Last night on Big Brother 16 we saw an extended scene from just before Frankie Grande was voted out of the game featuring a “Grande sized” claim. Frankie suggested that he was not only the best player in the house, but was also about to become the most powerful player in the Jury. But will he?
Once Derrick did his weekly Jury Management routine of informing Frankie of his pending eviction we saw Frankie try what might either be a last ditch effort to stay or a bitter parting threat to the HGs.
Gathered in the HoH room Caleb, Cody, Derrick, and Frankie exchanged barbs as their attempt to let him down easy turned unpleasant. Well, Derrick actually managed to stay positive and avoid the lobbed verbal grenades as he was wise to do. The rest of them though? Well, read what was said.
Derrick: Let’s make it real quick. There’s no doubt [Frankie] knows. You’re an extremely intelligent kid.
Frankie: I am.
Derrick: One of, if not the best player in this game and…
Frankie: I think the best player in the game.
Derrick: Bottom line is I think you knew. You’re a beast.
Frankie: None of you could beat me sitting next to me. I know that. But this is just what I’d like to say. By doing this to me, you have created the most powerful person in this game. Because when I step out of those front doors, you are reconnecting me with my millions of followers, A, and B, you’re reconnecting me with the Jury.
And let’s face it. Who’s the most convincing speaker in this house? You’re looking at the person who will single-handedly pick the winner of this game.
Caleb: Pffft. Shut up, Frankie.
Frankie: I will.
Caleb: I swear.
Frankie: *looks at Cody* Do you disagree?
Cody: Yeah, absolutely. You’re not f**king Jesus in this house so I’m not giving you any reason why you should go tell the Jury who’s winning.
Caleb: Not happening. You think you’re so powerful. “I will decide who wins this game.” You won’t! You will not decide nothing. People in this Jury house have been playing with us this whole game. They know who each individual has done them wrong they know who has won comps.
Frankie: But Caleb, you don’t know what’s been going on in this game.
Caleb: You don’t either, obviously.
Frankie: Bottom line, I’m not as scared of you as you are of me.
Frankie’s decision to lash out all his former allies clearly didn’t halt their plans, but Derrick was able to work that situation to his advantage. In fact, so much so that Frankie said in our eviction interview that he hoped to see Derrick and Victoria in the final two, and not the other guys.
All this raises the question: will Frankie control the Jury as he suggests? So far we’ve seen Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, Donny, Zach, Christine, and now Caleb head out the door. Would any of them be influenced by Frankie? They may consider his insight from having spent longer in the house and seen more events, but I’m not convinced that his wishes and desires will carry the weight he expects.
Caleb makes a valid point that the Jurors won’t rely solely on Frankie’s input as they played the game with them and know what each has done both competitively and socially. Final legs of the race may weigh heavily in their decisions, but most Jurors typically seem to make up their own minds. Perhaps when we see the Jury’s group debate we’ll see what sort of traction Frankie can create.
As an aside from their conversation. What in the world was Frankie talking about “reconnecting me with my millions of followers” when they evict him? Was this simply another attempt to use his suggested “social media mogul” status as leverage? Perhaps Frankie did not realize he won’t have access to the outside world even when inside the Jury house, as Big Brother alum Britney Haynes joked last night:
twitter-tweet" lang="en">"You're about to reunite me with my MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS!!!!!!" (Except I'm in jury, still cut off from my MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS)
— Britney Haynes (@britney_haynes) September 18, 2014
Well, at least he was consistent.
Do you think Frankie will become the most powerful member of the Jury and decide who wins the game? Since we already heard several Jurors suggest Derrick was a top pick, would his support of Derrick really change anything or could he just end up taking credit for existing decisions? We’ll see more of the Jury in the final two episodes and know more soon. Until then, speculate away and share your thoughts.
I had to watch this twice last night for a good laugh! I have to say I was proud of Caleb and Cody for standing up to Frankie.
I so wanted to see Caleb Judy chop him…
Heard dat
NO it is HERR DAT.
this made me laugh out loud, seriously funny!! herd, dat!!!!
So did I!! haha ha
Yes, and guess what? Derrick just sat there taking it all in…as always.
I so badly wanted him to say something… ugh!
I would love to hear what Derrick has observed and felt about Frankie and the others. I have often wondered why he has that blue cloth around his head covering his eyes and mouth. Maybe its his way of blocking it out or trying to keep from exploding.
We should find out once those votes are locked in on finale night.
Isn’t that his little girls blanket that he got in one of his HOH baskets?
Yea it is his little girls blanket and he has it over his head to keep reminding him of why he’s there and who he’s working hard for.
ohh I didn’t know that. then keeping it close is his way of staying the course….for you baby girl. sweet
That is his daughter baby blanket! Now its HIS SECURITY BLANKET!!!
The blue blanket belongs to his daughter. His wife sent it to him earlier in the game.
Derrick is staying calm and being nice to everyone going to the jury. He let the others vent and hoping Frankie holds it against them for striking back. Frankie is a real jerk. He is all smiles and bubbly as long as he is holding court but let anyone go against him and he becomes a spiteful angry bitch.
Did not consider his vision re their exits. Very much on point re his ‘niceness’ to everyone. He always feeds the egos of everyone, he really is the Master. Great point.
I, and many others Hate Frankie. ….hopefully this will prevent Frankie becoming Famous or his entitled ass hole sister also. …..himself and his sister need to leave and just go the f**** away forever!
Yeah, I have heard and read that Frankie’s sister is becoming a Diva already! Geesh
yep. derrick has played them all since the beginning and has done it all without getting any blood on his hands. possibly the best player ever.
Nikki you have to look at it as him protecting his image for jury, he doesn’t want Frankie going in there saying Derrick was a jerk when it was really Frankie who ended up looking like one. Much credit to Caleb and Cody though I give him so much respect for shutting up his narcissistic clown in his place. “Million of followers”?, dude thinks he’ll have access to a computer when he gets out, probably so high off glitter that he assumes the jury house is a hotel and people will clean up after him. Oh I can see the jury going crazy on this fool if he left cup or banana or even Gatorade out somewhere without cleaning up after himself.
I liked that Caleb showed in his exit interview he is still pissed about Frankie’s statements. I would love love to see his first “talk” with him.
I liked that part too, did you see how Julie wanted to cut him off but he finished his whole answer to the question she wasn’t expecting that answer at all cause she wanted to shield or the people in her ear were trying to signal to her to get him to stop spilling the truth, just loved it much respect to Caleb for that.
I noticed this too. I don’t think she saw that coming. I myself didn’t. I thought he would say yes (as did Julie I assume) that he regretted nominating Frankie. This entire episode made Caleb look great. I was even proud of Cody.
Agree that we saw Caleb on a more personal level. He presented as a real gentleman with grace upon his eviction.
