intro package alone.
After spending the last couple seasons only able to stalk the boards I am stoked to finally join the party
Me too
For a sec, I thought Da’Vonne was gonna put her baby inside that bag.
Whew, took me a minute to figure out what thread. Ready? I promised myself I would not watch this season, then I sobered up.
Haha we all need to go to rehab!
Hey girl!
Hey. Glad you’re back.
Don’t forget, Lavendargirl..last season I posted as “Hoosier1158,” This’s Lynn..glad to be back!
Oh that’s right. I read your post the other day. I’m going to have to remember that. If I forget remind me. Sometimes I have a senior moment. Lol
Will do. For some reason, disqus wouldn’t let me keep using Hoosier1158. I will remind you…believe me, I have many senior moments!
LOL. Wouldn’t do to have anyone sane on here.
YEY, new Diary Room!
Hoping BMC 2.0 (James) is better than the beta version. As fun as Caleb was to watch sometimes I wish he had a better grasp on the game.
If you don’t know where the BR’s are, you are not a true BBfan!
So there we go I guess it’s true about Audrey.
And she just answered my question, completely change 3 years ago.
She’s hot.
Meg looks familiar. She reminds me of someone.
She’s like a really pretty Renee Zellweger.
I laught when someone said she look like Taylor Swift. NOT
Right!?! Nothing like TS at all!
Editors plastered a fake wallpaper on the DR it seems. Hopefully they change it up in time.
I think I’m kinda in love with the Medieval Romance/Wrestler. For now, anyway.
Is there anymore on the TAR alumni joining BB rumors?
I think we will soon find out.
Placing bets on how long it takes for Shelli and Clay to hook up.
20 minutes.
Those quick showmances never work out!
That’s true.
If you are playing smart, you will just sit back and observe..get to know everyone..stay low..but not to the point of being a loner. Hey, maybe I should go play!
Haha. Wish the feeds were on tonight.
Me too!
Remember what you see tonight happened last thursday.
Oh that’s right
I’m not sure he’s going to go for her. I could be wrong though.
Are we sure they aren’t looking for a corner to sneak off to now
Did look like it.
Audrey just revealed to the HG’s she’s the first transgender to be in BB, and Austin/Judas revealed he was in Bram’s Stokers Dracula
And Julie just revealed David’s coming back.
Hey Cyril, you’re talking about the man I’m kinda in love with…for now. (But that was VERY funny)
lol..I know you already love him…remember..too early
Ditto. Where do they get fan fav. We complained about it.
Exactly! I was really hoping they would not do that again. I am a little bummed right now!
I hated BOTB. How was that a fan favorite?
One good way to fool everyone about the return of BotB… Call it fan favorite.
I want proof.
It’s in the pudding. Where’s Cyril?
It was a fave of mine.
Really? It sucked.
Mixed response at best but it helped my favorites get thrice the chance to get themselves safe.
I didn’t like BotB or double HOH’s.
lol I asked myself that same question, obviously slightly exaggerated by the show
No, no BOB. I don’t believe that was a fan favorite.
That’s not a new twist..what the heck is she talking about?
That is coming next.
..and there it is.
I think there’s another one.
Something has to happen to the one that sits out.
I have a good feeling about this season.
Looks like there’s a twist within a twist. Hopefully they reconfigure the mechanics of BOB to prevent the way Derrick did to favor his side of the house.
Agree..all of the throwing of the comps that was done, drawing skittles..that can’t happen
Still pissed about the skittles.
BB should ban skittles, M&M’s, and every piece of candy inside the house.
I hope they do something with it. I didn’t like it last year. And I wonder how the two remaining houseguest will figure into this.
I hate the BOB. I know there will be a returning player evry week.
Yes! It is too easy to manipulate BOB, especially since it is not a New “Twist”
Production made adjustments before in past twists that became staples of the game: From the Veto selection process after BB5’s Six-Finger Plan (and the various modifications that occured since then) to ditching Silver Power of Veto for the more equalizing Gold version since the POV’s introduction in BB3.
Should be a no-brainer that they should do so again for BOB in its second iteration.
Battle of the block is back? I’m not sure about, but so far I’m liking the casts. Some serious player in there. The females! lol
I really like the girls! At least in this bunch.
This is waisting air time.
Will the HAND return?
I have a growing feeling that D’avonne is going to regret sitting out
She’s already getting on my nerves. But I might change my mind after a few days of watching the feeds.
The feeds always change my pov one way or another. I thought I liked Frankie last season for about 10sec until I watched the feeds
Haha same here.
Yes, I’m killing it!