Even if he could reconnect with his few follower’s (well the ones that so sheepishly agreed to stay in there), all of that would not matter. Only the people in the jury can decide on who wins the money. Not to mention most of them do not like Frankie so I doubt that he can convince them to vote a certain way otherwise. Unless of course he tells everyone to vote for Derrick who most will do anyway so no win for Frankie there either.
I suspect frankie takes advantage of his sister’s fans. Therefore, most of his “followers” don’t even understand BB.
Yes, Caleb and Cody finally stood up to him as Derrick sat there smirking and loving it. Frankie is delusional and his sister is probably shaking her head in shame. In truth she’s probably glad he got kicked of the show. What an embarrassment for her.
Where up north btw?
So smart of him, I thought.
He’s smart for keeping his mouth shut, most people cant do that. haha
According to Judge Judy, when you are winning, you should just shut up.
Derrick just sat back and let the others talk for him. I bet it was so hard for him to bite his tongue but for his game it was a wise decision.
He definitely has worked hard for the $500,000
Derrick is always thinking about a vote. That’s all he cares about.
Love Caleb, hate Fakie and his grandiose attitude. Do not like Cody. Christine was embarrassing and disgusting but Cody should have been man enough to, as Tim said, show respect to him. I hope Cody wins nothing! Plus Cody’s uppity attitude to Caleb at the end was unnecessary. And I cant wait til Derrick or Victoria evict him.
Frankie is crazy if he thinks anyone in the jury will follow his lead. None of the jury members trusted him in the BB house. Nothing will change. He’s great only in his own mind.
Yes, and Derrick had to be so fatherly, for lack of a better word. Geez. Lighten up and let Frankie have it, will you? Derrick is a robot.
Watch Frankie support Derrick and his case to win. Derrick will win, and Frankie will go “see I told you all. he only won because I convinced the jury” when in reality Derrick would have won regardless. LOL! Frankie is such a loser.
Yeah, whatever happens, Frankie will take all the credit for it after the fact. Because that’s what Frankie does.
I wish Frankie knew how much he is disliked. …
He’ll find out the day after finale night or even then when he gets access to social media.
Heard dat lol Can’t wait for that day, I’ll even go and make a wager that come finale night if Frankie opens his mouth watch for “Booos” come from the audience since you can bet Victoria’s parents and family will be there in attendance and I don’t think CBS can shield themselves this time with a fluff reception or mute the sound from the audience.
You are so right. I bet Vic’s dad would lie 30 seconds alone with him.
Right.. Gloves are off in the finale. There will be relatives and friends of the players and some of them are not happy of what they saw. We will hear boos….can’t wait.
Please let it happen. We need to see Fakie’s face when that happens.
I think he’ll be shielded from most of it and he’ll dismiss the rest as “haters.”
what did his one fan say yesterday? We’re jealous of Frankie. bc I want to be a 31 year old man and act like I’m 12. He will wake up one day and realize he is a joke.
I hope so! If they keep shielding him from the truth, he’s going to stay a man-child for a very long time.
I saw a video online that says how Frankie’s eviction “should” have went. It depicts Frankie’s exit footage, just as it happened, but they changed the sound of the clapping audience to be loud and prolonged booing. It was funny. There are several videos out there of clips of Frankie’s vileness throughout the BB season and in the end they added written insults which are so on target for Frankie. I hope he gets to see them.
I must see this.
lol I seen the video your talking about, I tried posting it on a thread yesterday but I guess Matt didn’t want Youtube videos on the site which is cool. Especially after watching that sad excuse for an interview it really cheered things up.
what do i need to type in the search bar on youtube
the videos I saw were not on you tube. my response to your request is being reviewed for approval by BB network. if they allow then you will see more info
I did see one that was on YouTube.
I posted a link and more info in response to jessalli request to see this but it is still on hold for BB network approval. They may not allow since it is not favorable to Frankie, even if it is funny. The one of Derrick’s baby girl saying “hoola” is adorable and posted there also.
Nice Yeah I know I think it’s cause of that either way thought its on Youtube for all to see even the stunt he tried to pull on last night’s episode which I just watched again but your right the one of Derrick’s baby girl is adorable he was thanking Cody the other day for getting him to go for the 5k bowl with the Holla’s otherwise he wouldn’t of got to hear all those Holla’s especially the one of his daughter’s.
Please tell me where I can find All of this, I cannot stand Fakie Frankie! Thank you! :)
true dat !
He will soon enough!!!
yeah he is that conceited and warped!!
Caleb will no doubt tell the jury about Frankie’s delusions of grandeur. I do agree with wiggy, Frankie will support a Derrick win and when/if Derrick wins, Frankie will believe that he is the reason. That’s the thing with a narcissist, he will believe that he controls everything, even the things he doesn’t control. I can only hope that if Frankie somehow (his sister’s fans) wins AFP, that the audience gives him the boo’s we were all waiting for during his eviction.
Caleb will also no doubt tell the jury about what Cody said about the F2 with Derrick since day two. I do hope he outs Derrick.
And any of the jury members that are true fans of the game will applaud Derrick’s moves in this game. To have such a strong alliance and no one knows about it until final 4, that is impressive.
which is a reminder to go vote for Donny? I think he will be the one to beat Frankie for AFP!!
If anyone does, it will be Donny. Which is funny because Frankie doesn’t think America loves Donny more than him. Please let them show Frankie’s face when he finds out that Donny has a role on the Bold and the Beautiful.
ITA. Even if Donny doesn’t win AFP (I am voting for him everyday, as well), Frankie can’t take that B&B role away from Donny. That’s priceless.
Maybe they’ll offer Frankie a role as a corpse on CSI or something so he doesn’t feel so bad about losing out to Donny on the B&B.
He’d jump up and wink at the camera. LOL
or have that god awful live show look stuck on his face. OMG
I hope Fakie Frankie gets Nothing, Ever! I hope we Never have to see or hear of Fakie Frankie again! I can dream! I guess the LGBT community is upset with Fakie Frankie for the way he acted and said on BB! And they and the Lesbian’ s are totally P*ssed off at him for the horrible rude/vile things he said about them! He also said sick things about killing other players, and wanting other people to kill themselves, and about bunching them and he said all that gross stuff about raping Victoria……he has also said Mean Crap about the American public! There is so very many Nasty/Vile/Mean/Sick things about so many People and things that Frankie has said and done that it would take me forever to type them All……..So Sad and Yet So True!!! Oh and also many believe, myself included, that Frankie didn’t really win Team America. …..either CBS Production set it up or his sisters 12 yr. old fans all voted for him after Frankie and his sister promised to follow those people on Twitter only if they voted for Frankie for team America and America’s favorite player. ….which Frankie and his sister did say and do!!! What can we expect from that horrid family!! Lol! There are tons of bad press about his sisters attitude also!
Oh that’s right. Don’t forget Caleb’s face too. lol. He’s expecting a movie role and a record deal right?
Yeah, but that will be after he gets back from Survivor.
I actually wouldn’t mind seeing Caleb on Survivor.