Wow, that’s new. Instant replay needed.
I couldn’t tell who hit the ground last.
They are going to need slow motion.
I replayed it and it’s between the guys.
Pretty sure Jace won. James only other option
I wouldn’t want to win first HOH.
Especially not with BotB returning
So do ya’ll think the others will compete alone?
Yeap, tomorrow night like last year.
lol.Every one fell off almost at the same time. Now they have to see the tape…
Hope this isn’t a way CBS controls who they want to make it to the end!
That is exactly what it is.
As much as I prefer a couple of twists vs. lots of them, at least they are warning the houseguests ahead of time.
I heard a former player will come in every week and reveal. So we will see.
I saw the same somewhere. I just think it would be much easier to stay on your toes knowing there will be more twists than any season before. There really is no preparing but you can do a better job of damage control when you know chaos is coming
That’s the BB Takeover twist.
So, the takeover will be instituted when the producers don’t like how the game is going? I see a lot of manipulation this year.
Yep my thoughts exactly.
last season was too predictable. you knew derrick was going to win by week 3, when he singlehandedly backdoored devin. and they want to make sure that everybody goes on the block at least once.
Seen double. Here we go again, the twin are back.
Julie just said the 3rd twist would get us to see double.
Meaning Twins!?!
I’m speculating.
Yay we can use double trouble!
Not a speculation anymore. Twins are in.
Wonder if it’s Shelli. She said she had a twin brother but that could just be to throw people off. Maybe she has a twin sister.
*Gasp it could be
No it’s all over the Net, It’s Liz. Seen picture of them.
Oh so the girl who’s coming in tomorrow night?
Ok. I’ll have to figure out which one she is. It takes a few days before I can keep there names straight.
I can’t find that anywhere. What sites are you seeing?
Check out Twitter.
I’ll have to seach for it again, but many picture were on twitter. Will let you know if I can find them again.
Just found one: twitter dot com/5Harmoneyes/status/613874387154919424/photo/1
Here’s a better one: twitter dot com/TheBBInsider/status/613873903903989760/photo/1
Thanks, Cap.
Oh I missed that. Too busy on here. I’ll rewatch the episode later.b
I must have missed the memo on the twin thing..what twins are we talking about?
Liz has an identical twin I think.
She said he was a guy in her intro to the group.
That was Shelli and her fraternal twin.
You’re confusing me now.
That was Audrey. Liz is the girl with a very deep bass-sounding voice coming in tomorrow.
No Shelli said she had a twin brother that had a heart murmur. Just too early, I’m still confusing the name.
There are photos online of her and her brother, who’s actually quite taller than her.
Obviously if they are different gender, they come different egg and can’t be identical. They have different DNA. Identical twins have exact same DNA.
Yes, I won HOH (for now).
Stop confusing us. LOL
Get over yourself. Haha
LOL! James, you are a genuine gem! Enjoy your HOH reign!
Seeing double!! So twins ^_^!
Can’t keep up with the
I’m having the same problem. Yeah, they did the twin thingy several years ago ~ it was confusing but fun to watch.
I’m hoping and praying Jeff and Jackie are just guests to the house, not actual houseguests, but if they are, well good luck to them.
Omg Wow!!!
They had that before.
Oh well hopefully if would be much better than last
Long time ago 5 or 6 I think.
Right..with Natalie..but, I can’t remember her twin’s name
James you an encyclopedia, or very quick with google.
or have watched all of the seasons with such a memory, lol
Thanks guys. I actually learned about it when I came across the documentary “Big Brother Around the World”. It’s worth checking out: youtube(dot)com/watch?v=7R4BYJ2ZUww
I watched all the season but can’t remember everything about them.
The twins were instrumental in the first successful backdoor made in the show, in what was then known as the Six-Finger Plan.
Bringing back old twists.
I’m loving the 3rd twist
Wait! This isn’t the first time they’ve used this twist, is it?!
Nope..they used it in a much earlier season with Natalie and her twin
It’s official, 15 official HG’s.
There’s the Jackie mystery also that need to be solved.
Been there done that. Come on BB can’t you come up with new ideas.
I guess Allison and her crew are getting tired!
It’s been a while, nobody in the house will guess it.
That much is true. Even with a house full of super fans, I doubt they’ll figure it out unless the twins get sloppy.
Seen picture on the net, they are exactly the same. As you said unless they get sloppy.
So they must look and act completely similar
they don’t look that much alike, to be perfectly honest
Where did you see them ? Picture I saw on twitter showed them identical.
i sent a link to a twitter account and its being waited to be approved by mr. matthew boyer. sorry
Try this one: twitter dot com/TheBBInsider/status/613873903903989760/photo/1
(You need to change the . for ” dot “. That way it doesn’t need approval)
here: twitter dot com/hamsterwatch/status/613874693540458497
Same pic. It’s a good one.
That’s the game. If they fool everybody loong enough, they both play.
That may be how they make up for two fewer HGs starting. But if the twin gets evicted, they will have to come up with others.
even if somebody does spot it. I doubt they will say anything.
They haven’t rehashed the twin twist in a long while so at least it took them 10 seasons and 9 years to revisit it.
Where does the twin go that is not playing? Is he/she quarantined? Seem like that would be a big advantage. Should be fun though.
I’m wondering the same thing?
It’s worth watching season 5. They were kept away from the rest of the house and only had 15m to brief the other when switching spots. Also the season where the backdoor was born.
So basically they both work together to win the prize money together? I’m Assuming?
They are, pre-jury, working as one player. Once they managed to fool the house long enough, they’ll be able to play individually so they each have chance to get their hands on the prize and not necessarily share it with the other.
Oh OK make much more sense now!
If the twins made it to wk 5 or 6 they earned the right to play as individuals. Not sure if it is the same this season
Kk thanks its much clear now!
They’ve done this before. It’s almost like a task for the twins not to get caught. Aren’t they vulnerable to be evicted as one player? The switcheroo fun part is for us the viewers…If I’m not mistaken.
See you all back here tomorrow night..and with the feeds on later!
Liz is totally part of the twin twist. She has a twin sister named Julia or something like that, right?
Where did you hear that???
look it up. i’ve seen it all over the forums and whatnot.
Liz and her twin looks NOTHING alike. The twist would be a flop if it’s Liz and her sister. I think it’s another houseguest.
which is what i think is funny, since liz is soooooo annoying, she’ll most likely get out before her and her twin get to start their diabolical journey to persuade houseguests.
See, that’s what I though, too. As of now, I can’t stand Liz based off her interview. Then again, I wasn’t much of a Zach fan at the beginning of last season based of of his first interview and he turned out to be one of the better HGs, so who knows what’ll happen this season.
i feel like people underestimate people like james, who prove themselves in competitions, but get easily overlooked socially, beating the surfer/snowbarder/whatever else he does guy jace, and former football star clay which is huge to be honest.
it was the first HOH, they may have thrown it.
and da’vonne, one of the more physical threats of the women, sat out so you never know to be quite honest.
Zach wasn’t a likeable person, and he didn’t try to be. He wanted to be a villain. But eventually the real guy came out.
John and Jason are the annoying this season without a doubt.
john’s laugh makes me want to cry literally
His laugh is worse than Crustine’s.
Geez, I’m already confused.
same, lol
why bring back the bob and the double hoh thing from last season? ugh twists just ruin the game to be perfectly honest
Oh I hate that!
I really wish BoB wasn’t back. It was not a “favorite” like they said. The other twists are enough. Anyone think Clay jumped off because he didn’t want to be seen as a strong athletic threat? Looked like it to me.
If he did threw the challenge, then he got sloppy. He fell very shortly after the game started. Too soon in the competition to do that.
Yes don’t make it so obvious
Do you have any proof that it wasn’t a favorite? And don’t say message boards, bc they aren’t an accurate representation of the entire audience. I liked it, and rating last year were highest they’ve been in years, so if people didn’t like it like you said, the ratings would have gone down, not up.
I really hope B.O.B is only for the first week.
I honestly don’t know why they decided to bring back Battle of the Block this year. Not looking good so far
I hate that! I didn’t like it last year, and I won’t this year. It’s ridiculous
I liked it. I’m excited it’s back. I think it’s better than 1 person having all the power. Now the entire alliance gets to help make the decision of who goes on the block.
Alrighty Guys I’m out! Thanks for the update and I hope to see you all(y’all) tommorow! ^_^
have a nice night!
Same to u!
lets talk about positives- THE QUEENS FORMED THE FIRST ALLIANCE OF THE SUMMER AND YAY lol srry sound soo immature there
And the best part is that they haven’t baptized their alliance with a silly name.
they could be the brigade 2.0, which i like
exactly lol
They already have an alliance?
shelli, audrey and da’vonne were talking about forming an alliance, but were skipping around the words, essentially. they also said they would talk about names ‘later’, at that time.
I’m going to go dream about the man I love…for now, anyway: Medieval Romance/Wrestler. He’s *dreamy*…;) Catch you on the flip side.
waiting to see him back out pre-jury lol
I hope your man meets your expectations, in your dreams, Sharona. hehe
Oh, you’re just awful…FUNNY!