Heard dat. He’d probably be a better player on Survivor than BB. Especially now that he’s had a lesson on trust and blind loyalty.
Caleb would do well as the people on survivor manipulate how soon their celebrity guests go home just like they did with Frankie on BB. They would keep him a long time.
IDK. They cast some pretty women on that show, too.
Caleb and Amber… Survivor Blood vs. Water… Just think about it.
Except that Blood vs. Water are about pairings that want to keep each other, because they are close. It’s just the opposite with Amber.
Yes, but the pretty women would have an entire Island to run away and hide on.
Hmmmmm, I haven’t really saw that……but I think Caleb goes for girls that are less than average pretty (so he has a chance).. ….sorry I don’t think Amber was pretty at all! She kinda lied and said she was a Model, when in fact she was and does do Facials for and to other people for a living! She isn’t pretty enough to be a model. ….she lied about what she did for a living and it said something different under her name about what she did for a living and it wasn’t modeling. … No she isn’t a Model! Just like Frankie said he was in his late 20’s, he lied cause he is 31 yrs.old and he said he was a Media Mogul and he isn’t even close….Frankie is delusional!! LMAO! ;)
Amber is a model. She didn’t lie about who she is. She does both modeling and is an esthetician. Check out bustle (dot) com/articles/33924-big-brother-ambers-modeling-photos-are-absolutely-stunning
Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My son, who doesn’t watch the show and is in his mid-20s, walked in while I was watching it. He called her absolutely stunning. Normally he doesn’t comment on what I’m watching.
Beast mode may be a little self-absorbed and a little delusional too but, Caleb is young and basically has a good heart. Easy to look at too. I hope he gets a break to do something else so we can see him in a different circumstance. After all he did choose loyalty to his alliance over the possibility that Frankie might help him with a singing career. I just hope he hunts more humanly in the future and realizes that adoration and stalking are not the same thing.
Let’s hope Caleb is smart enough to stay away from Fakie Frankie, but Fakie Frankie actually thinks he is too good for everyone else and Caleb! Frankie’s Sh*tty sister thinks she is too good for everyone also! Those people need to Go Away! I love how Frankie talks about and says hi to his Half sister Ariana, but he never talks about or says hi to his half brother who is younger than his half sister Ariana. ….Frankie is a Jerk! He is a wannabe Fame Whore!!!! P.s. Spread this via Facebook, Twitter, and instagram! Thank you! :)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
How did they end up with so many delusional contestant
I just voted today again for Donny! We can do it one more time tomorrow! We get to vote 20 times a day and I give All of mine to Donny!
Thanks for reminder I almost forgot.
Slightly off topic, but it looks like his sister could be losing fans by the boatload. Shortly after she took a few minutes to pose for pics and sign autographs for fans, she got into an elevator and said, “I hope they all f’kn die.” Seems like Frankie and his sister have charming personality traits in common.
I’m not surprised based on the things I’ve read about her. :(
What? Where’d this info come from?
I saw it posted online someone on the elevator who heard was appalled and put it out there so we could see the real Ariana.
I thought she was a little conceited with her tweet after the naked celeb photos were leaked. It was about how clearly hers was fake bc we should know she looks better than that or some bs.
Just read the title of the article only and I’m already LMAOPMP!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Too funny for words!
Is there a time to flashback this conversation in its entirety?
I think it happened during the black out, but I could be wrong.
Bummer LOL. ..thank you! ;)
Correct. Sadly it was during the pre-show Feeds-down time so last night was the first we saw of it. Boy would that have been a convo to watch over & over on the Feeds.
You can watch the beginning of the show over & over again. It’s not the whole conversation, but at least you can see the funny part again. :)
Agreed. So pleased that CBS aired the bits it did.
Well, lets look at the jury:
Jocasta – No one’s telling her what to do.
Hayden – Doesn’t like Frankie
Zach – Okay, Frankie can probably control his vote…maybe.
Donny – Doesn’t like Frankie.
Nicole – Doesn’t like Frankie.
Christine – Probably still waiting on someone to talk to her.
Caleb – Definitely not happening.
4 nos. 2 maybes. GL FRANKIE. What an egotistical froot loop dingus.
I agree. I would however replace “Doesn’t like Frankie” to “Will laugh in Frankies’ Face”.
I would say Frankie’s days of controlling Zach are OVER!
I so hope that Zach’s time away from Frankie has given him a fresh take on that relationship!
Hope he gets the same jury welcome as Christine.
The only person Frankie could maybe influence is Zach. Everyone else in the jury hates Frankie. Could you really see Nicole, Hayden and Donny doing what Frankie wants them to do? Frankie is out of his mind if he thinks anyone in that jury will listen to him. They could care less about Frankie and his millions of fans.
Frankie influence with Zach has diminished some since he is one who put the knife in “Zankie”…Frankie controls nothing at the point,not even himself..
I truly hope that he spends the week being put in his place. Karma
Oh wish we could see that!
You’re giving Frankie way too much credit with Zach! I don’t think he’ll be able to convince him. Zach is surely going to vote for Derrick at the end and Frankie will probably take credit even thought Zach’s been rooting for Derrick.
Agree,Zach even told him he would vote for Derrick in the final two even if he was sitting next to him,
That’s way I said MAYBE. I never stated that Zach will actually listen to Frankie.
Nicole told Derrick when she came back in the house, Derrick everyone in the jury house loves you, you are the closest thing to Dan Gesling(sp) this game has seen! HO! But that is why he voted her out, Derrick didn’t want the remaining houseguest to know how well liked he was!
so funny, delusional frankie answers that he thinks he is the ” best player in the game.” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i hve a feeling the last hoh, will b setup for derric to win. imagine, if after all his hardwork and cbs editi him as the mastermind puppeteer, tht he doesnt makeit to final 2… i really can not imagine that.
but things like that happen.
on bad girls all star battle, someone ran the whole gam just like derrick, but then in final 3, her 2 allies betrayed her so theyd have a winning chance. you can look it up on youtube. so it can definitely happen, but will production allow that?
Frankie can’t control the jury any more than he can control his sphincter muscles or his mouth.
Pretty sure the jury will give him more crap than they did to Krustine. Now Caleb on the other hand MAY have some influence.
But the superfans will respect Derricks overall game & vote for him to win without hesitation.
Does everything you say here have to be sexual?..Jesus!
It’s called a joke. You know you can’t buy a sense of humor, you can actually have one for free, if you try.
“Reunite me with all my followers”…counting family,i get a total of six…Frankie behavior this whole season has been a paradox to me..a good player with a inviting personality but the wheels begin to come off his game when he stabbed Zach in the back for no apparent reason,viewers understand this game but this move did not make any sense except for personal spite on his part. Frankie had a great exit but his outburst last night once more reminded all of us how small minded and delusional he really is at times,sometimes people need to know when to pull back from the abyss,last night Frankie fell in.
It wasn’t the first time he fell in it this season.