I’m all for the three women alliance of Da’vonne, Audrey and Shelli!! (even though, I find Shelli annoying)
Nice to have you back again this year. But show up during the show. LOL
Same to you and haha, will do! :)
I’m so glad u sound excited Matt! On another site, the guy acted like he had just watched paint dry. I personally am really pumped! I think everyone so far is interesting. Last year I was bored from episode one, so that says something. I enjoy this site. Thinking about getting the live feeds. Hmmm…
Sooooo, Julie was not her usual ‘stiff’ highness tonight. I’m unable to be here with all you astute and funny people during the broadcast. So I’ll be making my comments (for what they’re worth) 2 or 3 hours after. For now, I’ll just say Jace is a Jerk. Yes, Jace = Jerk.
I missed tonight premier where can I go to watch it?
I’m sure you would like to watch it sooner, but it is scheduled to be aired at 10pm EST tomorrow night on the POP channel, which is showing AD this season. I hope someone else will give you better info.
Is this the right place for the recap or is there another thread?
I think most everyone is gone for the night, Foxfire. I’m still trying to process all the info. It was the motherload, huh?
I haven’t read any comments yet, but what’s the general opinion so far? I hope Audrey won’t become another Frankie. The Asian good ol’ boy is hilarious I thought.
Most seem to not be crazy about the BOTB returning. The twin thing has people wondering about how that’s going to pan out and no one seems 100% sure who has the twin HG. Sharona is in love and probably at this very minute dreaming of her Romeo, Austin Judas Dracula. No more Skittles. Is that as clear as mud? hehe
From what I’ve seen so far I’m liking the first 8 in the house. It’ll take me awhile to remember all the names but the good looking guy from Texas is gorgeous and I can see why that gal is having hot flashes over him. Austin/Judas I’m not too sure about yet.
I seriously doubt the 3 girls alliance will last past a few days but you never know.
Not sure about BOTB either since it did seem that last year the HG’s figured out how to play the system and the dominant HOH would demand their choices throw the comp in order to stay in power.
We’ll know soon whether they are saving the best or worst for last because I think the first in are a fairly good group of HGs. I’m with you about doubting the alliance lasting and how the BOTB was a bust last year. Surely they wouldn’t put it in play again without some major improvements being implemented.
The BOTB definitely needs to be tweaked as there was a little bulling going on last season with a few of the HOH’s I felt.
My pre-season faves all seem to be in this 1st group so hopefully being the first group in the house will give them an advantage.
They tried that twin thing in another season and I wasn’t that crazy about it then. Some are speculating that it’s Audrey that has the twin. This could be an incredibly bizarre season and I can’t wait to see more.
If you have the CBS All-access, I’m pretty sure they will be available there. And as KSJB said they will replay on POP every week.
I love the way the house looks. Its funny, even though I knew about Audrey it took me a few mins to remember, she looks just like the beautiful female that she now is. If I had not known already I would have had no idea.
I hope that the battle of the block works this year and that they don’t get rid of all the weak and drag it out like last year. make some moves and early on! That being said I dislike the staggered entry. They go in, alliances are made and people talk and then other people come in later. Why can’t they all just go in and then start?
Its too much to take in all at once.
not for me and its how they used to do it
They can’t do it that way with the battle of the block. But it’s not a long as CBS makes it seem. They show it in two nights, but everybody goes in on day 1.
Well I hate battle of the block, and I get all of that, I just don’t care for it. Even a few hours makes a difference when bonds are already forming.
I love Battle of the Block. Too bad for you I guess.
Sucks for you. You’re still gonna watch anyway.
The two batches of HG’s who enters the house come in within the same day, as has been the practice before with BB4 (Jun’s group), and BB8 (Dick’s group).
A few gapped hours between the two batches won’t really make much of a difference.
Why can’t I just want them to go in at once? And I disagree, it makes a huge difference. Those few hours, relationships are formed already. As silly as that sounds they do. I realize they have done it this way before, they have done a lot of things before, but we all have our preferences. The people who come in later are at a disadvantage imo. They had a few hours less to bond than the rest did.
Hey everybody, I was watching last nites BBAD earlier today when I got home from work today, and the people that were hanging out in the HOH room, ‘now bare with me, because I don’t know everybody’s names yet, but the transgender opened the HOH’S unsealed note from BB and read it out loud to everyone in the room with her. WHY did BB allow her to do that? Now they know what was meant for the HOH’S eyes only. Does anyone with live feed or something, can you tell me if that was a no-no or what will or will not happen now that some other HG knows this.