I think that Frankie was a typical douche who went on this show trying hide that he is a jerk. But after a while he could no longer keep his true self hidden. Funny thing, I think Zach is the opposite. He went on the show trying to be a villain, but in the end we saw that he really is a nice guy at heart, but just playing a character. On a show like BB, you can only hide who you truly are for so long.
Totally agree, especially the Zach part.
So are any of us shocked that a gay man let his emotion rule his mouth? Logic is never their way when scorned by anyone.
The modus operandi is to strike first & think later. Then attempt to patch it up my being so very sorry. It never seems to work though.
Don’t think being gay is the issue here but Frankie acting a like a jerk at times is..
Are you kidding? It gives him his sense of entitlement. And he wields it like a weapon. Don’t be fooled.
His entitlement comes from thinking he deserves fame like his sister. and bc she is his sister everyone should fear him and “his fans” I could go on all day….
Huh? Stereotype much?
Every chance I get. Thanks for asking & thanks for playing.
Don’t compare him to any gay men I know. He is in NO way like the ones I know.
What Scotty said doesn’t even describe the gay men that have been on Big Brother! It doesn’t even describe Frankie.
You might try a gay pride parade. You’ll see a few.
And some people claim that they’re never seen homophobic comments on this site. I’ve counted two in the first twenty comments on this page alone.
Good for you. Keep on counting. Math is your friend.
The only person who is a bigger douche than Frankie is ScottyG
Awe, Butthurt much?
His being gay is really inconsequential here. I know quite a few gay men and lesbian women. None of them, not even the more flamboyant ones, act so entitled and disrespectfully. His actions and comments do not reflect the gay community in any way. He is merely a self-absorbed, vain, nasty individual. Read the blog he wrote about his trip to Africa. It’s very telling with regard to his true feelings about himself vs the “normal” people of this world.
He said it in the house, that it was the first time in years he had spent time with “regular people”.
yeah becus ppl dont nderstand. the gay community is very divided. theres regular gay ppl, then theres the queens who basically expct ppl to bow down to them, its something thts been going on for yrs.
Where do you get your information from? Movies??? Scripted TV shows on cable???
When he said “regular people” I think he was referring to non-theatrical, not-celebrities and middle America.
Let’s be thankful for that.
gay does have alot to do with it though. not every gay man, acts like that, but tere are alot of men out there who act like QUEENS. and inanyone in the gay community has come across atleast one person like this. and that is frankie.
sure staight men can be queens too,but when youre gay and act that way.. its really intensified. its almost like mean girl x100
alot of ppl may not understand it. it may b an age thing, because typically i only come across younger queens, who now thanks to reality tv, all hve “smthn to prove” and wanna be that reality star
Did you see Gary Levy on BB Canada 1? He’s a gay, flamboyant, queen and proud of it! Yes, he was emotional throughout the season, but he never let his emotions rule his logic. I have a lot of respect for him.
A douche bag is just one category for everybody.
There are tons of obnoxious, self absorbed gays. Who are you fooling?
I refuse to read anything he wrote. I have ZERo interest in his words. I’ve heard quite enough for the rest of my life.
Scotty, you are correct I am sure, just like there are tons of obnoxious, self absorbed genders, races, of all types. I’m sure you know this and hopefully didn’t mean the post the way it sounded, because it sounded kind of bad.
You handled this way better than I have
Yep KSJB always has civil way of handling hardheaded individuals like ScottyG and I have nothing but the utmost respect for her for it.
Except for trolls. I don’t handle them very well, because hey, aren’t they make believe after all? And I have had my not so flattering moments. But at least I own it. Thanks Canman.
lol Yep just make believe before you know it, they’re gone like they never existed.
I recently installed my ignore bu-on, maybe I’ll try that next time.
Love that lool I need to get mine installed as well, that bu-on sure does come in handy ha love your sense of humor KSJB.
so only gays are obnoxious??? then You’re the gayest person I’ve talked to today.
TONS of obnoxious people of all types. Try a mirror. You’ll find one there.
So you’re basically just repeating what I’m saying? AWESOME
Welcome to the obnoxious club. You have it mastered.
lool Ziiing Heard dat! Ha ScottyG you gotta realize we live in a world that includes obnoxious people but from how you sound you might be just one of them so I guess your at home.
Yea, I feel extra cozy today! I love being obnoxious. Call me Zack Attack Jr.
you are unworthy of your name being used in the same sentence as Zach Rance. OK
Oh, I’m just getting started, ya’ fruit loop dingus. I’ll be here all day. Thanks for playing.
so you’re a Zach fan? i could respect that. Hating on frankie for his sexual orientation when there’s so much to hate him for. That’s the only problem I have with you. Your comments have been a little inappropriate.
no. i have to wait to watch the video. I’m at the office. Typing and looking at my computer screen can be disguised as doing work, watching a youtube video.. not so much.
You’re fired! Sorry, wrong show.
Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the
side door – that way Lumbergh can’t see me, heh heh – and, uh, after
that I just sorta space out for about an hour.Yeah, I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I’m working. I do that
for probably another hour after lunch, too. I’d say in a given week I
probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work
lool You sound just like me when I had desk job like that and for a sec I thought nah she’s a by the books type of girl at work but your just as cool and laid back.
It’s pretty laid back, but I thought y’all would catch that office space quote.
Though that’s what I feel like a lot. My boss is awesome though. Small company. & he knows it’s not an 8 hour a day job and doesn’t expect me to stare at my thumbs all day.
lool just reading it back now can’t believe I missed it, Classic Pure Classic, one of my favorite movies and the first movie I ever bought on DVD from Blockbuster lol.
Dang, girl, you just proved my husband right. He says I’m always the last one to “get it”. Says I think with too much common sense. Is that so bad?! lol
Are they hiring? lol
this is why I miss working in an office. lol i know off topic sorry
lol I know what you mean cause I’ve done it never been caught though always (Alt + Tab) when someone gets close but I wouldn’t recommend it unless your comfortable.
NIce Tip. I did not know about that. I only get on when all my real work is done.
No problem and your right there’s a time for work and a time for play but sometimes I like to mix them both.
Please don’t try to link his behavior to being gay. Too many reason’s to hate this guy to mention his sexual orientation. That’s stooping to his level. That will be his #1 excuse of why he was not liked.
Why not? He’s nothing more than a big asshole in more than one way. We as viewers know what he is & none of his justifications or excuses will change that.
Besides this being America & all, I’m entitled to think and say whatever I want.
He does enough stooping for us all. Yes, you can take that in more than one way too as I intended.
I’m just saying that that’s what he expects. There are plenty enough reasons to hate him that it doesn’t matter that he is gay (if you see that as a reason to dislike him) I dont.
That guy hates women, too, and probably a lot of other groups of people. Past comments indicated psychological issues.
Without a doubt Frankie will take credit for whoever wins, be it Derrick, Cody or Victoria. We as viewers and Live feeders know the jury will not be influenced by Frankie. In the BB house they HAD to get along with Frankie and put up with his craziness. Not so in the jury house. They have all lost the game and they owe him NOTHING.
Fags suck
No but your post does.
Coward..put a real name on here and stand behind your comments proudly if you dare.
I flagged him before when he showed up here.
I tried to flag it too, but it’s already been sent to moderation. Matt will most likely delete this thread. I hope he does.
Some jerk always has to try and ruin a good thing. Where were you last night during the show, rr?
I have a desktop computer in one room and my TV in another room. It’s hard to type and watch in two separate rooms. :)
You could always knock a wall out……
And the hallway. LOL
the kitchen and a bathroom……When you are a BB junkie, you need to do whatever you need to make it work.
Bummer, you’ve got to do some rearranging, girl!!
I saw one yesterday or day before and keep my big mouth shut. Now I gave it what it hungers for, attention, so maybe it will crawl back in the dirt under it’s little mushroom and play with the other scum of the earth.
Hur dat!
Hi Karen, My real name is Pastor Allen Parker of White Tail Chapel of Virginia.
And I am waiting for a new picture to be put online of you, ahem, Pastor, in your new little black shorts.
haha..I lost from Andy.
Didn’t someone throw some holy water on you the last time you were in a church?
He became an attorney for awhile after that.
I’m right there with everyone else that belives if Derrick wins it will because he has secured the bites already, but Frankie will FOREVER tell everyone he is the reason Derrick won.
And Frankie is not the best player – the best players are still in the game
I was so glad CBS aired this instead of a hero edit for Fakie… he is delusional
Maybe CBS decided it would be a wise move since Tuesday night he received cheers from CBS employees and a fluff interview from Julie, and a lot of criticism from fans as a result.
I think CBS finally realized that because of the special treatment they given Fakie due to his sister’s manager being the exe producer of Scorpion may hurt their new show. I was going watch it until I found out about the Fakie connection. Now you couldn’t pay me to watch it.
Too little and too late, but good point, Grace.
Derrick is a snake. He has sat back and worked his magic behind the scenes. He really doesn’t have blood on his hands at all. I could see how uncomfortable he was when Cody was telling Vic and Caleb that he had a deal with Derrick from day two to go to the F2. That made Derrick squirm. If Cody gets to choose who he sits next to in the end, I hope he finally realizes that Derrick would pick Victoria. Go team Cody.
Derrick is a BB player.
Derrick is not a snake but someone who knew how to play this game from the moment he stepped into the BB house,if anything Cody has been a sheep all season.
Exactly. I don’t understand why people think that Derrick should have more loyalty to people he met months ago than to his wife and daughter. Derrick’s game is so good because he has something worth playing for.
People have also said he doesn’t need the money because he’s a Sgt in the police dept. He’s from a SMALL town. They don’t get paid like some big cities. This will be life changing for him as it would have gor several others in the game. I totally respect the game he has played.
I don’t see Derrick as being a snake and there’s no magic there at all. He played BB his own way. With manipulation, allowing each houseguest who approached him to make up their own mind while manipulating them with a bit of ego boosting to the result he wanted. That takes guts, planning, awesome observation skills and brains. Playing a good game does not always mean one has to win comps or throw others under the bus. It can also mean playing the players, staying focused, eye on the prize, keeping under the radar, manipulation and a bit of ego stroking. He did all of that and did it well. He has no blood on his hands, played a steller social game, never was nominated and made it to the final 3…possibly the final 2. I give him credit and hope he wins the game.
Well said Dee Vetri and Well put, loved your analysis on Derrick and I agree with what you said 100% giving credit where credit’s due and he deserves it.
I’ll absolutely give him credit. He read the other HG’s perfectly, played to their weaknesses and egos, and manipulated them masterfully. However, how you are in the game is how you are in real life. I’ve said this before, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Good player? Maybe, it seems to have worked. Good person deep down inside? Strong family guy, but ruthless and with the instincts of a con man.
A con man or a cop? His skills as a cop are what allowed him to be so patient and intuitive in this game.
GM, No, his instinct are not those of a con man, they are the tools of a cop. I think his years as an undercover cop has given him the skill it takes to read people, cajole them and make them think that they are the ones in control when in fact, he is. The police are trained when working undercover, to get information then manipulate the other person, in this case the other HGs, by dropping a just bit of information and perhaps a suggestion. That allows the other person a sense of control and they believe they’re gaining important insight from him. Then the other person, believing they can glean additional information begins to build on that tidbit while offering even more information back to the cop resulting in the cop learning so much more than he related while steering that other person in the direction that would be most advantageous to the cop..Derrick is a master at that sort of manipulation and it’s been a winning game strategy. Whew…That was long-winded, wasn’t it.
Derrick is not just a snake, he’s an anaconda. He’s a cowardly player, which in this situation seems to be working. Cody, please get over your loyalty and take Victoria, if you have that choice.
I don’t agree that Derrick is a snake, I feel like he is playing a smart game however, I do agree that Cody may have sealed his fate with Derrick when he gave the others the details he did on the Hit man alliance. I am waiting to see Derrick reveal his true identity as a cop.
Derrick and Cody agreed before Cody voted Caleb out that he would out the Hitmen, so Derrick was not uncomfortable with Cody spilling their Final 2 deal, no matter how he “looked.”
Oh God ! To think that much of your self? “You created the most powerful person in the game. The more you strike me, the more powerful I become” ” I am the gay Obi Kenobi” haha..what an a*s !
Too bad there are no camera’s on viewers that he can see them laughing at him.
That was the real Frankie. How he portrayed himself during his interview with Julie was a sham.
I don’t know why you all are complaining about Frankie. At least he didn’t say that he would be reconnected with his sister’s billions of followers. Frankie is an entertainer and could have been a funny and likeable guy. However, he chose a different path and a path that he should not have traveled. Somebody needs to tell Frankie that being gay is the new normal and nobody in their right mind cares.
his millions of fans are his sister’s millions of fans. in his head. He changes his mind everyday on how many followers he has. so OVER him. ughh
But they do care about a man who is told not to grab another man’s junk and he still does it. That is what he will forever be known for–sexual assault.
Typical Frankie…. out of touch and in need of the spotlight. I would expect Frankie’s reception in the Jury House to be much like Christine’s was, although the others will come around to him as he can be fun to be around. I would just love to be a fly on the wall for the first one on one between Frankie and Zach.
Does anyone here think that, as a “superfan,” Skankie will review the BBN when he goes to his real home? I wonder if his family, knowing he might, is editing all the season’s comments with the “I don’t want to see this” button so his delicate feelings won’t be hurt. I can’t imagine them being able to access all the BB sites and deleting all the negative comments that have been left about him. He’s gonna eventually know that he is a grossly disliked person (notice I didn’t say player) and will be devastated. I’m sure his family and fans know this truth and it will be hard for them to face him with the lies I believe they must ply him with. They should just let the sh*t hit the Skankie fan and be there to comfort him before he finds out on his own. He’s not good at accepting rejection.
He will see how disliked he is within his first 5 minutes on twitter.
He will just push it all off as haters because he’s gay. Which is a disgrace to all the nice gay people of the world. He will never accept the fact that it’s him and him alone that people can’t stand.
He said that he can’t read very well, so he’ll have someone weed out all the negative stuff for him.
By the way, this whole FAKE story about him being a superfan is just that…FAKE! He learned all about Big Brother from Wikipedia! I dislike him with a passion.
I don’t think it’ll ever sink in for him, he’s a hard wired narcissist. Plus there will be enough people kissing his ass that he’ll be able to ignore the haters.
no way will frnkie control the jury house. I hope he gets an even worse reception than Christine did!!! Frankie is a douche and has no power over any one not even himself. he has major delusions of grandeur!!! ass!!
I would pay for live feeds of the jury house this week.
Frankie will probably demand that he have his own wing in the house.
I think I have posted just about every negative thing I could on here about Frankie J.Grande. Oh, wait, I just thought of another one..he’s a douchebag!
i think that was a threat about them being harassed by his followers when they leave the game, and in the case of Caleb, how this takes away the influence Frankie (let him think) could have on his future singing career/fame …
best part of last night was Caleb’s eviction interview. His only regret was giving Frankie respect. and that he saw who he is as a human now. (can’t remember the exact quote) Caleb may be my new favorite player.
Hands down my favorite part of the night and a whole new admiration for Caleb, he stood up told the truth and kept Julie Chen from trying to shut him up since CBS wanted to protect their golden boy so bad.
Hands down my favorite part of the night and a whole new admiration for Caleb, he stood up told the truth and kept Julie Chen from trying to shut him up since CBS wanted to protect their golden boy so bad.
This makes me want to see more of Caleb. I think if they do another all stars season a few of these HG have earned a rightful spot.
This makes me want to see more of Caleb. I think if they do another all stars season a few of these HG have earned a rightful spot.
I agree jessalli, your absolutely right and I think he deserves to be on Allstars along with the ones that earned it as well, hey did you watch the video yet of the Frankie fun edit?
i have to wait until i get home. 45 more min.
If he does, I just hope he has a girlfriend back home waiting. Knowing he is the loyal type guy, at least we wouldn’t have a repeat of the Amber thing..cold chills.
Is Frankie the next Jim Jones with his millions of followers? People, please be careful who you choose to follow.
i think frankie knowing derrick may win he will might try to tell the public its because he told the jury to vote for him so he can get the glory
The jury house will get to see the episode when Caleb gets evicted and see what a brat Frankie became. Such Ego! Anyway, i doubt he will be able to convice any of them as much as he thinks. Also, doesnt the person that doesnt win (2nd place) win something too?
Yes, a free plane trip home.
They get an edited version of the show.
Wow! That’s pretty good pay for that stint, huh?
2nd place gets 50K
I doubt he’ll have anywhere near the influence he thinks. We’ll know soon.
I have no doubt Frankie is right, he controls all of the votes in the jury and will most definatly influence everyone’s decision on who should win BB16, IN HIS MIND!!! Caleb was correct in stating everyone in the house played the game right along with them and has (some) idea of what happened. And with Caleb going out last night, he will be able to control (hopefully) the BS Frankie will be spewing in the house. No doubt the jurors get to see an edited version of the weeks events, scrubbed down to make Frankie look like the good guy.
That was just more of Frankie being the self-centered, the world revolves around me spoiled little brat that he is.
Frankie is an IDIOT!!! AS WELL AS DILUSIONAL!!! He had no more input with the other jurors that I do! They are all playing this game and KNOW who Frankies really is! A JERK!!! That was the best move so far in the game other than getting Christine out and the Caleb last night! Caleb thought this game was going to be judged on Integrity and Loyalty, ooopps, hes playing a different game than Big Brother!
Why should anyone be loyal to a person that they just met yesterday?
Caleb/BMCB needs to come back if there is an all-stars. Heard dat!
Frankie will roll into the jury house and with his best “grown-up” voice say, “I think we should vote for Derrick!” Everyone in the jury will tell him they were already going to vote for him and Frankie will say, “I knew you would all see it MY WAY!” What an idiot…
til beast mode delivers a sharp judy chop to the head
Here he goes again – a legend in his OWN MIND! The jury WILL NOT listen to this little tippy- toe flamingo. They are probably laughing their ass*s off that he is now a jury member – so much for how powerful the Frankie show was.
“Fakie” had said, at one point, that if he wasn’t in the final two and Victoria was there with one of his former allies, that he would give it to Victoria. Always the spiteful little biyotch !
Just one of many clear indicators that Frankie is, in fact, a jackass! I dare say he’s even more clueless than Caleb which is saying quite a lot actually.
you people need to wake up and realize just because Derrick has a good social game he sucks at comps…Cody has killed him…so it will come down to the jury deciding comp or social…if you look back in history of BB comp killers win way more
Jordon won and I don’t think she won that much comps. Same goes for Dan also Andy (which I still don’t think he should’ve won but thats my own opinion haha). Its not about the comps at all. Its just your strategy in the game and how you present yourself to the Jury. Someone like Victoria could never win (because comps do have a degree of importance) but she also had no strategy whatsoever. I honestly would like to see how Cody presents himself to the Jury because besides following Derrick, he hasn’t made much choices of his own which actually helped him get to where he’s at but could also hurt his chances of winning. I see your point with Derrick though. It is more easier in my opinion to control people then to tell people that you were controlling them and the lack of comps wins could damage him winning but I think he’ll win anyways.
Jordon won bc she was against Natalie. and Andy won bc Gina Marie gives a speech like a preschooler. I agree with everything else.
I didn’t like final three last year at all lol
I know. Last season was sad. I didn’t even vote for AFP. There was none. Elissa won by default.
I despised the stalker Gina Marie and her delusional mind. She was so obnoxious.
All I have to say is WILL KIRBY season 2!!!
I think it could also be the “new generation” of big brother. If you haven’t noticed, last few seasons have been about honesty, winning comps, and if you weren’t voting with the house you were the target. Where as years ago if you stabbed someone in the back they would applaud that in the jury (after sitting on it for awhile of course). I think the next few seasons should include more super fans (like watching from the beginning super fans) so we don’t get a rehash again haha. I was hoping for an all stars but since they are asking for new house guest i don’t think that’ll happen. (although I don’t remember if they did that for the season before the first All Stars)
I think you’re right. and i agree. more SUPER fans!!!
not just ones that claim to be but clearly arent..
I think whomever replies should watch all key moments of BB history.
yes. & I HATE voting with the house. its annoying. and who decides who the house is. ridiculous.
I think people should vote how they want. Just cuz they vote how they want doesn’t mean they have to tell anyone who they voted for ;)
In BB Australia they are forbidden from talking about nominations/voting or anything related to it. I don’t know what the penalty is, but their normal rule-breaking penalty is a strike. 3 strikes and they are evicted.
I was trying to watch this on youtube, but the host’s accent was too much for me. Every time she said the word pair, I almost lost it. IDK why it bothered me so much. lol
That is very interesting. I think they should be able to discuss it though. You have to know where people’s heads are at? What do they talk about then if not game?
They talk game, like strategy, alliances and who is doing what, they just don’t talk about nominations or voting.
I second that Here Here! Ha
Derrick has thrown several comps. So he doesn’t really suck at them, he just preferred to have someone in his alliance (Cody) look like he was making the decisions.
Because of that we don’t know what kind of comps he’s good at or not. He almost blew the Before/After comp. He said afterwards that he would have lost, except that he heard someone in the audience gasp, so he changed his answer.
“Millions of ‘followers’ ???” REALLY ??? “Fakie” is the MOST delusional and self-inflated HG..EVER ! Not even his pop-singing sister has “millions of followers”…and she’s an actual celebrity..WITH talent !
Even if he did have a million or so followers, I believe that number has recently decreased.
Frankie, Frankie, Frankie….I hate to say this. I do believe that you have bin to close to Celeb for somehow or some reason he has rub himself all over you ( Insert joke here ) Or it could be other way around but I am not going to delve into that. You were an interesting House Guest when you first appeared this season and I thought you were going to make the show something out of this world. Well you have but for all the wrong reasons. Ha!!! If you wanted to stay out of your Half-Sister Shadow then you should have stayed out of it by Keeping your Trap Shut. Calling yourself a Super Fan is some may question but in your puny little Tiny world of yours. You feel that you are the Big Shot well with less the population of your Brain Cells I could believe so. There are moments that you and Yes YOU alone have made Celeb look smart but only for a fraction of the time. I am Greatly glad that you are out of the game an I Strongly Feel that you can’t really Persuade allot of the Jury members thought. Remember you are responsible for many of their demise and They alone don’t hold high regards to you. All in all what ever you do out side the game I hope that you Truly peace in yourself. For I have found peace when seeing you go out the Big Brother Door. An seeing where games goes from here with Cody, Derick, & Victoria. Good Luck to them all and Can’t wait till BBCAN3 Starts and BBUS17 Begins too.
Off Topic but I have a more respect for Cody as a player. I may have bashed him for being a floater and that he stands by Derrick too much (which he still does) but he won the Veto when he really needed to and got the targets out he wanted weeks ago at a good time. Do I think Cody could win? We’ll have to see Derricks speech to be sure but I’m not even certain who Derrick will take to the final 2.
As a fan I agree that Derrick should win this game, but don’t count Cody out of this. He has played a good as game as Derrick and I believe that he is too smart to take Derrick with him to the F2. I believe also that he sees the game better than derrick. He wanted to make big moves at crucial times only to have Derrick stop them, mind you I don’t know if these moves would have benefited them knowing what i know now. Personally I hope that Victoria wins only because this is what is needed for any future hope for BB. It will make the dominant HG think twice before they take a floater to the end. As for Frankie, I too likes him from the start and then and now I despise him and I have Gay friends and love Gary from BBCan. At the start of BB I thought Frankie would bring as much fun to the house as Gary did. I’m still pissed off that Gary got screwed out of first place. Also, like others I will not be watching BBUS anymore unless I hear some good feedback during early episodes next year. Let’s hope BBCan keeps up the good work and does not get caught in the BBUS trap…
If he votes Derrick out, his whole notion of playing a “loyal game” is out the window. Not that it would matter much going against Victoria in F2
I know this is semi-unrelated, but if Frankie wins the AFP award, I will literally lose faith in the authenticity of Big Brother.
America deserves a swift judy chop if he gets it. I know everyone wants Donny to get it, but I’d be happy with Caleb or Zach as well.
Voting for Zach,anyone besides Frankie.
I lost that a long time ago, but still watch, like a science experiment gone wrong………lol
The sad reality is the people in the jury before Frankie got there were much more interesting than anyone left in the house including Frankie and Caleb. We all know Derrick is probably going to win. Please let us just watch the pretty people in the jury house. Much more interesting. Particularly if Frankie and Caleb still think they are so important. This could be fun.
Yes ooboh. Agree 100 percent. I just read on a google interview that Arianna I using Frankies twtter page to get fans to vote for him for AFP. It is not possible for true fans of the show to vote him AFP. I this happens, we know where it will be coming from. A bunch of 13 year old pop fans. Argh
I know Donny has a lot of fans but he did win money from TA. Zach was the reason for so many successful missions and got nothing. I am voting for Zach also
Totally agree,let us spread the money around,only fair…voting for Zach!!
do you think the eviction crown filled with employees was done on purpose? I would love to have seen the real fans show how they feel when he walked out.
Yeah it was filled with CBS paid employees and they hand picked them so none would boo Frankie, but you can throw that out the window after last night and what Caleb knows now of Frankie, jury will be an interesting clip to watch next week and if your hoping for a better response of an audience we’ll have a real live full one come finale where CBS has no control of what to expect and there will be no shield for Frankie that night you can bet on that.
Except for his body guards!! Let’s hope he needs them. Ariana will probably bring him some earplugs; let’s hope they are cheap ones. Please don’t send me posts saying I am advocating violence. I wouldn’t want him hurt badly… just a little black eye that will remind him, for just a few days,of the grief he caused to most of us for many days, wouldn’t bother me in the least. If you want to give me grief for that, you better get on it cause you don’t have long. lol
I have a feeling co-EP Don Wollman will make sure booing won’t occur live.
Fakie’s sister’s manager is the exe producer of the new CBS show Scorpion so they connection is clear. I saw the promos for the show and thought it looked interesting but after finding out about the Fakie connection there is no way I’ll ever watch it.
What? So your not going to watch what looks to be a very interesting show because the producer is the manager of the sister of a guy you don’t like? That is the single most asinine thing I’ve heard in a long time. Not watching this show because of of someone who has absolutely nothing to do with it is silly, and just plain stupid. Really hope you don’t make any other decisions based off people you’ve never met.
I’m not going to watch a show because CBS has a vested interest in Fakie’s sister’s career. They have stock in her record label and one of their shows exe producers is her manager. If they would have come out in the beginning and said this and said you will see a cross promotion for the new show, then it would be different. They didn’t. Instead they gave him favored treatment. Cross promotion is part of the business but be upfront about it don’t mess with the game.
I repeat, WHAT? You watch a show based on if it’s interesting or not, nothing else.
I choose very carefully the new shows I watch because they disappear faster than they showed up. I watch very little of the 3 networks as there are so many choices out there. Scorpion looks interesting but if they are willing to pimp Fakie to get viewers what else would they be willing to do. I’m not going to set aside an hour each week to find out.
It’s the network and the show’s job to make something I’m willing to give an hour a week to watch. And if I don’t trust what they’ll do then they didn’t do their job.
Frankie didn’t even get to watch the screening of that show.
And he threw a diva tantrum about that didn’t he?
Did he? I’d love to see that.
He ranted about Donny and Nic were on the block and HNs so why should Cody take them. He should have been the one Cody picked. The Mean Girl in him just couldn’t be nice for 5 minutes.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Ariana’s contract is with CBS or one of their affilates, thus pushing the name
From what I understand Arianna’s contract is with one of CBS’s affiliates.
LOL… what a joke.. Frankie is so full of crap he’s not even funny… Lord, does he really believe he has millions of followers -LOL He’s an obnoxious egotistical queen…. People all of us queens are NOT like this one here.
I really hope the jury treats him the same way they treated Christine when she arrived,,,with stoney silence and even a few snarky comments!
Donny will be VERY happy to see Frankie, for the same reason he was happy to see Christine :)
Off topic of Frankie but has anyone else noticed Victoria in the show opening? They clearly told everyone to do some kind of movement for the opening credits and everyone manages to do something except V. She just stands there grinning. It’s like she can’t smile and move her body at the same time.
I think that’s her thing. she puts her hands on her hips. Understated? i dont know.
Wow! Just wow Frankie! It must be exhausting to carry that big head of yours around.
Frankie is no more than an annoying little gnat ! If I were his sister I would do everything in my power to distance myself from him … It is not because he is gay.. he uses that excuse like a crutch .. it’s because he is so arrogant there is no space for respect in his world .
I don’t know Frankie is her biggest fan and her housemate.
They tried to get Victoria out in the beginning but she was saved and saved herself, Cody we never saw or heard him talk very much for the first 4 episodes but now he is winning everything at the end.. Wouldn’t it be something if Victoria and Cody were the final two. The $500,000 they dont deserve but Derrick does IMO.
If Victoria and Cody stay at the end. The winner will be Cody.
Victoria won’t win regardless who stays at the end with her and I believe the guys will stay together. What will be best for them is if either of them take Victoria because they will win against her.
I thought it was funny when Julie asked Caleb about if he felt bad about voting Frankie out and Caleb told what he thought! How Frankie had showed his true colors–You could tell Julie did not want him saying anything bad about Frankie! Does Frankie’s family own CBS or something, the way they don’t want anyone talking bad about him? According to these feeds it looks like everyone is disgusted with him!
the thing is, words get twisted, you say one thing and it gets turned into something else. I don’t think Julie wanted any part of that because she doesn’t want to be dragged into it if/when his words were twisted.
Ironic, since CBS portrayal of Caleb in the end was not the best in regard to production not wanting him to be told he would be voted out, but wanted him blindsided. (This info from the live feeds). CBS wanted a blindside they got it in measure.
No. He doesn’t even control his own vote, Derrick does.
Please America, make it our mission to boo Frankie out of the building at the finale.
This guy has an ego the size of an Airbus A380
an airbus ego in a body like a mini-Austin, what a freak
And just watch what happens, most likely Derrick is going to win this game, and Frankie is going to act like it was all him and he convinced the jury to give the votes to him. Ugh, I just know that’s how it’ll go down.
Absolutely not Frankie is not going to control the Jury. I hope they ignore him like they did with Christine, it will be really funny.
Frankie thinks he is more than what he really is and needs to remove that stick up his ***.
LOL @ “millions of followers”.
Here’s how it is: Frankie’s second greatest claim to fame (after being Ariana’s brother) is Youtube. Know what’s important on YouTube? SUBSCRIBERS. He has 300,000. Not a lot in the world of Youtubers… I watch mid-level beauty channels with more sub’s. He is barely on the radar in terms of YouTube. For contrast, Jenna Marbles has 14 million.
He is not famous and he will be forgotten by next spring. Hopefully his sister isn’t far behind him, too.
Oh, and that’s a current figure. Even after three months on BB and his sister having the biggest summer of her life, he is still a D level nobody.
Millions ?? LOL doubt it.
Didn’t know who either Frankie or Ariana were until BB. After seeing Frankie’s over-blown ego, entitled attitude, and narcissistic personality coupled with his sister’s recently reported diva behavior, I will not be a fan! They are so in love with themselves, they don’t need my admiration.
Wasn’t it interesting that Fakie Skankie Frankie Grande wasn’t boo’d like he was supposed to be….that was such a set up by CBS! Also, Frankie threatened his housemates, so if a weirdo Frankie J. Grande fan hurts anyone…..
He was just as hated as Christine throughout the season, if not more due to his inflated sense of self-importance. Seems to me that CBS must have filtered out the boos, because Frankie was one of the most loathed contestants this season.
that wasn’t a “real” audience that night, a last minute audience with CBS employees, probably coached not to boo. With the last minute rescheduling of going a week longer than usual, they couldn’t get the tickets out there…………..I imagine he would have gotten more boos than Christine if it has been a “fans of BB” audience as usual
Oh Frankie and his delusions of grandeur. So glad you have NO shot at the money and will continue to ride your sister’s coat tails.
Omg, Funny how Frankie J. Grande ( the wannabe famous idiot) always mentions his half sister Ariana Grande ( who is newly famous) but Frankie NEVER Mentions his half brother and Ariana ‘ s full brother…you see what an ass Frankie is!
why would anyone think he would be the most “famous” in the jury house? He’ wasn’t famous in the BB house, in the chat rooms, in any discussions, only place he the most famous, most influential, most good looking, best dancer is in his dreams! Pity the poor fool
Yea I see that I didn’t even know there was another brother
I sincerely pray that we will not be subjected to any more of frankie: please take note producers of the amazing race, survivor, etc. He is immature, arrogant, and seems to delight in embodying every negative gay stereotype he can.
…I think the jurors are going to give him a ‘judy chop’ when he gets in the jury house…
Who’s Frankie? Lol
Can I ask ?
Who out of all of us heard the name Ariana before this show it is not like she is a Beyonce’,Katy Perry,Taylor Swift, or even Lady Gaga. I cannot believe the entitlement attitude Frankie has because of his sister so called fame. His family had money he has money and Grandpa more than likely left him a chunk. CBS did not show his exit to a normal audience because they knew he’d get BOO’S. They set up certain comps so he would win…I cannot stand him he disgusted me not because he’s gay, because of his total lack of respect to everyone in that house. I really compare him to the racist problem last year cannot decide which is worst both are despicable and I just expect more from CBS … He had to lay on top of, rub all over, and hug,hug every man in there. There was no personal space for them at all and that shows a total lack of respect. His comment about gang raping Victoria should have gotten him kicked off the show. That is sexually harassment tell
me what all that deserves if it’s not the right to BOO him. I was proud of Celeb and Cody for standing up to him !!!
I think Derrick should win and rightfully so he carried Cody the whole game. If Cody does not realize that shame on him he had a perfect chance to get Frankie out long ago and Chickened out. I am voting for Donnie and very proud to do so.
My family calls him Skankie